New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  TILLAMOOK_EP

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for TILLAMOOK_EP

This organization has 115 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Nestucca R at Cloverdale - TILLAMOOK_EP-10523-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Nestucca R at Pacific City Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-10807-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Little Nestucca R at LWR R RD - TILLAMOOK_EP-11001-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Three Rivers at Hebo Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-11003-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Neskowin Creek at Proposal Rock - TILLAMOOK_EP-11008-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Nehalem River at Alderdale - TILLAMOOK_EP-11428-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nehalem River at Foley Road (Roy Creek Campground) - TILLAMOOK_EP-11856-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- North Fork Kilchis River 1.2 miles upstream of South Fork bridge (River Mile 1.6) - TILLAMOOK_EP-12809-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Hathaway Slough at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-12832-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Wilson River at mouth - TILLAMOOK_EP-12836-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Fawcett Creek at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-12848-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Nehalem River at Mcdonald Road Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-12866-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- West Fork of North Fork Wilson River at mouth - TILLAMOOK_EP-12947-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Wilson River upstream of West Fork Wilson River - TILLAMOOK_EP-12948-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Wilson River at Hwy 6 (Lee's Camp) - TILLAMOOK_EP-12951-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Trask River at Trask River Fish Hatchery - TILLAMOOK_EP-12958-ORDEQ (Stream)
- South Fork Trask River downstream of Bill Creek - TILLAMOOK_EP-12961-ORDEQ (Stream)
- South Fork Trask River downstream of Edwards Creek - TILLAMOOK_EP-12962-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork of North Fork Trask River at mouth - TILLAMOOK_EP-12963-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Trask River upstream of North Fork of North Fork Trask - TILLAMOOK_EP-12965-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Trask River downstream of Bark Shanty Creek - TILLAMOOK_EP-12966-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Kilchis River at Mapes Creek Landing bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-13077-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at Hwy 101 Rest Stop, South Tillamook - TILLAMOOK_EP-13078-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Little South Fork Kilchis River at Kilchis Forest Road River Mile 0.1 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13094-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nehalem Bay at Wheeler - TILLAMOOK_EP-13295-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Tillamook Bay at Marker #19 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13307-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Netarts Bay 0.5 miles northwest of marina - TILLAMOOK_EP-13310-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Miami River at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13410-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Miami River at Moss Creek Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13411-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Kilchis River at Alderbrook Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13417-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Wilson River at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13421-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Wilson River at Sollie Smith Road (River Mile 3.5) - TILLAMOOK_EP-13422-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Wilson R at HWY 6 at LLID RM 10.2 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13424-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Dougherty Slough at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13428-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Hoquarten Slough at Hwy 101 (Tillamook) - TILLAMOOK_EP-13430-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Trask River at Netarts Road (Hwy. 6) - TILLAMOOK_EP-13431-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Trask River at Tillamook Loop Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13432-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Trask River at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13433-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Trask River at Trask River Loop Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13434-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at Tillamook Loop/Fraser Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13438-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at Bewley Creek Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13440-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at Yellow Fir Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13442-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nehalem Bay at Nehalem Bay State Park Boat Ramp - TILLAMOOK_EP-13446-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Nestucca R at Woods City Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-13450-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Miami River at Stuart Creek Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13469-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Vaughn Creek at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13474-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Kilchis River at bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-13475-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Kilchis River at Curl Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13477-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Holden Creek at Evergreen Street - TILLAMOOK_EP-13484-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at Weber Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13499-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Mill Creek at Brickyard Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13513-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Bewley Creek at Bewley Creek Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13517-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Elk Creek at Brickyard Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-13538-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Killiam Creek at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13607-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nehalem R at HWY 101 (Nehalem Bay Ramp) - TILLAMOOK_EP-13640-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Netarts Bay at Happy Camp Station #1 - TILLAMOOK_EP-13647-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- East Fork of South Fork Trask River at mouth - TILLAMOOK_EP-16987-ORDEQ (Stream)
- South Fork Kilchis River at mouth - TILLAMOOK_EP-17095-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Devils Lake Fork Wilson River at mouth - TILLAMOOK_EP-20363-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Foley Creek at Lommen Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-20440-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook Bay OR2078 - TILLAMOOK_EP-20737-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Nestucca River at Blaine Mile Post 5 (downstream of Alder Creek) - TILLAMOOK_EP-22368-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nestucca River at NFD 8533 (upstream of Niagara, downstream of CLR) - TILLAMOOK_EP-22374-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nestucca River at first bridge ramp (upstream of Beaver) - TILLAMOOK_EP-22394-ORDEQ (Stream)
- West Creek at Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-22591-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Little Nestucca R at HWY 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-23243-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Gallagher Slough at HWY 101 (Nehalem) - TILLAMOOK_EP-24388-ORDEQ (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- North Fork Trask River 1/4 mile upstream of Trask River Road Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-32876-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Neskowin Creek 10 feet downstream of Neskowin WWTP outfall - TILLAMOOK_EP-32879-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Holden Creek at Marloff Loop Road (Trask) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33134-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Kilchis River at northeast corner Geinger Farm - TILLAMOOK_EP-33135-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Hathaway Slough at Alderbrook Road (Kilchis) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33136-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Squeedunk Slough at Geinger Farm (Kilchis) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33137-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Kilchis at River Mile 8.2 - TILLAMOOK_EP-33138-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Illingsworth Creek (Miami) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33139-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Miami River at road mile 0.5 - TILLAMOOK_EP-33140-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Miami River at road mile 3.0 - TILLAMOOK_EP-33141-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Miami River at bridge on Miami Forest Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-33142-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Prouty Creek at Frank Crane Road (Miami) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33143-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tributary of Mill Creek at Brickyard Road beyond Magnolia (Trask) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33145-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Patterson Creek at Patterson Park (Kilchis) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33146-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Bewley Creek Upstream 50 yards from river (Tillamook) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33147-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River just upstream of rest area - TILLAMOOK_EP-33148-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at timber road (River Mile 16.9) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33149-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook River at timber road (River Mile 17.1) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33150-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Upper Bewley CR at culvert (Tillamook) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33151-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Trask River at Cedar Creek boat launch - TILLAMOOK_EP-33152-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Trask River at Johnson Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-33153-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Trask River at Carnahan Park - TILLAMOOK_EP-33155-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Wilson River at RV Park - TILLAMOOK_EP-33156-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Hughey Creek near mouth (WIlson) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33157-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Dougherty Slough (Wilson River at River Mile 7.9) - TILLAMOOK_EP-33158-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Wilson River at railroad bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-33160-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Tillamook Creamery effluent to wetland - TILLAMOOK_EP-33572-ORDEQ (Facility)
- Wilson River below Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-33573-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Wilson River at unnamed tributary (River Mile 3.1) above Old Tillamook Creamery outfall - TILLAMOOK_EP-33574-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Sage Creek at Rivermile 0.1 (Tillamook) - TILLAMOOK_EP-34107-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Sage Creek at Rivermile 0.4 (Tillamook) - TILLAMOOK_EP-34108-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Nestucca Bay - undeveloped boat ramp off Brooten Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-37510-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Holden Creek at Tillamook River Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-37626-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Anderson Creek at N Fork Road - TILLAMOOK_EP-37627-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Holden Creek at Tillamook River Rd - TILLAMOOK_EP-38100-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Tillamook Bay at Ghost Hole (floating restroom)B - TILLAMOOK_EP-38598-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Nehalem Bay at Brightwood Marina - TILLAMOOK_EP-38599-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Sandlake - South of Whalen Island Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-38601-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Sandlake at Beltz Property Tidegate outside of dike - TILLAMOOK_EP-38603-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Hawk Creek at the Salem Avenue bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-38607-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Mill Creek at Long Prairie Rd Bridge - TILLAMOOK_EP-40711-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Coal CR at NF RD BR - TILLAMOOK_EP-40742-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Little Nestucca R at Little Nestucca Hwy BR 4.2 miles E of Hwy 101 - TILLAMOOK_EP-40743-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Sand Lake at Sandbeach Campground Day Use access - TILLAMOOK_EP-40744-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Netarts Bay just DS of Netarts Bay DR BR over Rice CR - TILLAMOOK_EP-40745-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Tillamook Bay West Channel 1.5 nautical miles south of Garibaldi - TILLAMOOK_EP-40793-ORDEQ (Estuary)
- Tillamook Bay at Central Channel south side inlet - TILLAMOOK_EP-41190-ORDEQ (Estuary)