New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  UWP

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for UWP

This organization has 46 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Alaska Basin - UWP-AKB-01 (Stream)
- Atlas Mine Adit - UWP-AM-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Atlas Mine Seep - UWP-AM-02 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Eurades Adit - UWP-EUR-ADT-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Governor's Basin @ road - UWP-GB-01 (Stream)
- Governor's Basin @ mouth - UWP-GB-02 (Stream)
- Governor Basin drainage below Virginius Mine - UWP-GB-03 (Stream)
- Grey Burro Mine Adit - UWP-GB-ADT-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Gray Copper Gulch abv Vernon Mine and waste rock pile - UWP-GC-01 (Stream)
- Gray Copper Gulch abv Vernon Mine and waste rock pile; Duplicate - UWP-GC-01D (Stream)
- Gray Copper Gulch bel Vernon Mine and waste rock pile - UWP-GC-02 (Stream)
- Gray Copper Gulch mouth - UWP-GC-05 (Stream)
- Gray Copper Gulch upstream of Silver Mountain Adit - UWP-GC ABV SM (Stream)
- Gray Copper Gulch downstream of Silver Mountain Adit - UWP-GC BEL SM (Stream)
- Downstream of the bottom of Humboldt Mine tailings and waste rock area - UWP-HB-02 (Stream)
- Governor Basin drainage upstream of the confluence with Humboldt Mine Discharge - UWP-HB-03 (Stream)
- Governor Basin Creek downstream of confluence with Humboldt Mine discharge - UWP-HB-04 (Stream)
- Duplicate of HB-04 - UWP-HB-04D (Stream)
- Larson Brothers draining adit near Ironton Park - UWP-LARBRO-Adt-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Michael Breen adit - UWP-MB-ADT-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Michael Breen adit; Duplicate - UWP-MB-ADT-01D (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Michael Breen adit below waste rock - UWP-MB-ADT-02 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Michael Breen seep below mine - UWP-MB-ADT-03 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Mineral Creek upstream of the Uncompahgre River - UWP-MC-01 (Stream)
- Mineral Creek reference - UWP-MC-02 (Stream)
- Mineral Creek downstream of the San Juan Chief Mine - UWP-MC-03 (Stream)
- Mineral Creek downstream of Miner's Creek - UWP-MC-04 (Stream)
- Miner's Creek upstream of Mineral Creek - UWP-MNRCR-01 (Stream)
- Poughkeepsie Gulch above the Old Lout Mine - UWP-PG-01 (Stream)
- Poughkeepsie Gulch abv Silver Cr - UWP-PG-03 (Stream)
- Poughkeepsie Gulch above the Wall - UWP-PG-04 (Stream)
- Lake Como effluent stream - UWP-PG-05 (Stream)
- Poughkeepsie Gulch abv Alaska Basin - UWP-PG-06 (Stream)
- Silver Basin drainage at the Old Imogene Pass Road - UWP-SB-01 (Stream)
- Sidney Basin Adit - UWP-SB-ADT-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Sneffels Creek reference - UWP-SC-01 (Stream)
- Sneffels Creek abv Atlas Mill - UWP-SC-02 (Stream)
- Sneffels Creek bel Atlas Mill - UWP-SC-03 (Stream)
- Sneffels Creek abv Canyon Cr @ Camp Bird - UWP-SC-04 (Stream)
- Sneffels Creek abv Governor's Basin - UWP-SC-05 (Stream)
- Sneffels Cr abv upper Imogene Pass bridge - UWP-SC-06 (Stream)
- Silver Creek - UWP-Sil-01 (Stream)
- Uncompahgre R abv Michael Breen - UWP-UNR-03 (Stream)
- Uncompahgre R bel Michael Breen - UWP-UNR-04 (Stream)
- Vernon draining adit #1 - UWP-VRN-ADT-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Vernon draining adit #1 waste rock seep - UWP-VRN-ADT-01-WR (Aggregate groundwater use)