New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  SELDOVIA

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for SELDOVIA

This organization has 132 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Benthic Site #1 sediment - SELDOVIA-B1 (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #1 deep - SELDOVIA-B1D (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #1 shallow - SELDOVIA-B1S (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #2 sediment - SELDOVIA-B2 (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #2 deep - SELDOVIA-B2D (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #2 shallow - SELDOVIA-B2S (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #3 sediment - SELDOVIA-B3 (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #3 deep - SELDOVIA-B3D (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #3 shallow - SELDOVIA-B3S (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #4 sediment - SELDOVIA-B4 (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #4 deep - SELDOVIA-B4D (Ocean)
- Benthic Site #4 shallow - SELDOVIA-B4S (Ocean)
- Upper Barabara Creek - SELDOVIA-BC1 (Stream)
- Barabara Creek Bridge - SELDOVIA-BC2 (Stream)
- Barabara Creek by Point - SELDOVIA-BC3 (Stream)
- Dan's Cove Sediment - SELDOVIA-DC (Ocean)
- Dan's Cove shallow fresh water - SELDOVIA-DC FW (Stream)
- Dan's Cove shallow salt water - SELDOVIA-DC SW (Ocean)
- Lower Fish Creek - SELDOVIA-FC1 (Stream)
- Upper Fish Creek - SELDOVIA-FC2 (Stream)
- High Upper Fish Creek - SELDOVIA-FC3 (Stream)
- Fish Creek by Airport - SELDOVIA-FCA (Stream)
- Lower Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-JC1 (Stream)
- Below outflow of Jakolof Lake - SELDOVIA-JC1a (Stream)
- Upper Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-JC2 (Stream)
- Midway along Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-JC2a (Stream)
- Mouth of Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-JC3a (Stream)
- jakolof creek reach 9 break - SELDOVIA-JC BRK (Stream)
- Jakolof Flats 1 - SELDOVIA-JF1 (Stream)
- Jakolof Flats 2 - SELDOVIA-JF2 (Stream)
- Jakolof Flats 3 - SELDOVIA-JF3 (Stream)
- Jakolof Flats 4 - SELDOVIA-JF4 (Stream)
- Jakolof Lake - SELDOVIA-JL (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Jakolof Log Jam 1 - SELDOVIA-JLJ1 (Stream)
- Jakolof Log Jam 2 - SELDOVIA-JLJ2 (Stream)
- Jakolof Log Jam 3 - SELDOVIA-JLJ3 (Stream)
- Jakolof Log Jam 4 - SELDOVIA-JLJ4 (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 1 - SELDOVIA-KFC1 (Stream)
- Below outflow of King Fisher Lake - SELDOVIA-KFC1a (Stream)
- Fallen Tree - SELDOVIA-KFC1C (Stream)
- Fallen Tree Stump - SELDOVIA-KFC1D (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 2 - SELDOVIA-KFC2 (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 2 A - SELDOVIA-KFC2A (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 3 - SELDOVIA-KFC3 (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 3 B - SELDOVIA-KFC3B (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 4 - SELDOVIA-KFC4 (Stream)
- Log Jam 2 - SELDOVIA-KFC5A (Stream)
- Log Jam 3 - SELDOVIA-KFC5B (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 6 - SELDOVIA-KFC6 (Stream)
- King Fisher Creek Site 7 - SELDOVIA-KFC7 (Stream)
- King Fisher Inlet Creek 1 - SELDOVIA-KFCI1 (Stream)
- King Fisher Inlet Creek 2 - SELDOVIA-KFCI2 (Stream)
- King Fisher Inlet Creek 3 - SELDOVIA-KFCI3 (Stream)
- Log Jam - SELDOVIA-KFCI4A (Stream)
- Pool - SELDOVIA-KFCI4B (Stream)
- King Fisher Inlet Creek 5 - SELDOVIA-KFCI5 (Stream)
- King Fisher Inlet Creek 6 - SELDOVIA-KFCI6 (Stream)
- King Fisher Lake - SELDOVIA-KFL (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- East Slough - SELDOVIA-KFL1 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 10 - SELDOVIA-KFL10 (Stream)
- King Fisher Lake Site 11 - SELDOVIA-KFL11 (Stream)
- King Fisher Lake Site 12 - SELDOVIA-KFL12 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 2 - SELDOVIA-KFL2 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 3 - SELDOVIA-KFL3 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Stickleback Creek - SELDOVIA-KFL4 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 5 - SELDOVIA-KFL5 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 6 - SELDOVIA-KFL6 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 7 - SELDOVIA-KFL7 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake Site 8 - SELDOVIA-KFL8 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- West Inlet - SELDOVIA-KFL9 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake-rocky habitat - SELDOVIA-KFL- Rocky (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Lake-veg habitat - SELDOVIA-KFL- vegetation (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- King Fisher Flood Plain 1 - SELDOVIA-KFP1 (Land)
- Mile 8 - SELDOVIA-MILE 8 (Stream)
- Monitoring Well 1 - SELDOVIA-MW1 (Well)
- Monitoring Well 2 - SELDOVIA-MW2 (Well)
- Monitoring Well 3 - SELDOVIA-MW3 (Well)
- Monitoring Well 4 - SELDOVIA-MW4 (Well)
- Dan's Cove-Northeast Shore 1 - SELDOVIA-NES 1 (Ocean)
- Dan's Cove-Northeast Shore 2 - SELDOVIA-NES 2 (Ocean)
- jakolof creek reach 8 site A - SELDOVIA-RCH8A (Stream)
- jakolof creek reach 8 site B - SELDOVIA-RCH8B (Stream)
- Septic Discharge - SELDOVIA-SD (Ocean)
- Septic Discharge #1 outfall pipe - SELDOVIA-SD1 (Ocean)
- Sediment 1 - SELDOVIA-SD1a (Land)
- Septic Discharge #2 - SELDOVIA-SD2 (Ocean)
- Sediment 2 - SELDOVIA-SD2a (Land)
- Septic Discharge #2 mixing zone - SELDOVIA-SD2 MZ (Ocean)
- Septic Discharge #3 - SELDOVIA-SD3 (Ocean)
- Sediment 3 - SELDOVIA-SD3a (Land)
- Septic Discharge #4 - SELDOVIA-SD4 (Ocean)
- Shore 1 - SELDOVIA-Shore 1 (Ocean)
- Shore 2 - SELDOVIA-Shore 2 (Ocean)
- Snail Lake Outlet Creek 1 - SELDOVIA-SLO1 (Stream)
- Snail Lake Outlet Creek 2 - SELDOVIA-SLO2 (Stream)
- Seldovia River Falls - SELDOVIA-SRF1 (Stream)
- Surface Soil 242 - SELDOVIA-SS242 (Land)
- Surface Soil 271 - SELDOVIA-SS271 (Land)
- Surface Soil 35 - SELDOVIA-SS35 (Land)
- Surface Soil 37 - SELDOVIA-SS37 (Land)
- Surface Soil 42 - SELDOVIA-SS42 (Land)
- Surface Soil 43 - SELDOVIA-SS43 (Land)
- Surface Soil 46 - SELDOVIA-SS46 (Land)
- Surface Soil 47 - SELDOVIA-SS47 (Land)
- Surface Soil 48 - SELDOVIA-SS48 (Land)
- Surface Soil 56 - SELDOVIA-SS56 (Land)
- Surface Soil 64 - SELDOVIA-SS64 (Land)
- Surface Soil 71 - SELDOVIA-SS71 (Land)
- Surface Water 1-Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-SW1 (Stream)
- Surface Water 2-Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-SW2 (Stream)
- Surface Water 3-Jakolof Creek - SELDOVIA-SW3 (Stream)
- Transect 1 deep salt water - SELDOVIA-T1D SW (Ocean)
- Transect 1, Station 1 - SELDOVIA-T1S1 (Ocean)
- Transect 1, Station 2 - SELDOVIA-T1S2 (Ocean)
- Transect 1, Station 3 - SELDOVIA-T1S3 (Ocean)
- Transect 1 shallow salt water - SELDOVIA-T1S SW (Ocean)
- Transect 2, Station 1 - SELDOVIA-T2S1 (Ocean)
- Transect 2, Station 2 - SELDOVIA-T2S2 (Ocean)
- Transect 2, Station 3 - SELDOVIA-T2S3 (Ocean)
- Transect 3, Station 1 - SELDOVIA-T3S1 (Ocean)
- Transect 3, Station 2 - SELDOVIA-T3S2 (Ocean)
- Transect 3, Station 3 - SELDOVIA-T3S3 (Ocean)
- Transect 4 deep salt water - SELDOVIA-T4D (Ocean)
- Transect 4 shallow salt water - SELDOVIA-T4S (Ocean)
- Transect 4, Station 1 - SELDOVIA-T4S1 (Ocean)
- Transect 4, Station 2 - SELDOVIA-T4S2 (Ocean)
- Transect 4, Station 3 - SELDOVIA-T4S3 (Ocean)
- jakolof creek tributary 1 - SELDOVIA-TRIB1 (Stream)
- jakolof creek tributary 3 - SELDOVIA-TRIB3 (Stream)
- jakolof creek tributary 4 - SELDOVIA-TRIB4 (Stream)
- Lower Windy River - SELDOVIA-WR1 (Stream)
- Upper Windy River - SELDOVIA-WR2 (Stream)