New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  WSDA_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for WSDA_WQX

This organization has 653 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Ten Mile Creek - west side of Guide Meridian Rd. - WSDA_WQX-10M-GM (Stream)
- South side road ditch Ten Mile Rd 15 ft. upstream from driveway culvert - WSDA_WQX-10M-RD1 (Stream)
- South side Burk roadside ditch at flow coming from pasture to east. - WSDA_WQX-1951BURK (Stream)
- Main stem Four Mile - east bank - north side of Ten Mile Rd. - WSDA_WQX-4DOWN (Stream)
- Main stem Four Mile - east bank - north side of Ten Mile Rd. - WSDA_WQX-4M1 (Stream)
- North side Ten Mile Rd ditch; flows east into Four Mile Creek - WSDA_WQX-4M3 (Stream)
- North side Ten Mile Rd ditch 10 feet west of 4M3 - WSDA_WQX-4M3W (Stream)
- North side Ten Mile Rd ditch west of creek and first driveway - WSDA_WQX-4M4 (Stream)
- North side Ten Mile Rd ditch at JCT 539 sign - WSDA_WQX-4M5 (Stream)
- Fourmile Creek - west side of Guide Meridian Rd. bridge - WSDA_WQX-4M-GM (Stream)
- Fourmile Creek west side Hannegan Road from south bank - WSDA_WQX-4UP (Stream)
- Lateral immediately south of Jackman bridge - east side of Jackman Rd. - WSDA_WQX-A0.0 (Stream)
- 10 feet north of lateral below Jackman bridge on east side of Jackman Road. - WSDA_WQX-A0.1 (Stream)
- East side of Jackman Road, 20 feet north of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-A0.2 (Stream)
- East side Aldrich Rd. - lateral ditch prior to entering roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-ALD1 (Stream)
- Roadside ditch 15 feet upstream and south of cross lateral - WSDA_WQX-ALD3 (Stream)
- Lateral flowing into Aldrich roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-ALD3L (Stream)
- North side of Allen West Road. Below both culvert from south and ditch from east. - WSDA_WQX-ALW-0 (Stream)
- West side of bridge, Roberts Rd. - WSDA_WQX-AND (Stream)
- South side Arnie roadside ditch just below horse paddocks. - WSDA_WQX-ARN01 (Stream)
- South side Arnie road roadside ditch 10 feet east of cross culvert, flowing to west. - WSDA_WQX-ARNIE01 (Stream)
- East side Assink Ditch south of first farm field culvert - WSDA_WQX-AS1 (Stream)
- Lateral ditch entering Assink ditch upstream of AS1 - WSDA_WQX-AS1L (Stream)
- East side Assink Rd. - at south side Boundary Rd. culvert - WSDA_WQX-AS2 (Stream)
- Below 2nd most north lateral on east side of Assink Rd. - WSDA_WQX-AS2L (Stream)
- West Assink road ditch north of berry field access culvert. - WSDA_WQX-AS2W (Stream)
- West side of Assink road south of second lateral south of border - WSDA_WQX-AS2W-S (Stream)
- Second later south of border on west side of Assink road. Samples from road - WSDA_WQX-AS2W-W (Stream)
- East side Assink Rd. south of lateral ditch, downstream of berries - WSDA_WQX-AS3 (Stream)
- East side of Assink Rd at telephone pole, south of property line. - WSDA_WQX-AS3A (Stream)
- East side of Assink Rd at north end of pine trees approx. 20 ft. south of berry field. - WSDA_WQX-AS3N (Stream)
- 20 feet upstream from lateral ditch in east side Assini road ditch. - WSDA_WQX-AS3-UP (Stream)
- West side Assink Rd. ditch south of culvert north of Fishtrap Cr. - WSDA_WQX-AS4 (Stream)
- East side Assink Rd. bridge in Fishtrap Cr. - WSDA_WQX-AS5 (Stream)
- Assink ditch south of field access culvert downstream of lateral ditch confluence - WSDA_WQX-AS6 (Stream)
- Assink Road, East side of curve, North drainage, above curve. - WSDA_WQX-AS7 (Stream)
- Assink Road, East side of curve, East lateral ditch. - WSDA_WQX-AS8 (Stream)
- From west side of culvert crossing under Assink Rd. - WSDA_WQX-ASW (Stream)
- Entrance to culvert that run to Bertrand creek - WSDA_WQX-AX0 (Stream)
- 1st lateral north of Jackman bridge - east of Jackman Rd. - WSDA_WQX-B0.0 (Stream)
- Bertrand at Rathbone from west side of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-B1 (Stream)
- West lateral at south side of field bridge. - WSDA_WQX-BAD-CP-6W (Stream)
- South side of Badger Rd at culvert. - WSDA_WQX-BADDAK01 (Stream)
- North side of Badger Road, 20 feet east of Weidkamp Rd. - WSDA_WQX-BAD-EW (Stream)
- Bottom of first north-south lateral east of Weidkamp - WSDA_WQX-BAD-EWa0 (Stream)
- Runoff from field 0.05 mi east of Weidkamp - WSDA_WQX-BAD-EWF0.05 (Land)
- Field runoff 0.3 km east of Weidkamp - WSDA_WQX-BAD-EWF0.3 (Land)
- Mouth of swale 10 feet from Fishtrap creek. - WSDA_WQX-BADFTW2 (Stream)
- North side West Badger roadside ditch at jackman road culvert entrance. - WSDA_WQX-BADJACK (Stream)
- Drainage at barbed wire crossing - WSDA_WQX-BARBED (Stream)
- East side Barrett roadside ditch at culvert entrance prior to flow entering Ten Mile Cr. - WSDA_WQX-BARRETT1 (Stream)
- Barrett roadside ditch, east side, 10ft south of northernmost power pole. - WSDA_WQX-BARRETT2 (Stream)
- North side of culvert on Bay Road - WSDA_WQX-BAY3 (Stream)
- Drain from Badger to Bertrand at Berthusen Park just before if goes underground - WSDA_WQX-BBP-A0 (Stream)
- Bertrand Creek at border, north side 0 Avenue. - WSDA_WQX-BE-9.1 (Stream)
- Cave Creek at border. - WSDA_WQX-BECC0.2 (Stream)
- Duffner ditch before confluence and turn at city storm water pond access Rd. - WSDA_WQX-BEDF2.2 (Stream)
- Jackman Rd. bridge - sampled from bank with pole on west side of road - WSDA_WQX-BEJK0.2 (Stream)
- North side Loomis trail from roadway, capturing flow from west - WSDA_WQX-BENF2.0 (Stream)
- East side of Best Road at main ditch crossing. Downstream of land app discharge. - WSDA_WQX-BEST-D-DN (Stream)
- Bertrand Cr. upstream side H Street bridge - WSDA_WQX-BH (Stream)
- North side of Barnhart Rd at culvert West of driveway. - WSDA_WQX-BH-NC (Stream)
- Culvert outfall south side Barnhart Rd - WSDA_WQX-BH-NCS (Stream)
- South side of Barnhart out of ditch running from east before mixing with culvert flow - WSDA_WQX-BH-NCSE (Stream)
- West side of driveway, branch coming from north before mixing with water from west - WSDA_WQX-BH-NCW (Stream)
- North side of Barnhart Rd., east of driveway from culvert. - WSDA_WQX-BH-NEC (Stream)
- Berthusen Park Bridge downstream lower east bank. - WSDA_WQX-BHPB (Stream)
- South side Zero Ave. roadside ditch receiving field runoff - WSDA_WQX-BN0 (Stream)
- Benson Rd ditch south of Zero Ave. east of BN0, east of power pole, - WSDA_WQX-BN0E (Stream)
- Benson Rd. ditch on south side of B.C. Zero Ave. receiving field runoff, west of BN0 - WSDA_WQX-BN0W (Stream)
- Benson Rd. Ditch south of B.C. Zero Ave. - behind concrete block - WSDA_WQX-BN-1 (Stream)
- Benson road ditch approx 25 feet south of lateral ditch. - WSDA_WQX-BN1b (Stream)
- Lateral coming into benson road ditch from west at culvert outfall - WSDA_WQX-BN-1c (Stream)
- Lateral coming in to Benson road from East - WSDA_WQX-BN-1d (Stream)
- Benson Rd. ditch at post - 40ft north of culvert -just above post. - WSDA_WQX-BN-2 (Stream)
- Black corrugated pipe from under road. - WSDA_WQX-BN-2C (Stream)
- East side benson road ditch at power pole - WSDA_WQX-BN-2N (Stream)
- Downstream of culvert & lateral at yellow gas line marker - WSDA_WQX-BN-3 (Stream)
- Lateral flowing into Benson Rd. - WSDA_WQX-BN4 (Stream)
- West side culvert inlet - WSDA_WQX-BN5 (Stream)
- Benson ditch north of lateral and culvert - WSDA_WQX-BN6 (Stream)
- North of lateral ditch culvert under Benson in main Benson Rd. ditch - WSDA_WQX-BN7 (Stream)
- 30ft south of underground pipe coming from east - WSDA_WQX-BNED (Stream)
- 30 ft above confluence - WSDA_WQX-BN-FD1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- 150 above first field ditch entering from north - WSDA_WQX-BN-FD1.5 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- 30 feet above confluence on 2nd field ditch east of Benson - WSDA_WQX-BN-FD2 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Field runoff at point entering roadside ditch east side Benson road. - WSDA_WQX-BN-FR (Stream)
- Southeast corner of Benson and Prairie - WSDA_WQX-BNPR (Stream)
- South side Visser road culvert outfall Benson Rd ditch. - WSDA_WQX-BNVISS (Stream)
- Duffner ditch ten feet downstream from city storm water conveyance pipe - WSDA_WQX-BOUMAUP (Stream)
- South side of Bow Cemetery Rd. - WSDA_WQX-BOW-1 (Stream)
- E side of Bender Rd, from culvert north of Pangborn. - WSDA_WQX-BR-1 (Stream)
- East side of Bender Rd, north side of culvert crossing. - WSDA_WQX-BR2 (Stream)
- S of 9216 - WSDA_WQX-BR2-1 (Stream)
- East side of Bender Rd, at southwest corner of field. - WSDA_WQX-BR2A (Stream)
- East side of Bender Rd at gas line crossing. - WSDA_WQX-BR3 (Stream)
- S of 9108, N of 9088 - WSDA_WQX-BR3-1 (Stream)
- East side of Bender Rd, south side of culvert at paved driveway. - WSDA_WQX-BR3A (Stream)
- East side of Bender 20 ft. south of fence line. 6 ft. south of culvert crossing - WSDA_WQX-BR4 (Stream)
- East side of Badger, below white fence post. - WSDA_WQX-BR4-1 (Stream)
- Bender ditch at white reflector - WSDA_WQX-BR4-2 (Stream)
- East side of Bender Rd, from north side of culvert. - WSDA_WQX-BR4A (Stream)
- South side of driveway culvert on east side of Bender, 15 feet south of lateral. - WSDA_WQX-BR-A (Stream)
- Brown Slough on north side of Fir Island Rd - WSDA_WQX-BROWNFIR (Stream)
- East side of Bruce Rd. ditch, north of California Creek. - WSDA_WQX-BRUCE1 (Stream)
- Culvert outflow south of farm field access road. - WSDA_WQX-BRUCE1A (Stream)
- Bruce roadside ditch north of California Creek at north side of field access driveway. - WSDA_WQX-BRUCE1UP (Stream)
- West side Bruce Rd. ditch - south of California creek - WSDA_WQX-BRUCE2 (Stream)
- East side Bruce Road ditch upstream of field flow - WSDA_WQX-BRUCE2UP (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- West side of Bender, at culvert. - WSDA_WQX-BR-W1 (Stream)
- West side of Bender, below flood gate, before culvert opening. - WSDA_WQX-BR-W2 (Stream)
- Benson Road storm drain pipe from the south. - WSDA_WQX-BSD (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- East side of Berthusen Rd. at culvert opening - 0.65mi south of Badger Rd. - WSDA_WQX-BSN-1 (Stream)
- Bulson Creek at Bulson Rd, from west side of road - WSDA_WQX-BUL-1 (Stream)
- South side Burk rd. culvert entrance east of f Sunrise Rd. - WSDA_WQX-BURKESUN (Stream)
- North flowing ditch along property line just south of ditch split to west - WSDA_WQX-BWBR-SLAT (Stream)
- California creek east side Valley View bridge - WSDA_WQX-C3 (Stream)
- Northeast side valley view ditch at entrance into California creek. - WSDA_WQX-C3VVNE (Stream)
- Brown Malloy at west side Malloy in culvert entrance - WSDA_WQX-CA14 (Stream)
- West side Church Road at culvert entrance - WSDA_WQX-CA14a (Stream)
- North side Aldergrove roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-CA14AA (Stream)
- North side of Aldergrove west 25 feet from CA14AA in north side of ditch. - WSDA_WQX-CA14AAW (Stream)
- South side of Aldergrove roadside ditch at culvert - WSDA_WQX-CA14ab (Stream)
- North side Aldergrove roadside ditch west of residences from CA14AA - WSDA_WQX-CA14AC (Stream)
- Drain entering ditch from south - WSDA_WQX-CA14AD (Stream)
- South side Aldergrove west of CA14AB at concrete driveway outfall - WSDA_WQX-CA14AE (Stream)
- Field access driveway drain pipe outfall - WSDA_WQX-CA14AF (Stream)
- White field tile outfall adjacent to driveway drain - WSDA_WQX-CA14AFT (Stream)
- White pipe outfall into south side Aldergrove Road ditch. - WSDA_WQX-CA14AGPIPE (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Driveway culvert outfall at 2723 Aldergrove, south side of road - WSDA_WQX-CA14AH (Stream)
- South side Aldergrove Road at survey marker west of white drain pipe - WSDA_WQX-CA14AI (Stream)
- Property boundary. Tall maple south bank. - WSDA_WQX-CA14aUP (Stream)
- South (upstream) side Brown Rd. box culvert west of RR tracks - WSDA_WQX-CA14C (Stream)
- Culvert entrance under Portal Way - WSDA_WQX-CA15 (Stream)
- East side I5 at culvert inflow - WSDA_WQX-CA15I5UP (Stream)
- West side of Ham Rd at culvert entrance approx 1000 ft north of railroad track - WSDA_WQX-CA3aUP (Stream)
- Ditch east side valley view prior to confluence with roadside ditch, 1 foot west of fence - WSDA_WQX-CA4 (Stream)
- Outlet of field drain into roadside ditch, east side valley view - WSDA_WQX-CA4S (Stream)
- California Creek from South side of Arnie Road bridge - WSDA_WQX-CA5.0 (Stream)
- Wiley's Rd ditch at box culvert entrance on Arnie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-CA6 (Stream)
- West side Bruce Road bridge on California Creek - WSDA_WQX-CA6.2 (Stream)
- California Creek upstream side of Bruce Rd. bridge - upstream of roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-CA6.3 (Stream)
- East side Zell Rd in ditch at culvert entrance - WSDA_WQX-CA6c (Stream)
- Wiley's drain downstream side farm road culvert, 2670. - WSDA_WQX-CA6d (Stream)
- North side Wiley s lake road west of confluence of north ditch and drain from south of road. - WSDA_WQX-CA6e (Stream)
- North flowing ditch on north side Wiley s Lake Rd 12 feet east of confluence. Updated 8/2021 to the culvert outfall. - WSDA_WQX-CA6f (Stream)
- Culvert entrance west side Vista road - WSDA_WQX-CA9b (Stream)
- North site Birch Bay Lynden Road at culvert outfall. - WSDA_WQX-CAL3.1 (Stream)
- California creek north side Fox road culvert outfall - WSDA_WQX-CAL7.5 (Stream)
- Sampled from east side of Cedardale Rd - WSDA_WQX-CDR-1 (Stream)
- South side Central roadside ditch approximately 100 feet east of culvert crossing. - WSDA_WQX-CENT01 (Stream)
- South side Central road approximately six feet from roadway in main channel. - WSDA_WQX-CENT02 (Stream)
- West side culvert outfall - WSDA_WQX-CHASTEEN01 (Stream)
- West side Church Road in swale prior to culvert - WSDA_WQX-CHURCH1UP (Stream)
- Waterway originating at dairy tiles upstream of roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-CHURCH2 (Stream)
- Roadside ditch south of culvert at first wood post - WSDA_WQX-CHURCH3 (Stream)
- Joe Leary Slough - 15ft upstream of Gear Rd. ditch confluence - WSDA_WQX-CK-0.0 (Stream)
- West side of highway at Colony Rd. - WSDA_WQX-COLY-1 (Stream)
- Cook slough upstream of Pioneer highway bridge - WSDA_WQX-Cook-0.5 (Stream)
- Box culvert for underground pipe along dahlsted road. - WSDA_WQX-COOK-BOX (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Lateral ditch coming from Cook Rd. to the south - WSDA_WQX-COOK-LAT (Stream)
- Inside culvert below ditch, downstream COOK-LAT - WSDA_WQX-COOK-LAT-DN (Stream)
- West side Woodlyn Rd in Cougar creek - WSDA_WQX-COU2 (Stream)
- South side Dahlsted Rd. - east of angled ditch confluence - 80ft west of field access - WSDA_WQX-CROP-1 (Stream)
- East side of Chasteen at field runoff. - WSDA_WQX-CT-1 (Stream)
- East side of Chasteen, upstream from field flow. - WSDA_WQX-CT-2 (Stream)
- East side of Double Ditch Rd. - upstream of dairy. Previously DD4 - WSDA_WQX-DA-DD4 (Stream)
- Double Ditch west side at post marking property boundary - WSDA_WQX-DA-DD9 (Stream)
- Flynn/Schuleyman Road at culvert flowing to city stormwater facility - WSDA_WQX-DA-DF-2 (Stream)
- End of Dahlsted Rd. near freeway - north side of road - 20 feet upstream of northward turn - WSDA_WQX-DAL-FREE (Stream)
- Double Ditch @ E. Main (West Side) - WSDA_WQX-DD1 (Stream)
- Double Ditch Rd. - southwest corner of intersection - WSDA_WQX-DD11 (Stream)
- 20 feet downstream from bridge to 8447 double ditch - WSDA_WQX-DD1.1 (Stream)
- Double Ditch Rd. - southeast corner of intersection - WSDA_WQX-DD12 (DDE7) (Stream)
- Double Ditch @ E. Main (East Side) - WSDA_WQX-DD2 (Stream)
- Double Ditch Rd. - southwest corner of intersection - WSDA_WQX-DD3 (Stream)
- East side of Double Ditch Rd. - upstream of dairy - WSDA_WQX-DD4 (Stream)
- From culvert on west side of Double Ditch Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DD5 (Stream)
- 10 ft. east of DD5. - WSDA_WQX-DD5W (Stream)
- From culvert on east side of Double Ditch Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DD6 (Stream)
- East side of Double Ditch Rd. - north of Pine Rd - WSDA_WQX-DDE (Stream)
- Parallel to north side of pond on east side of DOuble Ditch Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DD-E1.67 (Stream)
- East Double Ditch, 1.79 north of Badger. North of driveway. - WSDA_WQX-DD-E1.79 (Stream)
- 20 feet below lateral on east side of Double Ditch, north or Prairie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DD-E1.85 (Stream)
- From N side of culvert, 0.3 miles N of DDE - WSDA_WQX-DDE3 (Stream)
- East side Double Ditch Rd 0.37 miles north of Badger. - WSDA_WQX-DD-E.37 (Stream)
- 0.5 mi North of DDE, 15 ft. below residential property. - WSDA_WQX-DDE4 (Stream)
- N side of culvert at blueberry field. - WSDA_WQX-DDE6 (Stream)
- East side of Double Ditch, 0.97 miles North of Badger. - WSDA_WQX-DD-E.97 (Stream)
- East side double ditch north of Badger and upstream of overflow culverts - WSDA_WQX-DDE_BADGER (Stream)
- Double Ditch East on south side of Prairie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DD-EP (Stream)
- Double Ditch East on south side of Prairie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DDEPrairie (Stream)
- West side of Double Ditch at sign north of Badger. - WSDA_WQX-DD-NB (Stream)
- East side or Double Ditch, parallel with street sign across the street. - WSDA_WQX-DD-NBE (Stream)
- North of Prairie on E Double Ditch, at sign post. - WSDA_WQX-DD-NP (Stream)
- West side of Double Ditch Rd. - north of Pine Rd - WSDA_WQX-DDW (Stream)
- West side of Double Ditch 0.37 miles north of Badger. - WSDA_WQX-DD-W.37 (Stream)
- Across from E-W running ditch that joins east ditch. Below swale on west side. - WSDA_WQX-DDW5 (Stream)
- Across from driveway into berry field - WSDA_WQX-DDW6 (Stream)
- West side of Double Ditch, 0.97 miles North of Badger. - WSDA_WQX-DD-W.97 (Stream)
- West side double ditch north of Badger and upstream of overflow culverts - WSDA_WQX-DDW_BADGER (Stream)
- Double Ditch west on south side of Prairie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DD-WP (Stream)
- Double Ditch west on south side of Prairie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DDWPrairie (Stream)
- West side Double Ditch north of facility, south of northern pasture - WSDA_WQX-DD-Z1 (Stream)
- North fork Deer Cr flowing north downstream side of dairy. - WSDA_WQX-DEER-JJDOWN (Stream)
- Fence line on south fork deer creek upstream of dairy. - WSDA_WQX-DEER-JJUP (Stream)
- North side B.C.'s Zero Ave at culvert entrance; beginning of Depot Rd. ditch. - WSDA_WQX-DEP0 (Stream)
- South side Visser Rd. West side Depot Rd. south of culvert - WSDA_WQX-DEP1 (Stream)
- Depot and Prairie Rd. From culvert on west side of Depot Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DEP2 (Stream)
- 20ft south of gasoline sign, east side of Depot Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DEP-3 (Stream)
- East side of Depot Rd, telephone pole below farmstead, north of DEP-3. - WSDA_WQX-DEP-TPE (Stream)
- East side Duffner bridge on BayLyn Dr. - WSDA_WQX-DF-1 (Stream)
- West side Bay Lyn road at culvert outfall Duffner Ditch. - WSDA_WQX-DF1W (Stream)
- Duffner ditch before confluence and turn at city storm water pond access Rd. - WSDA_WQX-DF-3 (Stream)
- Duffner at culvert inflow under Guide, east side road. - WSDA_WQX-DF3A (Stream)
- East side Guide south side badger at Duffner culvert outfall. - WSDA_WQX-DFBAD (Stream)
- Duffner Ditch south side Badger road 25 feet east from cottonwood tree at southward turn from road. - WSDA_WQX-DFBADW (Stream)
- Inside basin where several tile drains enter. Likely outflow to Dahlsted Rd - WSDA_WQX-DL-TLE-01 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- South side of Valley Road at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-DODVAL-01 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- West side of road at culvert - WSDA_WQX-DODVAL-03 (Stream)
- Dry slough on north side of Moore road - WSDA_WQX-DRYMOR (Stream)
- East of Double Ditch, north side of Prairie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-EDPN (Stream)
- East of Double Ditch Rd, on north side of Prairie Rd. Upstream, of bare corn ground. - WSDA_WQX-EDPN-1 (Stream)
- Edison slough at Worline Road crossing. Samples at upstream side. - WSDA_WQX-EDS-WOR (Stream)
- East Highway 11 Large Culvert - WSDA_WQX-EHW11 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Outflow of cross-culvert on north side of Laurel Rd. - WSDA_WQX-ELAUREL1158 (Stream)
- Flow entering drain from adjoining pasture - WSDA_WQX-Eld.SID2 (Stream)
- Flow at NW corner of pasture, flowing toward west, 2 feet from post - WSDA_WQX-Eld.SID3 (Stream)
- West side HWY 11 at Estes Rd. culvert - WSDA_WQX-EST-1 (Stream)
- Estes Rd. ditch at middle telephone pole - west of SAM-8 - WSDA_WQX-EST-2 (Stream)
- Estes Rd. ditch 50ft east of SAM-8 - WSDA_WQX-EST-3 (Stream)
- Lateral from south side of Estes road - WSDA_WQX-ESTB-0 (Stream)
- From north side of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-F1 (Stream)
- East side of Meridian bridge over Fishtrap. - WSDA_WQX-F2a (Stream)
- East side of Guide at fenced culvert. - WSDA_WQX-F2GM (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- East side of Guide at fenced culvert. - WSDA_WQX-F2GMD (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Fishtrap Creek at East Main. - WSDA_WQX-F3 (Stream)
- Bridge at Kok Rd bridge, upstream side. - WSDA_WQX-F4b (Stream)
- Fishtrap Creek at 17th st bridge - WSDA_WQX-F4d (Stream)
- Upstream from bridge by metal stake. Previously F5-UP, F4 - WSDA_WQX-F5-Up (Stream)
- Bender Rd. and Fishtrap - under foot bridge and upstream of bender road culvert outfall - WSDA_WQX-F6-MAIN (Stream)
- Swale culvert outflow south side Badger road west of Fishtrap Ceek. - WSDA_WQX-F7b (Stream)
- South side Hemmi roadside ditch west of wooden field post, downstream of tile drain outfall. - WSDA_WQX-FAZON1 (Stream)
- South side Hemmi roadside ditch west and upstream of drain outfall - WSDA_WQX-FAZON2 (Stream)
- Drain tile outfall flowing north into Hemmi roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-FAZON3 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Surface flow in field 100 feet west of tile inlet - WSDA_WQX-FBR-FLD-2 (Land)
- Field tile inlet - WSDA_WQX-FBR-FLD-3 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- West flowing ditch at confluence - WSDA_WQX-FBR-FLD-4 (Stream)
- Ditch on north side of Badger Road, west of drive way culvert, south of field drainage. - WSDA_WQX-FBWK (Stream)
- Downstream of field ditch confluence - WSDA_WQX-FJ (Stream)
- Along buried pipeline about 10 feet west of chainlink fence. - WSDA_WQX-FL1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- 15 feet west of fence line in main flow. - WSDA_WQX-FL2 (Land)
- At point of field runoff - WSDA_WQX-FLD-RN-1 (Land)
- Lateral ditch originating near Guide Meridian, east side of Flynn Rd. - WSDA_WQX-FLYNN1 (Stream)
- Fishtrap Cr. from east side of Flynn Rd. Bridge - WSDA_WQX-FLYNN2 (Stream)
- East side of Flynn. North south flowing ditch on north side of field driveway - WSDA_WQX-FLYNN-E-0 (Stream)
- East side of Best Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-FM-2 (Stream)
- From east side of road at culvert - WSDA_WQX-FM-4 (Stream)
- From north side of bridge - WSDA_WQX-FM-5 (Stream)
- Roadside drain outfall upstream from Four Mile Creek, east side of Guide Meridian - WSDA_WQX-FM-GM1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Fourmile Creek west side Hannegan Road from south bank - WSDA_WQX-FM-HAN (Stream)
- North side Kelleher Road at 21109 property address. - WSDA_WQX-FS-UP1 (Stream)
- South side Badger Road east side Benson at culvert outflow. - WSDA_WQX-FT1 (Stream)
- South side Visser Rd. West side Depot Rd. south of culvert - WSDA_WQX-FT10 (Stream)
- Pangborn roadside ditch south side culvert under road mid-field - WSDA_WQX-FT11 (Stream)
- Culvert outfall east side Benson Road. - WSDA_WQX-FT1a (Stream)
- Ditch on east side of Benson Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-FT1old (Stream)
- East side of Depot Rd. at culvert entrance - WSDA_WQX-FT2 (Stream)
- West side of Depot at culvert north of driveway. - WSDA_WQX-FT2W (Stream)
- East side of Bender Rd. at culvert entrance - WSDA_WQX-FT3 (Stream)
- Downstream side of bridge - WSDA_WQX-FT4 (Stream)
- Culvert outfall south side Pangborn east side Dpot Road. - WSDA_WQX-FT5 (Stream)
- Upstream of first lateral east of Depot entering Pangborn ditch - WSDA_WQX-FT5-E1 (Stream)
- Upstream of second lateral east of Depot entering Pangborn ditch - WSDA_WQX-FT5-E2 (Stream)
- NE corner of depot and Pangborn, north of confluence just south of driveway into field - WSDA_WQX-FT-5N (Stream)
- Fishtrap at Northwood Rd. - east side - WSDA_WQX-FT8 (Stream)
- East side Assink Rd. - at south side Boundary Rd. culvert - WSDA_WQX-FT9 (Stream)
- Assink Road at culvert of ditch, 250 ft N. of bridge over Fishtrap Creek - WSDA_WQX-FTAC (Stream)
- From south side of creek, 100 ft upstream of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-FTCB (Stream)
- Fishtrap near border, at lateral field ditch. - WSDA_WQX-FTCBLD (Stream)
- Fishtrap bridge at field crossing. - WSDA_WQX-FTZB (Stream)
- Upstream of dairy driveway - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-1 (Stream)
- White drain tile coming from northeast - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-10 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Black drain tile coming from the northeast - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-10.5 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Upstream of drain tiles - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-11 (Stream)
- At green pipe opening - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-12 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- White drain tile from north side of ditch - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-2 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Field runoff via swale - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-2.5-PT (Stream)
- Upstream of driveway culvert. - WSDA_WQX-Gear-2.6 (Land)
- Gear Rd. ditch - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-3 (Stream)
- Gear Rd. ditch across from telephone pole. - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-4 (Stream)
- Gear Rd. ditch - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-5 (Stream)
- From angled clay drain tile - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-6 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Downstream, south of field access culvert - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-6TB (Stream)
- Upstream, north of field access - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-6TC (Stream)
- At the upstream end of the ditch, near the high point. - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-6TE (Stream)
- 50 feet downstream of the confluence of west flowing ditch and main ditch - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-6TF (Stream)
- From west side of culvert - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-7 (Stream)
- East of field access on Gear Rd. - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-7.5 (Stream)
- Gear Rd. ditch - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-8 (Stream)
- Downstream of tiles - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-9 (Stream)
- Clay tile from under road on south side - WSDA_WQX-GEAR-9.5 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Right (south) arm of field run off - WSDA_WQX-Gear-PT-C (Land)
- Upper east end of southern arm. - WSDA_WQX-Gear-PT-D (Land)
- Drive way over culvert, downstream side. - WSDA_WQX-GFD (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Flow from field east side Guide Meridian Rd. - WSDA_WQX-GM3 (Land)
- West side of Guide Meridian Rd. at lower culvert - drains to lateral from British Columbia - WSDA_WQX-GM-DN (Stream)
- End of lateral that runs toward Feddema dairy - WSDA_WQX-GM-FED0 (Stream)
- East side Guide roadside ditch 5 feet north of lateral - WSDA_WQX-GM-FEDN (Stream)
- End of lateral that runs toward Rozelyn Dairy - WSDA_WQX-GM-ROZ0 (Stream)
- North end of dairy about 30 feet below edge of berry field - WSDA_WQX-GMW-1 (Stream)
- West side of Guide Meridian from south side of youth center driveway - WSDA_WQX-GMW-2 (Stream)
- West side of Gardner Road, at outlet of black field drain tile. - WSDA_WQX-GPFD (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Gear Rd 5ft upstream of Joe Leary confluence at concrete storm pipe outfall - WSDA_WQX-GR-0.0 (Stream)
- Inside box culvert in main Gear Rd. ditch - WSDA_WQX-GR-0.07 (Stream)
- Drain pipe under dead end portion of Gear Rd east of RR tracks - WSDA_WQX-GR-0.07LAT (Facility)
- In gear road culvert outfall upstream of lateral drain - WSDA_WQX-GR-0.07UP (Stream)
- South side Grandview road west of WRS. - WSDA_WQX-GRAND4 (Stream)
- West lateral ditch coming from Pioneer Hwy - WSDA_WQX-GREY-LEFT (Stream)
- East lateral ditch coming from Pioneer HWY - 0.53mi east of STIL-6 - WSDA_WQX-GREY-TRIB (Stream)
- Green plastic pipe coming in diagonally on SW corner of driveway - WSDA_WQX-GR-P1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Samples in field swale where more turbid water was flowing toward Gear Road ditch. - WSDA_WQX-GR-PT-A (Land)
- Left (west) arm of field run off. - WSDA_WQX-GR-PT-B (Land)
- Green tile coming in from east - WSDA_WQX-GR-TGR (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Main ditch flow into culvert - WSDA_WQX-GR-TMAIN (Stream)
- Gardner Road, black corrugated culvert. - WSDA_WQX-GTC (Land)
- At confluence of field ditches, upstream of culvert on south side of H street near telephone pole with 1385 sign. - WSDA_WQX-H1385 (Stream)
- East side Ham Rd at culvert inflow. - WSDA_WQX-HAM01 (Stream)
- Hill Ditch on West side of Cedardale Rd Bridge - WSDA_WQX-HD-1 (Stream)
- Hill Ditch from south side of Route 534 bridge - WSDA_WQX-HD-2 (Stream)
- Hill Ditch from south side of E Johnson Rd - WSDA_WQX-HD-3 (Stream)
- South side Hemmi Road 25 feet west of north flowing lateral - WSDA_WQX-HEMMI01 (Stream)
- South side Hemmi Roadside ditch in westerly flow at corner fence post. - WSDA_WQX-HEMMI02 (Stream)
- North side Hemmi Roadside ditch in easterly flow at mailboxes by driveway. - WSDA_WQX-HEMMI03 (Stream)
- South side Hemmi Road 10 feet east of south flowing lateral. Ditch flows to east. - WSDA_WQX-HEMMI04 (Stream)
- South side of Hemmi Rd., roadside ditch from the east, draining to Silver Springs. - WSDA_WQX-HEMMISPT (Land)
- Culvert from under Markworth Rd, opening on south side of H Street. - WSDA_WQX-HME (Stream)
- From culvert from under H st. opening on the south side of H St and east of Markworth. - WSDA_WQX-HME.1 (Stream)
- Northwest corner of H and Markworth intersection. - WSDA_WQX-HMNW (Stream)
- West side Holz Rd. in Elder Cr. - WSDA_WQX-HOLZ1 (Stream)
- Culvert outfall northeast corner - WSDA_WQX-HOLZ2 (Stream)
- West side of Hwy 11 - south of Sunset Rd - roadside ditch flowing northwest - WSDA_WQX-HWY11-A (Stream)
- West side of Hwy 11 - south side of Sunset Rd. - Sunset Rd. ditch flowing west - WSDA_WQX-HWY11_B (Stream)
- Downstream of confluence - south side of Sunset Rd. - WSDA_WQX-HWY11_C (Stream)
- Jackman Rd. bridge - sampled from bank with pole on west side of road - WSDA_WQX-JD-0.2 (Stream)
- 0.05 mi north of bridge - north of lateral - east of Jackman Rd - WSDA_WQX-JD-0.25 (Stream)
- Below east lateral at field line, 0.4 miles upstream from bridge. - WSDA_WQX-JD-0.3 (Stream)
- East side of Jackman from lateral at gas pipeline. - WSDA_WQX-JD-0.47 (Stream)
- 0.6mi upstream of bertrand cr - upstream of lateral ditch - WSDA_WQX-JD-0.6 (Stream)
- Below lateral - east side of Jackman Rd. - WSDA_WQX-JD-1.0 (Stream)
- North of driveway at southern end of fields on east side of Jackman. - WSDA_WQX-JD-1.1 (Stream)
- South side of H St. - Jackman Rd. ditch at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-JD-1.45 (Stream)
- 30ft north of H St. on the east side of Jackman Rd. - WSDA_WQX-JD-1.5 (Stream)
- Lateral flowing east under Jackman Rd at culvert outfall east side. - WSDA_WQX-JD-1.61L (Stream)
- 30ft south of lateral ditch coming from between lagoons -0 east of Jackman Rd. - WSDA_WQX-JD-1.73 (Stream)
- Jackman Rd. ditch at border - south side of Zero Ave. - accessed from private property on US side - WSDA_WQX-JD-2.0 (Stream)
- North side of Zero Ave. at culvert opening - upstream of JD-2.0 - WSDA_WQX-JD-B (Stream)
- Culvert inflow north side Zero Avenue - WSDA_WQX-JD-C (Stream)
- 30ft east of Jackman Rd. on the north side of H Street - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.0 (Stream)
- 1st lateral into H St. ditch east of Jackman Rd. - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.23L (Stream)
- 0.34mi east of Jackman Rd. ditch along north side H St. - 30ft upstream of 2nd lateral - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.34 (Stream)
- 30ft north of H St. at lateral ditch south of BC mushroom farm - sampled from west bank of ditch - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.5 (Stream)
- Above lateral ditch entering from the east - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.5A (Stream)
- 50ft south of third lateral along ditch from British Columbia - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.7 (Stream)
- Lateral to N-S ditch - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.75 (Stream)
- 0.8mi from H St. - 30ft north of lateral ditch - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.8 (Stream)
- 30ft below lateral - sampled from west bank - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.84 (Stream)
- 50 ft down stream of lateral. - WSDA_WQX-JD-F0.9 (Stream)
- Ditch at border, sampled near culvert outlet under Zero Ave. - WSDA_WQX-JD-F1.1 (Stream)
- Storm drain inlet west side 264th north of 0 Ave. - WSDA_WQX-JDF-CA-1 (Stream)
- H Street ditch just east of confluence of JD-F0.5. - WSDA_WQX-JD-H1 (Stream)
- North side of H Street, southeast corner of field - WSDA_WQX-JD-H2 (Stream)
- From culvert on north side of H Street, west of driveway. - WSDA_WQX-JD-H3 (Stream)
- West side of Jackman Rd. - taken from ditch flowing down from British Columbia - WSDA_WQX-JD-HLAT (Stream)
- H St. ditch 30ft downstream of 2nd lateral - at telephone pole - WSDA_WQX-JDSI-1 (Stream)
- 0.73mi upstream of mainstem - upstream of lateral ditch - below driveway - WSDA_WQX-JDSI-3 (Stream)
- Above lateral ditch coming from lagoon area - WSDA_WQX-JDSI-4 (Stream)
- Jackman Ditch, west side of road from black drain tile. - WSDA_WQX-JD-WBDT (Land)
- Jackman Ditch west side of road from green pipe. - WSDA_WQX-JD-WGP (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Joe Leary Slough on upstream side of Chuckanut Drive bridge - WSDA_WQX-JL-CH (Stream)
- Dahlsted Rd. at Joe Leary Slough - before southward bend - WSDA_WQX-JLR-1 (Stream)
- Cook Rd. south side at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-JLR-2 (Stream)
- Joe Leary Slough - sampled from west bank of ditch - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3 (Stream)
- 100 feet downstream of low spot/ swale in south field - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3a (Stream)
- 100 feet upstream of low spot/ swale in south field - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3b (Stream)
- 200 feet downstream of tile discharge from fields to the east - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3c (Stream)
- 100 feet upstream of tile discharge from fields to the east - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3e (Stream)
- 150 downstream of tile outlet from east fields - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3f (Stream)
- East side of access road at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-JLR-3LA (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Headwaters JLS at field access. Private property with permission. - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-01 (Stream)
- Field runoff on downstream east side of bend in ditch - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-01.2 (Land)
- Swale field runoff - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-01.5 (Land)
- 30 feet upstream of field runoff - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-02 (Stream)
- Field ditch before it joins main ditch - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-03.5 (Land)
- At bend in ditch, downstream lagoon - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-04 (Stream)
- Main flow at tile outlet - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-05 (Stream)
- V ditch coming from SE - WSDA_WQX-JLR-DB-4.5 (Land)
- South side of Johnson at Burkland Rd, below confluence - WSDA_WQX-JR-1 (Stream)
- Below Hampton bridge, main stem. - WSDA_WQX-K1 (Stream)
- Sampled from NW corner of field above lateral from south - WSDA_WQX-K1.5 (Stream)
- West side of Northwood Rd. at Kamm Creek bridge - WSDA_WQX-K2 (Stream)
- North side Kamm road at culvert inflow - WSDA_WQX-K3 (Stream)
- North side Timon Rd. at culvert opening - 0.4mi east of Stickney Is. Rd. - WSDA_WQX-KA-1 (Stream)
- South side Timon Rd. ditch - 30ft west of confluence - WSDA_WQX-KA-10 (Stream)
- At tile drain - WSDA_WQX-KA-11 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mormon Ditch approximately 20 feet upstream of culvert crossing. - WSDA_WQX-KA-12 (Stream)
- South of Hampton south of and upstream approximately ten feet of two tile outfalls. - WSDA_WQX-KA-13 (Stream)
- First lateral ditch south of Hampton road approx 5 feet upstream of confluence. - WSDA_WQX-KA-14 (Stream)
- Upstream 15 feet from 8u tile draining field east of waterway. - WSDA_WQX-KA-15 (Stream)
- Ten feet south and upstream from tile outfall in east bank. - WSDA_WQX-KA-16 (Stream)
- Fifteen feet south and upstream from white PVC drain outfall. - WSDA_WQX-KA-17 (Stream)
- Ten feet upstream and south of tile outfall from west Bank - WSDA_WQX-KA-19 (Stream)
- South side Timon Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-KA-2 (Stream)
- North flowing culvert outfall approx 1 foot inside pipe. - WSDA_WQX-KA-20 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Five feet upstream from tile drain outfall in west flowing ditch. - WSDA_WQX-KA-21 (Stream)
- North side Timon Rd. at driveway - east in KA-3b reach - WSDA_WQX-KA-2.5 (Stream)
- East side of Slotemaker Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-KA-3 (Stream)
- Small north branch tributary at mouth. - WSDA_WQX-KA-3AN (Stream)
- South branch - WSDA_WQX-KA-3AS (Stream)
- Ditch immediately south of KA-3 - sampled on east side - WSDA_WQX-KA-3B (Stream)
- West side of Slotemaker Rd culvert across from KA-3B. - WSDA_WQX-KA-3BW (Stream)
- South side of Hampton Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-KA-4 (Stream)
- North side of Hampton Rd. at culvert - WSDA_WQX-KA-5 (Stream)
- North side of Timon Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-KA-6 (Stream)
- West side of Northwood Rd. at Kamm Creek bridge - WSDA_WQX-KA-8 (Stream)
- North side Hampton Rd. - 240ft east of Slotemaker Rd. - WSDA_WQX-KA-H1 (Stream)
- South side Hampton Rd. - east of farm field driveway - WSDA_WQX-KA-H2 (Stream)
- East side of Northwood Rd. - upstream of Mormon ditch concfluence - at discharge - WSDA_WQX-KASI-1 (Stream)
- North side Kamm Rd. - at Kamm Creek east culvert - WSDA_WQX-KASI-2 (Stream)
- At corner on Kamm Rd - 0.25mi east of KASI-2 -south side ditch - WSDA_WQX-KASI-2_0.25 (Stream)
- South side of Kamm Rd. Lateral from east at culvert. - WSDA_WQX-KASI-2.A (Stream)
- East side of Stickney Is. Rd. - 0.12 miles south of Timon Rd. - WSDA_WQX-KASI-4 (Stream)
- South side Badger road ditch at property boundary - WSDA_WQX-KASI-7 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- North side of Kelleher Rd. at opening of culvert - 500ft east of Thomas Creek - WSDA_WQX-KEL-1 (Stream)
- North side of Kelleher Rd - roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-KEL-1A (Stream)
- Field ditch coming from south of Kelleher Rd. - WSDA_WQX-KEL-1B (Stream)
- North side of Kelleher Rd. at field access west of District Line Rd. - WSDA_WQX-KEL-MID (Stream)
- District line road south of Kelleher at driveway culvert - WSDA_WQX-KEL-MID-1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- North side of Kelleher road at District Line Road sign - WSDA_WQX-KEL-MID-2 (Stream)
- Culvert at top of ditch. - WSDA_WQX-KOK-1 (Stream)
- North side Laurel Road in Silver Springs Creek. - WSDA_WQX-LAUREL02 (Stream)
- North side Laurel Roadside ditch east of driveway culverts. - WSDA_WQX-LAUREL03 (Stream)
- Upstream Guide Meridian Rd. bridge - WSDA_WQX-LLPL1 (Stream)
- LLPL ditch west side guide downstream from culvert outfall where ditch turns east. - WSDA_WQX-LLPLWG (Stream)
- Field runoff into Loomis Trail Roadside ditch north side prior to ditch. - WSDA_WQX-LT-1c (Stream)
- West side field access driveway on north side Loomis Trail Road. - WSDA_WQX-LT-1cUP (Stream)
- South side Loomis Trail Road at box culvert outflow. - WSDA_WQX-LT22 (Stream)
- Marine drive bridge at center span. - WSDA_WQX-M1 (Stream)
- Upstream side hannegan road bridge, Nooksack river - WSDA_WQX-M4 (Stream)
- Nooksack River Everson Bridge under North side - WSDA_WQX-M5 (Stream)
- North side of Mann Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-MANN-1 (Stream)
- Downstream of pond drains - at culvert opening on north side of Barnhart Rd. - WSDA_WQX-MC0.0 (Stream)
- Field runoff into McClellan - WSDA_WQX-MC2.25 (Land)
- West side Weidkamp Road at culvert outflow. - WSDA_WQX-MCWEID (Stream)
- West side of Northwood Rd. at Mormon ditch. - WSDA_WQX-MD (Stream)
- West side of Northwood Rd. at Mormon ditch. - WSDA_WQX-MD1 (Stream)
- Morman Ditch north side of Hampton Road. West of lateral ditch confluence at third row berries. - WSDA_WQX-MD2W (Stream)
- Northwood Rd ditch east side, above confluence with Mormon Ditc, just north of driveway culvert - WSDA_WQX-MDNW (Stream)
- Field ditch flowing SW into east side Northwood Road ditch - WSDA_WQX-MDNW1 (Stream)
- Mormon ditch just upstream from confluence of road ditches - WSDA_WQX-MDUP1 (Stream)
- South bank of Nooksack River accessed from public fishing area off Meridian. - WSDA_WQX-MGM (Stream)
- River from boat launch - WSDA_WQX-MGMb (Stream)
- Ditch at junction of H Street and Meridian. - WSDA_WQX-MH (Stream)
- Nooksack Mainstem at Harksell Road Fishing access point - WSDA_WQX-MHAR (Stream)
- End of boat ramp off other bank - WSDA_WQX-MHOV (Stream)
- Ditch on west side of Meridian, north of H Street, north of first culvert. - WSDA_WQX-MNH (Stream)
- South of PUD1 Ferndale water intake - WSDA_WQX-MPUD (Stream)
- Bertrand on west side of Markworth downstream from holding pond - WSDA_WQX-MW1 (Stream)
- East side of Jackman, 5 feet upstream of culvert at Badger. - WSDA_WQX-NBADJACK (Stream)
- NF Dakota Creek west side Delta Line Rd, south of Haynie Rd. - WSDA_WQX-NFDak2.5 (Stream)
- 30 feet west of power pole, 20 feet east of fence line. North side of Hemmi Rd. from pooled water at edge of field. - WSDA_WQX-NHEMMI1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Loomis Trail Rd. - downstream side - WSDA_WQX-Nook-SW18 (Stream)
- West side Delta Line Rd. in S. Fork Dakota Cr. - WSDA_WQX-Nook-SW19 (Stream)
- Downstream culvert along Loomis Trail Road east of Sunrise Road - WSDA_WQX-Nook-SW20 (Stream)
- East side Enterprise Road bridge. - WSDA_WQX-NOOK-SW22 (Stream)
- Upstream culvert along Aldergrove Rd - WSDA_WQX-NOOK-SW31 (Stream)
- Noon Road ditch 50 feet north of lateral. - WSDA_WQX-NOON1 (Stream)
- Downstream of NOONUP between driveways - WSDA_WQX-NOON2 (Stream)
- 100 feet downstream from farm field culvert - WSDA_WQX-NOON3 (Stream)
- Top of ditch - WSDA_WQX-NOONUP (Stream)
- West side of HWY 11 - WSDA_WQX-NOR-ED1 (Stream)
- Lateral flowing south along the west side of Hwy 11 - WSDA_WQX-NOR-ED1A (Stream)
- Lateral flowing north along the west side Hwy 11 - WSDA_WQX-NOR-ED1B (Stream)
- Ditch coming from the east, upstream confluence - WSDA_WQX-NOR-ED2 (Stream)
- Roadside ditch above confluence - WSDA_WQX-NOR-ED3 (Stream)
- Ditch at south side of Norman Road where it meets Marine Drive. - WSDA_WQX-NORM-MAR-1 (Stream)
- Flooding coming across Noon Rd. - WSDA_WQX-NOTE1 (Land)
- Field runoff from south side of field access - WSDA_WQX-NOTEDRIVE (Land)
- East side NW Rd culvert - WSDA_WQX-NW1 (Stream)
- North flowing east side NW road ditch ten feet south of culvert - WSDA_WQX-NW2 (Stream)
- East ide NW road at driveway culvert outflow - WSDA_WQX-NW3 (Stream)
- North side road by culvert inlet - WSDA_WQX-NW4 (Stream)
- Northwood culvert at corner across from casino. - WSDA_WQX-NWCL (Stream)
- Cougar creek east side of Northwest road culvert. - WSDA_WQX-NWCOUG (Stream)
- North flowing NW road ditch south of Cougar creek and driveway. - WSDA_WQX-NWCOUGS (Stream)
- North wood lateral ditch from field. - WSDA_WQX-NWLDF (Stream)
- Northwood lateral ditch up from Fishtrap. - WSDA_WQX-NWLDFT (Stream)
- West side Old Guide Rd at concrete drain outfall - WSDA_WQX-OG-1 (Stream)
- Bender Rd. and Pangborn Rd. - 20ft below east side lateral - WSDA_WQX-PB-1 (Stream)
- South side of bridge at Pangborn Rd. and Assink Rd. - WSDA_WQX-PB-2 (Stream)
- S side of Pangborn, E. lateral 20 ft. upstream of Bender Rd. - WSDA_WQX-PB-A (Stream)
- On east side of driveway at 1718 Main (Bogaard Hay). Above pipe input from north - WSDA_WQX-PEP-1.1 (Stream)
- Pipe drain on north east side of driveway at 1718 Main - WSDA_WQX-PEP-PIPE1718 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Drainage system at grate structure - WSDA_WQX-PHN-0 (Stream)
- Lateral ditch immediately south of beef farm - WSDA_WQX-PNR-MID (Stream)
- Portage Creek at 212 St NW. Downstream side of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-PORCR-01 (Stream)
- Portage Creek at bridge. - WSDA_WQX-PORCR-02 (Stream)
- Tribe of Portage Creek. Samples downstream of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-PORCR-TRIB (Stream)
- Inlet to drain pipe under Coyote Lane, west side Everson Goshen Rd - WSDA_WQX-RC2 (Facility)
- West side Everson-goshen road ditch 50 feet north of rock cr farm outfall - WSDA_WQX-RC7 (Facility)
- Culvert outfall south of Coyote Lane west side Everson Goshen Rd - WSDA_WQX-RC8 (Facility)
- West side Ritter road field ditch at culvert outfall. - WSDA_WQX-RITTER1 (Stream)
- Bylsma Rd. - west side of bridge - WSDA_WQX-S1 (Stream)
- West side of bridge on Hannegan Rd. and Scott Ditch - WSDA_WQX-S2 (Stream)
- West side of Noon Rd - WSDA_WQX-S4 (Stream)
- South side Kelleher Rd. at bridge - sampled from bridge with pole - WSDA_WQX-SAM-1 (Stream)
- West side of Thomas Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-SAM-10 (Stream)
- South side Dahlsted Rd. at angled culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-SAM-11 (Stream)
- South side Dahlsted Rd. 10ft upstream of culvert confluence - WSDA_WQX-SAM-12 (Stream)
- South side Dahlsted Rd. - 30ft west of angled culver confluence - WSDA_WQX-SAM-2 (Stream)
- East side HWY 11 - 75ft north of blue house - WSDA_WQX-SAM-3 (Stream)
- West side of HWY 11 at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-SAM-4 (Stream)
- 40ft west of HWY 11 - ditch coming from fields - before confluence - WSDA_WQX-SAM-5 (Stream)
- East side of HWY 11 - 30ft south of Sunset Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SAM-6 (Stream)
- South side of Sunset Rd. - 30ft East of HWY 11 - WSDA_WQX-SAM-7 (Stream)
- South side of Estes Rd. at Culvert opening - 0.12mi east of HWY 11 - WSDA_WQX-SAM-8 (Stream)
- Unnamed tributary to Samish river at railroad tracks. - WSDA_WQX-SAM-PUL (Stream)
- From north clay drain tile, on east side of road near head of ditch. - WSDA_WQX-SCDT (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- South Edison pump station on south site of bridge - WSDA_WQX-SCMP37 (Stream)
- Schneider Ditch from downstream side of bridge. - WSDA_WQX-SD (Stream)
- Noon Rd. downstream (south) farm field culvert - WSDA_WQX-SD11 (Stream)
- North of culvert opening at driveway. - WSDA_WQX-SD11.5 (Stream)
- From west culvert on Thiel Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SD12 (Stream)
- Halfway between SD12 and SD12N. - WSDA_WQX-SD12A (Stream)
- Thiel Rd. west side where ditch turns west and drainpipe enters from northeast. - WSDA_WQX-SD12N (Stream)
- Noon Rd. south of Van Dyk Rd. - downstream west culvert - WSDA_WQX-SD13 (Stream)
- Roadside ditch south of Elder Cr - WSDA_WQX-SD13L (Stream)
- West flowing Elder Creek ditch - WSDA_WQX-SD13UP (Stream)
- Scott ditch at Noon Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SD14 (Stream)
- Confluence of Noon Rd. and field ditch - WSDA_WQX-SD15 (Stream)
- AT mouth of lateral into Noon Road ditch - WSDA_WQX-SD15LAT (Stream)
- 15 feet north of SD15 and 5 feet north of fence post in Noon roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-SD15UP (Stream)
- West side of bridge on Hannegan Rd. and Scott Ditch - WSDA_WQX-SD16 (Stream)
- East side of Hannegan Rd. and Abbott Rd. from south culvert - WSDA_WQX-SD17 (Stream)
- South side Abbott Rd. - 0.3mi east of Hannegan Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SD18 (Stream)
- East side Hannegan Road lateral ditch culvert outflow into roadside ditch. - WSDA_WQX-SD19 (Stream)
- Sampled upstream of culvert - WSDA_WQX-SD4 (Stream)
- Elder Ditch @ Van Dyk Rd. Upstream of culvert - WSDA_WQX-SD5 (Stream)
- Thiel Rd. - west side - WSDA_WQX-SD6 (Stream)
- Upstream Noon Rd. main flow - south side box culvert - WSDA_WQX-SD7 (Stream)
- Nolte Rd. downstream side - WSDA_WQX-SD8 (Stream)
- East of Nolte Road in Scott Ditch prior to culvert and roadside ditch. - WSDA_WQX-SD8UP (Stream)
- Culvert outlet south side Bylsma Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SD9 (Stream)
- East side Sunrise Rd. South fork Dakota Cr. near Jess Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SFDAK-2.2 (Stream)
- South fork Dakota east side Stein Road. - WSDA_WQX-SFDakStein (Stream)
- East side Hannegan Rd. ditch approximately 40 feet north of lateral. - WSDA_WQX-SHAN1 (Stream)
- Lateral ditch at west most point flowing into east side Hannegan Rd. ditch. - WSDA_WQX-SHAN1L (Stream)
- Field with duck activity and runoff. Samples at point of run off. - WSDA_WQX-SHIN-DUCK (Land)
- Field runoff through swale - WSDA_WQX-SHIN-DUCK2 (Land)
- Culvert outfall north side Hemmi Road in Silver Springs Creek. - WSDA_WQX-SILVERSP01 (Stream)
- Wiley Slough culvert, from middle pipe northwest of road. - WSDA_WQX-SK-43 (Stream)
- Samish River at Chuckanut Dr - WSDA_WQX-SK-SAMCD (Stream)
- Samish river on east side of farm to market road - WSDA_WQX-SK-SAMFM (Stream)
- Thomas Creek downstream of culvert - WSDA_WQX-SK-TC7 (Stream)
- North side of Smith road at end of Key ave - WSDA_WQX-SM-0 (Stream)
- 30ft downstream of incoming ditch from west - WSDA_WQX-SMSI-1.5 (Stream)
- 30ft upstream of first lateral south of sunset - coming from east - WSDA_WQX-SMSI-2 (Stream)
- East side of Hwy 11, north of culvert. - WSDA_WQX-SMSI-2.5 (Stream)
- 30ft upstream of lateral coming from wooded area - WSDA_WQX-SMSI-3 (Stream)
- 30ft downstream of dairy tile - WSDA_WQX-SMSI-4 (Stream)
- East side HWY 11 at Estes Rd. culvert - WSDA_WQX-SMSI-5 (Stream)
- Culvert outlet south side Bylsma Rd. - WSDA_WQX-S-POL1 (Stream)
- North-south drainline outlet - WSDA_WQX-S-POL2 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Roadside ditch flowing from east, 3rd post from culvert under road. - WSDA_WQX-S-POL3 (Stream)
- Roadside ditch west of culvert under road, west of first post from culvert - WSDA_WQX-S-POL4 (Stream)
- Bridge at Conway frontage road - WSDA_WQX-SSB.Ska.09 (Stream)
- Culvert outfall on west side of Mead Avenue (SR544) - WSDA_WQX-S-SR544 (Stream)
- Main stem stilly, under Marine Dr bridge on north bank - WSDA_WQX-STIL-0 (Stream)
- West side Miller Rd. at Miller Creek - culver opening - WSDA_WQX-STIL-1 (Stream)
- 0.18mi east of 48th Ave. NW - south side Pioneer Hwy at wooden culvert - WSDA_WQX-STIL-11 (Stream)
- South bank of ditch from tracks - 25ft west of Miller Rd. - WSDA_WQX-STIL-2 (Stream)
- Sampled from dirt road under bridge - sampled south bank of ditch at upstream culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-STIL-3 (Stream)
- West side of 48th Ave. NW - at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-STIL-4 (Stream)
- East side 48th Ave. NW at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-STIL-5 (Stream)
- East side of bridge on Olsen Rd. - WSDA_WQX-STIL-5.5 (Stream)
- West side 28th Ave. NW at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-STIL-6 (Stream)
- Lateral ditch on the east side of Stubb Rd. - 40ft north of confluence - WSDA_WQX-STIL-6A (Stream)
- 50 feet east of Stubb Rd. Upstream of beaver dam. - WSDA_WQX-STIL-6B1 (Stream)
- First lateral coming from north to east of 28th ave - WSDA_WQX-STIL-6CN (Stream)
- 2nd lateral from north east of 28 Ave - WSDA_WQX-STIL-6DN (Stream)
- 25ft below lateral ditch from the north - WSDA_WQX-STIL-6E (Stream)
- North branch of Stilliguamish river from east side of Marine Dr bridge - WSDA_WQX-STILN-0 (Stream)
- South side of tracks at main ditch. - WSDA_WQX-STNG-TRACKS-2 (Stream)
- Upland if Pioneer Hwy. Flows under the road and into Miller Creek - WSDA_WQX-STRR-6 (Stream)
- North side of Summers Drive at pumphouse - WSDA_WQX-SUM-01 (Stream)
- North side of road from culvert - WSDA_WQX-SUN-A (Stream)
- 15ft east of juncture with ditch running north - collected from Sunset Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SUN-B (Stream)
- Ditch on north side of Sunset Rd. - from end of guardrail - WSDA_WQX-SUN-C (Stream)
- North Branch of Slough to Edison Pump Station at Sunset RD. - WSDA_WQX-SUN-E (Stream)
- South side of Sunset Rd. at west side of grey house driveway - WSDA_WQX-SUN-S1 (Stream)
- South side of Sunset Rd. 0.5mi west of HWY 11 at power pole - WSDA_WQX-SUN-S2 (Stream)
- North side of Sunset Rd. at lateral ditch coming from application field - WSDA_WQX-SUN-S3 (Stream)
- Ditch flowing north between field and house - WSDA_WQX-SUN-S5 (Stream)
- Thomas Road at Sunset Road - WSDA_WQX-SUN-TH1 (Stream)
- Sunset road upstream of Thomas Road culvert - WSDA_WQX-SUN-TH2 (Stream)
- Southwest corner Aldergrove and Vista Roads in roadside ditch - WSDA_WQX-SW31A (Stream)
- Culvert outfall on south side Aldergrove west of Vista intersection - WSDA_WQX-SW31ALAT (Stream)
- Culvert inlet west side of Church Rd. - WSDA_WQX-SW31C (Stream)
- West side of Vista Drive 30 feet north of where seasonal ditch enters from west - WSDA_WQX-SW31f (Stream)
- North flowing field ditch NE of lagoon, 30 feet north of fence post. - WSDA_WQX-SYT1 (Stream)
- South of wooden fence post in field ditch east of VTA. - WSDA_WQX-SYT2 (Stream)
- Driveway culvert inflow - WSDA_WQX-SYT3 (Stream)
- Ten Mile Creek at Barrett Rd. east side - WSDA_WQX-T1 (Stream)
- West side Tenmile bridge on Barrett along north bank - WSDA_WQX-T1DLB (Stream)
- East side Guide meridian bridge over Tenmile creek. - WSDA_WQX-T3 (Stream)
- East side Thiel Rd. in Elder Creek - WSDA_WQX-THIEL1 (Stream)
- Field runoff passing under pioneer highway - WSDA_WQX-Thom-flood-DN (Land)
- West side Hannegan Rd bridge north side. - WSDA_WQX-TM17 (Stream)
- East side of bridge on Chasten rd - WSDA_WQX-TM235 (Stream)
- North side smith road - WSDA_WQX-TM5 (Stream)
- East side Aldrich rd. - WSDA_WQX-TM6 (Stream)
- East side Bellewood acres bridge in Tenmile Creek. - WSDA_WQX-TMBWBR (Stream)
- North side Ten Mile Rd. west of Chasteen Rd. at bridge - WSDA_WQX-TM-WC (Stream)
- South side Ten Mile Road ditch east farm road culvert entrance before creek. - WSDA_WQX-TM-WCSL (Stream)
- Below confluence at culvert opening. - WSDA_WQX-TRACKS-0 (Stream)
- Upstream of storm drain confluence - 50ft south of Gear Rd. ditch - WSDA_WQX-TRACKS-1 (Stream)
- East side Delta Line Rd at culvert entrance. - WSDA_WQX-TribDak-N2 (Stream)
- Downstream side cross culvert Delta Line Rd - WSDA_WQX-TribDak_S1 (Stream)
- South fork Dakota Creek at west side Sunrise Rd. bridge north of SFDak-2.2 - WSDA_WQX-TRIBDAK-S2 (Stream)
- Ditch coming from STIL-13 - upstream of beef farm - WSDA_WQX-TRLR-DN (Stream)
- Eastern tile drain from trailer property - WSDA_WQX-TRLR-PT (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Western tile drain coming from trailer property - WSDA_WQX-TRLR-TD (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- 0.8 miles east of STIL-6 in main ditch - WSDA_WQX-TRLR-VIS-1 (Stream)
- 40ft west of lateral paralleling field access - WSDA_WQX-VIS-2.7 (Stream)
- Ponded water from well overflow. - WSDA_WQX-VIS-POOL (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Culvert entrance west side Vista downstream from Fox Rd. - WSDA_WQX-VISTA1 (Stream)
- West side Vista road south of Grandview Road at culvert inflow. - WSDA_WQX-VISTAGR (Stream)
- Outflow from well head. - WSDA_WQX-VIS-WELL1 (Well)
- North Fork Bertrand, north side Badger Road east side Glendale Rd. - WSDA_WQX-WBAD1 (Stream)
- East side of Weidkamp Rd. 20 ft north of culvert at Badger. - WSDA_WQX-WE (Stream)
- Weidkamp Rd on north side of gun club driveway - WSDA_WQX-WEID-GC (Stream)
- Upstream of dairy tile - WSDA_WQX-WE-UP (Stream)
- Whiskey Creek east side Portal Dr. at box culvert outflow - WSDA_WQX-WH1 (Stream)
- Lateral ditch south side Wiley's lake road adjoining east side of pasture. - WSDA_WQX-WIL-WIL2 (Stream)
- Culvert inlet south side Willeys Lake Road - WSDA_WQX-WIL-WIL3 (Stream)
- Wiley's drain downstream side farm road culvert, 2670. - WSDA_WQX-WIL-WLR1 (Stream)
- Wiley's drain downstream side farm road culvert, 2670. - WSDA_WQX-WIL-WLR1 / CA6d (Stream)
- Wiley's road ditch at 2225 Zell road upstream of culvert on south side of road. - WSDA_WQX-WIL-ZELL2 (Stream)
- LLPL Ditch approx. 50 feet west of farm road downstream of north side shrubbery - WSDA_WQX-WINT03 (Stream)
- Small drainage ditch to the north of WK culvert. East side of Wiedkamp. - WSDA_WQX-WK-NWD (Stream)
- Weidkamp Rd, from west culvert opening. - WSDA_WQX-WK-WC (Stream)
- Lower ditch, 15 ft. Upstream of culvert, west of field. - WSDA_WQX-WR-ED (Stream)
- East side of Wylie Rd. at culvert opening - WSDA_WQX-WY-E (Stream)