Water Quality Portal Data Sites for UTEMTN
This organization has 164 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand
- 1 Mobile Ute - UTEMTN-1 Mobile Ute (Well)
- Reservoir in Cottonwood Wash drainage on Mountain Rd. - UTEMTN-1ST LAKE (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- livestock pond between blocks 2000/3000 at F&R - UTEMTN-2000/3000 POND (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- 3 Mountain Ute - UTEMTN-3 Mountain Ute (Well)
- livestock pond at north end of project - UTEMTN-4000 BLOCK POND (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- solar well at north end of 4000-A block - UTEMTN-4000B_SOLARWELL (Well)
- Well drilled near SanJuan River for 4CMon 01-2002 350ft - UTEMTN-4C WELL (Well)
- 5000 Block Old Windmill - UTEMTN-5000 Block Old Windmill (Well)
- A-13 Well - UTEMTN-A-13 Well (Well)
- Allen Canyon Creek - UTEMTN-Allen 1 (Stream)
- Allen Canyon Creek - UTEMTN-Allen-Rd (Stream)
- Allen Canyon Wetland - UTEMTN-Allen-Wetland (Wetland)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-1 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-10 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-11 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-14 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-15 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-16 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-24 (Well)
- GW well on Farm and Ranch Enterprise irrigation project - UTEMTN-AP-5 (Well)
- artesian well west of Hwy 141 - UTEMTN-AW HWY 141 (Well)
- artesian well at intersection of Hwys 160/141 - UTEMTN-AW HWY 160/141 (Well)
- B-9 Pit - UTEMTN-B-9 Pit (Facility)
- Bancroft Spring - UTEMTN-Bancroft Spring (Spring)
- Barker Arroyo - UTEMTN-Barker Arroyo (Stream)
- Cache#12 pad - UTEMTN-Cache#12 pad (Stream)
- Canal at pump station on farm and ranch road - UTEMTN-Canal @ pump station (Stream)
- Chimney_Rock_Windmill - UTEMTN-Chimney_Rock_Windmill (Well)
- Chimney Rock Draw E.ofTribal Park Museum, above road culvert - UTEMTN-CHR DRAW (Stream)
- Cottonwood spring - UTEMTN-Cottonwood Spring (Spring)
- Cottonwood Wash Spring - UTEMTN-Cottonwood Wash Spring (Spring)
- Cow Camp Spring - UTEMTN-Cow Camp Spring (Spring)
- Cottonwood wash north - UTEMTN-CW-N (Stream)
- Cottonwood wash south 2 - UTEMTN-CW-S2 (Stream)
- Cottonwood Wash Highway 95 - UTEMTN-CW Wash HW 95 (Stream)
- Eagles Nest Arroyo S. NM - UTEMTN-Eagles Nest Arroyo (Stream)
- East Mcelmo - UTEMTN-East Mcelmo (Stream)
- spring on east side of hill south of Ute Mtns - UTEMTN-EAST_TOE_SPRING (Spring)
- Elk Meadows Spring - UTEMTN-Elk Meadows Spring (Spring)
- Entrasnce seep-- nearest WM uranium mill - UTEMTN-ENTRANCE_SPG (Spring)
- Flowing well wetland - UTEMTN-FW-W (Well)
- Goodknight Well - UTEMTN-Goodknight Well (Well)
- Hanna Spring - UTEMTN-Hanna 1 (Spring)
- Former DW storage reservoir east of Towaoc, north of Casino - UTEMTN-HAYFIELD_RESVR (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Reservoir on west flank of Ute Peak, also Last Lake - UTEMTN-HORSESHOE_RESVR (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Influent one lagoon system one - UTEMTN-I1L1 (Facility)
- Influent two lagoon system two - UTEMTN-I2L2 (Facility)
- Influent Three Lagoon System Two - UTEMTN-I3L2 (Facility)
- Windmill well south Hwy 160, Knight grazing area - UTEMTN-KNIGHT WELL (Well)
- Lagoon System One Cell Four - UTEMTN-L1C4 (Facility)
- Lagoon system two cell five - UTEMTN-L2C5 (Facility)
- Groundwater well downgradient of Lagoon 1 sewer system - UTEMTN-LAGOON 1 WELL 1 (Well)
- lagoon 1 well 3 - UTEMTN-LAGOON 1 WELL 3 (Well)
- Groundwater well downgradient of Lagoon 2 sewer system - UTEMTN-LAGOON 2 WELL 2 (Well)
- Last Lake Spring - UTEMTN-Last Lake Spring (Spring)
- Groundwater well downgradient of old landfill - UTEMTN-LF_WELL1 (Well)
- Groundwater well downgradient of old landfill - UTEMTN-LF_WELL3 (Well)
- Lopez Spring - UTEMTN-Lopez 1 (Spring)
- Lopez Spring South side of road - UTEMTN-Lopez 2 (Spring)
- Mariano Flowing Well - UTEMTN-Mariano-FW (Well)
- Mariano Impoundment - UTEMTN-Mariano Impoundment (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Marble Wash @ Highway 41 - UTEMTN-MBL HWY 41 (Stream)
- Marble Wash above where salty well pond outflow was - UTEMTN-MBLWWELL 1 (Stream)
- McElmo creek @ Kelly Place - UTEMTN-ME-Kelly Place (Stream)
- Mud Creek - UTEMTN-ME-MUD (Stream)
- McElmo Creek - UTEMTN-MESB (Stream)
- McElmo creek at Ute creek CON. - UTEMTN-ME-UTE (Stream)
- seep monitored by WM uranium mill - UTEMTN-MILL_SPG_NW (Spring)
- Mancos River at Cow Camp - UTEMTN-MR-CC (Stream)
- Mancos River @ Camp Ground - UTEMTN-MR-CG (Stream)
- Flowing Well @ Mancos Creek Farm - UTEMTN-MR-FW (Spring)
- MR above Grass Canyon directly upstream of bridge on Rd 208 - UTEMTN-MR-GC1 (Stream)
- Mancos River at gauging station upstream from Hwy. 666 - UTEMTN-MR-GS (Stream)
- Mancos R. above Mancos, above hwy, mostly bacti data - UTEMTN-MR-HWY 160 (Stream)
- Mancos R. @ Johnson Canyon-- upstream of bridge at Rd. 206 - UTEMTN-MR-JC (Stream)
- Mancos River below Moqui Canyon - UTEMTN-MR-MC2 (Stream)
- Mancos River at Mancos High School - UTEMTN-MR-MHS (Stream)
- Mancos River upstream of Mud Creek - UTEMTN-MR-MUD1 (Stream)
- Mancos River directly downstream from Mud Creek confluence - UTEMTN-MR-MUD2 (Stream)
- Mancos River above Navajo Wash 200-250m upstream - UTEMTN-MR-NW1 (Stream)
- Mancos River below Navajo Wash directly below confluence - UTEMTN-MR-NW2 (Stream)
- Mancos River @ Sandle House Ruin - UTEMTN-MR-SH (Stream)
- Mancos River at San Juan River - UTEMTN-MR-SJ (Stream)
- Mancos River at fire retardant drop site (BAER Project) - UTEMTN-MR@SLURRY DROP (Stream)
- Mancos River at State Line near 4 Corners - UTEMTN-MR-STL (Stream)
- Mancos River above Weber Creek, boundary site - UTEMTN-MR-WC1 (Stream)
- Mancos River below Weber Canyon Creek - UTEMTN-MR-WC2 (Stream)
- Mancos River directly downstream from WWTP effl. - UTEMTN-MR-WWTP2 (Stream)
- Mud Creek discharge below Nolan Gravel Co. - UTEMTN-MUD-NG2 (Stream)
- Marbel Wash 2000 Block - UTEMTN-MW-2000blk (Stream)
- Marble Wash - UTEMTN-MW-4000blk (Stream)
- spring south of Towaoc, founding spot of Ute Mtn agency - UTEMTN-NAVAJO SPRING (Spring)
- Navajo Canyon discharge into Mancos River - UTEMTN-NC-MR (Stream)
- #202 Flowline leak - UTEMTN-NM-202 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Black Water Solar - UTEMTN-NM-BWS (Well)
- Cliffhouse Spring - UTEMTN-NM-Cliffhouse (Spring)
- Cottonwood Spring New Mexico - UTEMTN-NM-CWS (Spring)
- Four Mile Reservoir - UTEMTN-NM-FMR (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- George Wells Windmill Well - UTEMTN-NM-GWW (Well)
- Hideout Reservoir - UTEMTN-NM-HR (Stream)
- Harry Wall Windmill Well - UTEMTN-NM-HW (Well)
- Harry Wall (Catchment Basin Pond) - UTEMTN-NM-HWP (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lower Westwater Pond - UTEMTN-NM-LWWP (Wetland)
- Lower Westwater Seep - UTEMTN-NM-LWWS (Spring)
- Middle Barker - UTEMTN-NM-MB (Well)
- Middle Decker - UTEMTN-NM-MD (Well)
- South East Decker - UTEMTN-NM-SED (Well)
- South Foxtail Windmill Well - UTEMTN-NM-SFW (Well)
- Shumway Spring - UTEMTN-NM-SS (Spring)
- Shumway well - UTEMTN-NM-SW (Well)
- Trough 47 - UTEMTN-NM-T47 (Spring)
- Upper Westwater Pond - UTEMTN-NM-UWWP (Stream)
- Westwater Dry Pond - UTEMTN-NM-WDP (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Westwater Wind 1 South - UTEMTN-NM-WW1SP (Well)
- Westwater Arroyo Flowing well - UTEMTN-NM-WWAFW (Well)
- Lower Westwater Black water pond - UTEMTN-NM-WWAFWP (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Westwater Wind South - UTEMTN-NM-WWWS (Well)
- Navajo Wash above CR A on Don Schwindt''s land - UTEMTN-NW-CRA (Stream)
- Navajo Wash South of County Road A on tribal land - UTEMTN-NW-CRAS (Stream)
- Navajo Wash at gauging station #1 - UTEMTN-NW-GS (Stream)
- Navajo Wash at Highway 160, upstream from bridge - UTEMTN-NW-HWY 160 (Stream)
- Ismay Draw - UTEMTN-NW-ID (Stream)
- Navajo Wash at Mancos River - UTEMTN-NW-MR (Stream)
- NW-MR-Flowing Well - UTEMTN-NW-MR-FW (Well)
- NW-MR-FW-Impoundment - UTEMTN-NW-MR-FW-Impoundment (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Navajo Wash near Navajo Springs - UTEMTN-NW-NS (Stream)
- Navajo Wash at San Juan Turn Road - UTEMTN-NW-SJT (Stream)
- Oasis SPG - UTEMTN-Oasis SPG (Spring)
- RARE - 1 - UTEMTN-RARE - 1 (Well)
- RARE-2 - UTEMTN-RARE-2 (Well)
- Right Hand Fork seep on Reservatio" - UTEMTN-RH_FORK_SPG (Spring)
- Ruin spring-- highest flowing on White Mesa - UTEMTN-RUIN_SPG (Spring)
- Ruin Spring pool - UTEMTN-Ruin Spring Creek (Stream)
- Salt Canyon Solar - UTEMTN-Salt Canyon Solar (Well)
- SE Toe Old Solar - UTEMTN-SE Toe Old Solar (Well)
- SanJuan @ USGS Guaging station - UTEMTN-SJ-4C (Stream)
- San Juan River above Mancos River - UTEMTN-SJ-MR1 (Stream)
- San Juan below Mancos River - UTEMTN-SJ-MR2 (Stream)
- Tanner Mesa Solar Well - UTEMTN-Tanner Mesa Solar Well (Well)
- old well, may be refurbished in near future (fall 2002) - UTEMTN-TF_CORRAL_WELL (Well)
- Toe Windmill - UTEMTN-Toe Windmill (Well)
- Ute Mountain Ute environmental Programs Department - UTEMTN-UMUEPD (Land)
- Ute Canyon discharge into Mancos River - UTEMTN-UTE-MR (Stream)
- Ute Spring - UTEMTN-Ute Spring (Spring)
- Flowing well in Cross Canyon - UTEMTN-UT-FW (Spring)
- Cross Canyon - UTEMTN-UT-T1 (Stream)
- Weber Canyon creek at Mancos R,above confl. with MR - UTEMTN-WC-MR (Stream)
- Weber Creek on State Land above Tribal land - UTEMTN-WC-SL (Stream)
- Weber Wetland Outflow - UTEMTN-WEBER_W_OUTFL (Wetland)
- spring on west side of hill south of Ute Mtns - UTEMTN-WEST_TOE_SPRING (Spring)
- Whiskers draw spring - UTEMTN-Whiskers Draw (Spring)
- Whiskers Reservoir - UTEMTN-Whiskers Reservoir ()
- SP 0904 - UTEMTN-Whisky Road Spring (Spring)
- Wing-Well - UTEMTN-WING-WELL (Well)
- Windmill well southwest of 3000 Block, Wing grazing area - UTEMTN-WING-WELL-Pond (Well)
- white mesa ground water monitoring well; east - UTEMTN-WM_GWMW_E (Well)
- white mesa ground water monitoring well; west - UTEMTN-WM_GWMW_W (Well)
- White Mesa Public Water Supply North Well - UTEMTN-WM_PWS_N (Facility)
- White Mesa Public Water Supply North Well - UTEMTN-WM_PWS_S (Facility)
- Westwater, NM solar powered well, southern one - UTEMTN-WW SOLAR 1-S (Well)
- Westwater, NM solar powered well, northern one - UTEMTN-WW SOLAR 2-N (Well)
- Mancos Municipal wastewater effluent - UTEMTN-WWTP-MR (Stream)
- Westwater, NM windmill well, 1st drilled 01-2002 - UTEMTN-WW WIND 1-S (Well)
- Westwater, NM windmill well, 2nd drilled 01-2002 - UTEMTN-WW WIND 2-N (Well)