New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  TPCHD_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for TPCHD_WQX

This organization has 759 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB001 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-AB002 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB003 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB004 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-AB005 (Spring)
- Amsterdam Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-AB006 (Spring)
- Amsterdam Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-AB007 (Spring)
- Amsterdam Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-AB008 (Stream)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB009 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-AB010 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB011 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-AB012 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB013 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB014 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB015 (Land)
- Amsterdam Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-AB020 (Land)
- BayLk001 - TPCHD_WQX-BayLk001 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 001 - TPCHD_WQX-BL001 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 002 - TPCHD_WQX-BL002 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 003 - TPCHD_WQX-BL003 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 004 - TPCHD_WQX-BL004 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 005 - TPCHD_WQX-BL005 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 006 - TPCHD_WQX-BL006 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 008 - TPCHD_WQX-BL008 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 009 - TPCHD_WQX-BL009 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL010 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 012 - TPCHD_WQX-BL012 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 013 - TPCHD_WQX-BL013 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 014 - TPCHD_WQX-BL014 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 015 - TPCHD_WQX-BL015 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 016 - TPCHD_WQX-BL016 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 017 - TPCHD_WQX-BL017 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL018 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 019 - TPCHD_WQX-BL019 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 020 - TPCHD_WQX-BL020 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 021 - TPCHD_WQX-BL021 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 022 - TPCHD_WQX-BL022 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 024 - TPCHD_WQX-BL024 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 025 - TPCHD_WQX-BL025 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 026 - TPCHD_WQX-BL026 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 027 - TPCHD_WQX-BL027 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 028 - TPCHD_WQX-BL028 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 029 - TPCHD_WQX-BL029 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL030 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 031 - TPCHD_WQX-BL031 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 032 - TPCHD_WQX-BL032 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 033 - TPCHD_WQX-BL033 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 034 - TPCHD_WQX-BL034 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 035 - TPCHD_WQX-BL035 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 036 - TPCHD_WQX-BL036 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 037 - TPCHD_WQX-BL037 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 039 - TPCHD_WQX-BL039 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 041 - TPCHD_WQX-BL041 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL043 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 046 - TPCHD_WQX-BL046 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 047 - TPCHD_WQX-BL047 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 048 - TPCHD_WQX-BL048 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 049 - TPCHD_WQX-BL049 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 050 - TPCHD_WQX-BL050 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 051 - TPCHD_WQX-BL051 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 052 - TPCHD_WQX-BL052 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL054 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 056 - TPCHD_WQX-BL056 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 057 - TPCHD_WQX-BL057 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Seep - TPCHD_WQX-BL059 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL060 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL061 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL062 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL064 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 065 - TPCHD_WQX-BL065 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 066 - TPCHD_WQX-BL066 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 067 - TPCHD_WQX-BL067 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 068 - TPCHD_WQX-BL068 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 069 - TPCHD_WQX-BL069 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 070 - TPCHD_WQX-BL070 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 071 - TPCHD_WQX-BL071 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 073 - TPCHD_WQX-BL073 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL074 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Seep - TPCHD_WQX-BL075 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Seep - TPCHD_WQX-BL076 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Seep - TPCHD_WQX-BL077 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL078 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL079 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL080 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL081 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 082 - TPCHD_WQX-BL082 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 083 - TPCHD_WQX-BL083 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL084 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 085 - TPCHD_WQX-BL085 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 086 - TPCHD_WQX-BL086 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 090 - TPCHD_WQX-BL090 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 091 - TPCHD_WQX-BL091 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 094 - TPCHD_WQX-BL094 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 095 - TPCHD_WQX-BL095 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 098 - TPCHD_WQX-BL098 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL099 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 100 - TPCHD_WQX-BL100 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL101 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 102 - TPCHD_WQX-BL102 (Spring)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL150 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL152 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 153 - TPCHD_WQX-BL153 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 154 - TPCHD_WQX-BL154 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 155 - TPCHD_WQX-BL155 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 156 - TPCHD_WQX-BL156 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 157 - TPCHD_WQX-BL157 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 158 - TPCHD_WQX-BL158 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 159 - TPCHD_WQX-BL159 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL160 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 161 - TPCHD_WQX-BL161 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 162 - TPCHD_WQX-BL162 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 163 - TPCHD_WQX-BL163 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL164 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL171 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 172 - TPCHD_WQX-BL172 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL173 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 175 - TPCHD_WQX-BL175 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL176 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL177 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL178 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL180 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 201 - TPCHD_WQX-BL201 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL202 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL203 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL204 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 205 - TPCHD_WQX-BL205 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BL206 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL207 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 208 - TPCHD_WQX-BL208 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 209 - TPCHD_WQX-BL209 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BL210 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Sample Location 211 - TPCHD_WQX-BL211 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Upland Sample Location 002 - TPCHD_WQX-BLU002 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Stream - TPCHD_WQX-BLU004 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Creek - TPCHD_WQX-BLU005 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BLU007 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-BLU008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Upland Sample Location 009 - TPCHD_WQX-BLU009 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Upland Sample Location 010 - TPCHD_WQX-BLU010 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Stream - TPCHD_WQX-BLU149 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Stream - TPCHD_WQX-BLU154 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Stream - TPCHD_WQX-BLU160 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-BLU161 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC001 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC002 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC003 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC004 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC005 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC006 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC007 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC009 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC010 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC011 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC014 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC015 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC016 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC017 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC018 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Seep - TPCHD_WQX-DC019 (Spring)
- Dutchers Cove Seep - TPCHD_WQX-DC020 (Spring)
- Dutchers Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-DC021 (Stream)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC022 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC023 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC024 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC026 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-DC040 (Stream)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC041 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC042 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC043 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC050 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC052 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC053 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC054 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC055 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC057 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC058 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC059 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC060 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Seep - TPCHD_WQX-DC061 (Spring)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC063 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC065 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC075 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC076 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC077 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-DC101 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DC201 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-DCU001 (Land)
- Dutchers Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-DCU002 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB001 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB003 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FB004 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB005 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB006 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB007 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB009 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB010 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB011 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB013 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB014 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB015 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB016 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB017 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB018 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB019 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB020 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB021 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB022 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB023 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB024 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB025 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB026 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB027 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB028 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB029 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB030 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB031 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB032 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB033 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB034 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB035 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FB036 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB037 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB038 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB039 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB040 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB041 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB042 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB043 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB044 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB045 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB046 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB047 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB054 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB055 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB059 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-FB060 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB061 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB062 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB063 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB064 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB065 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB066 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB067 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB068 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB069 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB070 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB071 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB072 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB073 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB074 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB075 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB076 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB077 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB078 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB079 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB080 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB081 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB082 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB083 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB084 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB085 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB086 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB087 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB088 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB089 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB090 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB091 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB092 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB093 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB094 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB095 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB096 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB097 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB098 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB099 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB100 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB101 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB102 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB103 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB104 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Flow - TPCHD_WQX-FB105 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-FB106 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-FB107 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB108 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB109 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB111 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB112 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB113 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB114 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB115 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB116 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB120 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB125 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB126 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB127 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB140 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB151 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB152 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB153 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB155 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB156 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB157 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB158 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB160 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB161 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB162 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB163 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-FB165 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB199 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB200 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FB201 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB202 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FB203 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB204 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB205 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB206 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB208 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB210 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB211 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB212 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-FB213 (Spring)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FB260 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FB263 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FBU001 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU002 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FBU003 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU004 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU005 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU006 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU007 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU009 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU010 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FBU011 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-FBU012 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-FBU013 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-FBU014 (Stream)
- Henderson Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-HB001 (Stream)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB002 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB003 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB004 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB005 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB006 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB007 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB009 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB010 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB011 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB012 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB013 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB014 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB015 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB016 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB017 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB018 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB019 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB020 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB021 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB022 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HB023 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB024 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-HB100 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-HBU005 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-HBU006 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-HBU007 (Land)
- Herron Cove - TPCHD_WQX-HC001 (Land)
- MayCo001 - TPCHD_WQX-MayCo001 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- MayCr001 - TPCHD_WQX-MayCr001 (Stream)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB001 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB002 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB003 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB005 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB006 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB011 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB012 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB014 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB015 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB016 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB017 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB018 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-MB020 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB021 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB022 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB023 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-MB025 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB026 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB027 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB028 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB029 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB030 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB032 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB033 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB035 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB036 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB037 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB038 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-MB039 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB040 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB042 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB043 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-MB044 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB045 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB056 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB057 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB058 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB059 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB060 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB070 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB073 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB074 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB075 (Land)
- Minter Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-MB076 (Land)
- Minter Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-MB077 (Land)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB078 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB080 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB081 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB094 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB095 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB096 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB097 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB098 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MB099 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MB100 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MB101 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Minter Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MBU001 (Stream)
- Minter Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MBU003 (Stream)
- Minter Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MBU004 (Stream)
- Minter Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MBU005 (Stream)
- Mayo Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-MC002 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mayo Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MC003 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC005 (Land)
- Mayo Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MC006 (Stream)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC007 (Land)
- Mayo Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MC011 (Stream)
- Mayo Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MC015 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC017 (Land)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC018 (Land)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC019 (Land)
- Mayo Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MC022 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mayo Cove Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MC027 (Spring)
- Mayo Cove Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-MC028 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mayo Cove Seep - TPCHD_WQX-MC051 (Spring)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC054 (Land)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC055 (Land)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MC056 (Land)
- Mayo Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-MCU001 (Stream)
- Mayo Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-MCU003 (Land)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB001 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB002 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB003 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB004 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB005 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB006 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB007 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-OB009 (Spring)
- Oro Bay Drip - TPCHD_WQX-OB010 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB011 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB012 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB013 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB014 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB015 (Land)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB016 (Land)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB017 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB018 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB020 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB021 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB022 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB023 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB024 (Land)
- Oro Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-OB025 (Spring)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB026 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB027 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB028 (Land)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB029 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB030 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB031 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Estuary - TPCHD_WQX-OB033 (Estuary)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB035 (Land)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB040 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB042 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB101 (Land)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB102 (Land)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB103 (Land)
- Oro Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-OB104 (Land)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB105 (Land)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB106 (Land)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB107 (Land)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB108 (Land)
- Oro Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-OB109 (Stream)
- Oro Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-OB110 (Spring)
- Oro Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-OB111 (Spring)
- Oro Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-OB112 (Spring)
- Oro Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-OB113 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Oro Bay Ditch - TPCHD_WQX-OB120 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 001 - TPCHD_WQX-RB001 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 002 - TPCHD_WQX-RB002 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 003 - TPCHD_WQX-RB003 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 004 - TPCHD_WQX-RB004 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 005 - TPCHD_WQX-RB005 (Stream)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 006 - TPCHD_WQX-RB006 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 007 - TPCHD_WQX-RB007 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 008 - TPCHD_WQX-RB008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 009 - TPCHD_WQX-RB009 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 010 - TPCHD_WQX-RB010 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 011 - TPCHD_WQX-RB011 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 012 - TPCHD_WQX-RB012 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 013 - TPCHD_WQX-RB013 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 014 - TPCHD_WQX-RB014 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 015 - TPCHD_WQX-RB015 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 016 - TPCHD_WQX-RB016 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 017 - TPCHD_WQX-RB017 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 018 - TPCHD_WQX-RB018 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 019 - TPCHD_WQX-RB019 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 020 - TPCHD_WQX-RB020 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 021 - TPCHD_WQX-RB021 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 022 - TPCHD_WQX-RB022 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 023 - TPCHD_WQX-RB023 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 024 - TPCHD_WQX-RB024 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 025 - TPCHD_WQX-RB025 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 026 - TPCHD_WQX-RB026 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 027 - TPCHD_WQX-RB027 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 028 - TPCHD_WQX-RB028 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 029 - TPCHD_WQX-RB029 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 030 - TPCHD_WQX-RB030 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 031 - TPCHD_WQX-RB031 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 032 - TPCHD_WQX-RB032 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 033 - TPCHD_WQX-RB033 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 034 - TPCHD_WQX-RB034 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 035 - TPCHD_WQX-RB035 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 036 - TPCHD_WQX-RB036 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 037 - TPCHD_WQX-RB037 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 038 - TPCHD_WQX-RB038 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 039 - TPCHD_WQX-RB039 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 040 - TPCHD_WQX-RB040 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 041 - TPCHD_WQX-RB041 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 042 - TPCHD_WQX-RB042 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 043 - TPCHD_WQX-RB043 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 044 - TPCHD_WQX-RB044 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 045 - TPCHD_WQX-RB045 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 046 - TPCHD_WQX-RB046 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 047 - TPCHD_WQX-RB047 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 048 - TPCHD_WQX-RB048 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 049 - TPCHD_WQX-RB049 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 050 - TPCHD_WQX-RB050 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 051 - TPCHD_WQX-RB051 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 052 - TPCHD_WQX-RB052 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 053 - TPCHD_WQX-RB053 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 055 - TPCHD_WQX-RB055 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 057 - TPCHD_WQX-RB057 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 059 - TPCHD_WQX-RB059 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 060 - TPCHD_WQX-RB060 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 061 - TPCHD_WQX-RB061 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 062 - TPCHD_WQX-RB062 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 063 - TPCHD_WQX-RB063 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 064 - TPCHD_WQX-RB064 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 065 - TPCHD_WQX-RB065 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 066 - TPCHD_WQX-RB066 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 067 - TPCHD_WQX-RB067 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 068 - TPCHD_WQX-RB068 (Land)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 069 - TPCHD_WQX-RB069 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 070 - TPCHD_WQX-RB070 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 071 - TPCHD_WQX-RB071 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 100 - TPCHD_WQX-RB100 (Spring)
- Rocky Bay Sample Location 102 - TPCHD_WQX-RB102 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Rocky Bay Upland Sample Location 001 - TPCHD_WQX-RBU001 (Stream)
- Rocky Bay Upland Sample Location 002 - TPCHD_WQX-RBU002 (Stream)
- Rocky Bay Upland Sample Location 003 - TPCHD_WQX-RBU003 (Stream)
- Burley Lagoon Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-SIBL001 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIBL002 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIBL003 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIBL240 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIBL241 (Land)
- Burley Lagoon Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIBL250 (Land)
- Carr Inlet Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SICI001 (Land)
- Carr Inlet Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SICI002 (Land)
- Carr Inlet Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SICI003 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-SIFB064 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU003 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU004 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU005 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU006 (Land)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU007 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU008 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Channelized Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU014 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Channelized Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU015 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream Intermittent - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU016 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay River/Stream Intermittent - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU017 (Stream)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU021 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU022 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU023 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU024 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU025 (Land)
- Filucy Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIFBU026 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-SIHB001 (Spring)
- Henderson Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-SIHB002 (Spring)
- Henderson Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-SIHB003 (Spring)
- Henderson Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU001 (Spring)
- Henderson Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU002 (Spring)
- Henderson Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU003 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU010 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU011 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU012 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU013 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU014 (Land)
- Henderson Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIHBU015 (Land)
- Minter Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-SIMB001 (Spring)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIMBU001 (Land)
- Minter Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIMBU002 (Land)
- Rocky Bay FLOW - TPCHD_WQX-SIRBU007 (Land)
- Rocky Bay CREEK - TPCHD_WQX-SIRBU008 (Stream)
- Rocky Bay CREEK - TPCHD_WQX-SIRBU009 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU001 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU002 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU003 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Channelized Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU004 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay Channelized Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU005 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU006 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU007 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIVBU020 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Channelized Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIVCU001 (Stream)
- Von Geldern Cove Channelized Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIVCU002 (Stream)
- Whiteman Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIWCU003 (Stream)
- Whiteman Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIWCU004 (Land)
- Whiteman Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-SIWCU005 (Land)
- Whiteman Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-SIWCU006 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VB001 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB003 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB004 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB005 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB006 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB007 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB008 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VB009 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB010 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB011 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB012 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB013 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB014 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB015 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB016 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB017 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB018 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB019 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB025 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB026 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB027 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB028 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB029 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB030 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB031 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB032 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB033 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB036 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB037 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB038 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB039 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB040 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB043 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB044 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB045 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB046 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB047 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB048 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB049 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB050 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB051 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB052 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB053 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB054 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB055 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB057 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB058 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB059 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB060 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB062 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB070 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB071 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB073 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB074 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB081 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB082 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB083 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB085 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB086 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB099 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB100 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB103 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB104 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB106 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe - TPCHD_WQX-VB107 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB108 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB109 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VB111 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB112 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB113 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB114 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB115 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB116 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB117 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Seep - TPCHD_WQX-VB118 (Spring)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB119 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VB120 (Land)
- Vaughn Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VBU001 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VBU002 (Stream)
- Vaughn Bay Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VBU062 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC001 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC002 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC003 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC004 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC005 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC006 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC007 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC008 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC009 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC010 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC011 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC012 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC013 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC014 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC015 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC016 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC017 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC018 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC019 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC020 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC021 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC022 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC023 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC024 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC025 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC026 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC027 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC028 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC041 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC042 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC043 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC044 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC045 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC046 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC047 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC048 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC049 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC050 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC051 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC052 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC053 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove Land Runoff - TPCHD_WQX-VC054 (Land)
- Von Geldern Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VC055 (Stream)
- Von Geldern Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VC060 (Stream)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC061 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VC062 (Stream)
- Von Geldern Cove Storm Sewer - TPCHD_WQX-VC063 (Facility)
- Von Geldern Cove Pipe, Unspecified Source - TPCHD_WQX-VC064 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Von Geldern Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-VCU001 (Stream)
- Whiteman Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-WCU001 (Stream)
- Whiteman Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-WCU002 (Stream)
- Whiteman Cove River/Stream - TPCHD_WQX-WCU003 (Stream)