New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  SIUSLAW

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for SIUSLAW

This organization has 43 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Siuslaw River at Whitaker Creek Road - SIUSLAW-10983-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw River at Esmond Creek Access Road - SIUSLAW-10984-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Wildcat Creek at mouth - SIUSLAW-10989-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Horse Heaven Creek at confluence with Steamboat Creek - SIUSLAW-23888-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw River (above Pheasant Creek) - SIUSLAW-28120-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw River at Tide boat ramp - SIUSLAW-33642-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek at Fish Creek Road - SIUSLAW-34220-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw River u/s of Barber Creek - SIUSLAW-34222-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek Below Hult Pond (Siuslaw R) - SIUSLAW-34877-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek above Indian Creek (Siuslaw R) - SIUSLAW-34878-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw River Above Doe Creek - SIUSLAW-34880-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek Rd Bridge - SIUSLAW-36802-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw R Below Confluence of N and S Forks - SIUSLAW-38329-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Siuslaw River at Minerva - SIUSLAW-38330-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw R Below Pheasant Cr - SIUSLAW-39318-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Fiddle Cr Below Big Canyon - SIUSLAW-39463-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Fiddle Cr 1/4 mi upstream of Forest Boundary - SIUSLAW-39464-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Fiddle Cr above Morris Cr - SIUSLAW-39465-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Fiddle Creek Below Morris Cr - SIUSLAW-39467-ORDEQ (Stream)
- South Fork Bear Ck at USFS Boundary - SIUSLAW-40041-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Roache Creek above Maple Ck Confluence - SIUSLAW-40043-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lower Grand Creek at Maple Creek Rd crossing - SIUSLAW-40044-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Maple Ck at USFS boundary - SIUSLAW-40045-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Upper Grant Ck 0.4 miles US Maple Ck Rd crossing - SIUSLAW-40046-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lower Maple Creek 60 Meters US of Roache Ck - SIUSLAW-40047-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lower Bear Ck 91 Meters US of mouth - SIUSLAW-40048-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Upper Billy Moore Ck at BLM boundary - SIUSLAW-40049-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Bear Ck 942m US of Confluence with SFK - SIUSLAW-40050-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Fiddle Ck 91m US Bear Creek - SIUSLAW-40051-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lower Billy Moore Ck 47M US Fiddle Creek Confluence - SIUSLAW-40052-ORDEQ (Stream)
- South Fork Siuslaw at Territorial HWY and Gowdyville Road - SIUSLAW-40265-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Munsel Creek at Greenway Park - SIUSLAW-40266-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Ackerley Creek upstream of Martin Road - SIUSLAW-40267-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Munsel Creek at Spruce St. - SIUSLAW-40268-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek above Hult Dam 60 meters below BLM 15-7-35 bridge - SIUSLAW-40269-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek below Hult Dam Outlet Pipe - SIUSLAW-40270-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Siuslaw River below Wolf Creek - SIUSLAW-40431-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Lake Creek directly below spillway channel - SIUSLAW-40990-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Maple Ck 470m US of confluence with Grant Ck - SIUSLAW-41054-ORDEQ (Stream)
- Maple Ck 175m US of confluence with Carle Ck - SIUSLAW-41055-ORDEQ (Stream)
- North Fork Siuslaw downstream of McLeod Creek - SIUSLAW-41133-ORDEQ (Stream)
- McLeod Creek upstream of South Johns Creek - SIUSLAW-41134-ORDEQ (Stream)
- McLeod Creek at Mouth - SIUSLAW-41135-ORDEQ (Stream)