New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  STF_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for STF_WQX

This organization has 129 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Border Overflow 1 - STF_WQX-B01 (Land)
- Big Cypress III - STF_WQX-BCIII (Wetland)
- Big Cypress Site 01 - STF_WQX-BCS01 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Site 02 - STF_WQX-BCS02 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Site 03 - STF_WQX-BCS03 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Site 04 - STF_WQX-BCS04 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Site 06 - STF_WQX-BCS06 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Site 08 - STF_WQX-BCS08 (Stream)
- Buffalo Jim Loop North Road pond - STF_WQX-BJLN ()
- Barrow Pit - STF_WQX-BP (Spring)
- PC Culvert 19 - STF_WQX-BRP01 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 17 - STF_WQX-BRP02 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 11 - STF_WQX-BRP03 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 08 - STF_WQX-BRP04 (Stream)
- East of BRS07 - STF_WQX-BRP05 (Stream)
- HP 2 - STF_WQX-BRP06 (Stream)
- HP 3 - STF_WQX-BRP07 (Stream)
- Pump D - STF_WQX-BRP08 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 12 - STF_WQX-BRP09 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 18 - STF_WQX-BRP10 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 16 - STF_WQX-BRP11 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 14 - STF_WQX-BRP12 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 12 - STF_WQX-BRP13 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 11 - STF_WQX-BRP14 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 10 - STF_WQX-BRP15 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 09 - STF_WQX-BRP16 (Stream)
- PC Culvert - STF_WQX-BRP17 (Stream)
- PC Culvert - STF_WQX-BRP18 (Stream)
- PC Culvert - STF_WQX-BRP19 (Stream)
- PC Culvert - STF_WQX-BRP20 (Stream)
- PC Culvert - STF_WQX-BRP21 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 13 - STF_WQX-BRP22 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 15 - STF_WQX-BRP23 (Stream)
- PC Culvert 17 - STF_WQX-BRP24 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 01 - STF_WQX-BRS01 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 02 - STF_WQX-BRS02 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 03 - STF_WQX-BRS03 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 04 - STF_WQX-BRS04 (Stream)
- North Ditch into C-41 Canal - STF_WQX-BRS05 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 06 - STF_WQX-BRS06 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 07 - STF_WQX-BRS07 (Stream)
- Outflow ditch SW corner of Brighton - STF_WQX-BRS09 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 10 - STF_WQX-BRS10 (Stream)
- Brighton Site 11 - STF_WQX-BRS11 (Stream)
- Culvert - STF_WQX-C1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Culvert - STF_WQX-C2 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Culvert - STF_WQX-C3 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Coconut Creek Non-Point Site 10 - STF_WQX-CCNPS10 (Stream)
- Non point source - STF_WQX-CCNPS9 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Coconut Creek Site 01 - STF_WQX-CCS01 (Stream)
- Coconut Creek Site 02 - STF_WQX-CCS02 (Stream)
- Coconut Creek Site 03 - STF_WQX-CCS03 (Stream)
- Coconut Creek Site 06 - STF_WQX-CCS06 (Stream)
- Cow Pen Site - STF_WQX-Cow_Pen (Stream)
- Cowbone W Wet Feeder - STF_WQX-CWWW (Stream)
- Conveyance canal - STF_WQX-E2 Canal (Stream)
- E2 Canal Drainage - STF_WQX-E2CD (Stream)
- E2 Canal Extension - STF_WQX-E2CE (Stream)
- Big Cypress E-2 Pump Station - STF_WQX-E2Pump (Stream)
- E6 Canal Drainage - STF_WQX-E6CD (Stream)
- Fort Pierce Site 01 - STF_WQX-FPS01 (Stream)
- Large wetland area - STF_WQX-FPS02 (Stream)
- Green Glades West Cypress Dome - STF_WQX-GGWCD (Wetland)
- Harney Pond Road site - STF_WQX-Harney_Pond_Rd (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP (Stream)
- Harney Pond Downstream Autosampler - STF_WQX-HPDAS (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP_DOWN_14 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP_DOWN_7 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP_DOWN_all (Stream)
- Harney Pond Upstream Autosampler - STF_WQX-HPUAS (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP_UP_14 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP_UP_7 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Harney Prairie - STF_WQX-HP_UP_all (Stream)
- Hollywood Headquarters - STF_WQX-HQ (Stream)
- Huff Bridge Road Site - STF_WQX-Huff_Bridge_Rd (Stream)
- Hollywood Site 01 - STF_WQX-HWS01 (Stream)
- Hollywood Site 02 - STF_WQX-HWS02 (Stream)
- Koowachobe Pond South - STF_WQX-IKPS (Stream)
- Immokalee Site 01 - STF_WQX-IMS01 (Wetland)
- Immokalee Site 02 - STF_WQX-IMS02 ()
- Immokalee Site 03 - STF_WQX-IMS03 ()
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP (Stream)
- Indian Prairie Downstream Autosampler - STF_WQX-IPDAS (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP_DOWN_14 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP_DOWN_7 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP_DOWN_all (Stream)
- Indian Prairie Upstream Autosampler - STF_WQX-IPUAS (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP_UP_14 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP_UP_7 (Stream)
- Brighton Reservation Autosampler Indian Prairie - STF_WQX-IP_UP_all (Stream)
- Immokalee Waterplant Pond - STF_WQX-IWP (Stream)
- Cypress Wetland Natural - STF_WQX-J4 (Wetland)
- Cypress Wetland Natural - STF_WQX-KBS (Wetland)
- Kissimmee Billie Slough North - STF_WQX-KN (Wetland)
- L28IN - STF_WQX-L28IN (Stream)
- BCSB L28 Interceptor - STF_WQX-L-28-IN (Stream)
- L28U - STF_WQX-L28U (Stream)
- BCSB L28 Borrow - STF_WQX-L-28-U (Stream)
- Laboratory - STF_WQX-LAB (Facility)
- Lard Can Feeder(Linda's spot) - STF_WQX-LCF (Wetland)
- Lake Bowles - STF_WQX-LLBowles (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lakeland Pond - STF_WQX-LLP ()
- Lakeland Site 05 - STF_WQX-LLS05 (Stream)
- Mandy's lake within natural area - STF_WQX-Mandys_Lake (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Slough Wetland Natural - STF_WQX-Middle S. (Wetland)
- Oblong pond by Snake Road - STF_WQX-OPSR ()
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 1 - STF_WQX-PC1 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 13 - STF_WQX-PC13 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 14 - STF_WQX-PC14 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 15 - STF_WQX-PC15 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 16 - STF_WQX-PC16 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 17 - STF_WQX-PC17 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 17A - STF_WQX-PC17A (Stream)
- Between PC17A and PC17, northern border N Feeder Canal - STF_WQX-PC17N (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 4 - STF_WQX-PC4 (Stream)
- Big Cypress Project Culvert 5 - STF_WQX-PC5 (Stream)
- Corndance Groundwater pump - STF_WQX-Pump (Facility)
- Conveyance canal - STF_WQX-RM Canal (Stream)
- Rock Mine Canal Drainage - STF_WQX-RMCD (Stream)
- Rock Mine Lake 4 - STF_WQX-RML4 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- East side of rodeo pond - STF_WQX-Rodeo_Pond_East ()
- West side of rodeo pond - STF_WQX-Rodeo_Pond_West ()
- Tampa Site 01 - STF_WQX-TMS01 (Stream)
- TigerTail Downstream Site 2 - STF_WQX-TT_Upstream2 (Stream)
- Tucker Ridge Road Site 1 - STF_WQX-Tucker_Ridge_Rd (Stream)
- Tucker Ridge Road Site 2 - STF_WQX-Tucker_Ridge_Rd2 (Stream)
- Yeehaw Junction Site 01 - STF_WQX-YHJ01 (Stream)
- Yeehaw Junction Site 02 - STF_WQX-YHJ02 (Stream)
- Yeehaw Junction Site 03 - STF_WQX-YHJ03 (Stream)