New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  SAN

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for SAN

This organization has 26 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Adams Farm Above - SAN-ADAM01 (Stream)
- Adams Farm Below - SAN-ADAM02 (Stream)
- Brookside Country Club above impoundment - SAN-BRCC01 (Stream)
- Brookside Country Club within impoundment - SAN-BRCC02 (Stream)
- Brookside Country Club, lower trib - SAN-BRCC03 (Stream)
- Green Lane Church Rd Above - SAN-GLCH01 (Stream)
- Green Lane Church Rd Below - SAN-GLCH02 (Stream)
- Hill Farm Above - SAN-HILL01 (Stream)
- Hill Farm Below - SAN-HILL02 (Stream)
- Hill Farm Tributary - SAN-HILL03 (Stream)
- Little Wolf Cr ab Pine Forest Tunnel nr St. Clair - SAN-LWOLFAB (Stream)
- Little Wolf Cr bl Pine Forest Tunnel nr St. Clair - SAN-LWOLFBL (Stream)
- Pine Forest Mine Pump Shaft Discharge - SAN-PINFIN (Aggregate groundwater use )
- Pine Forest Anoxic Limestone Bed Effluent - SAN-PINLBEFF (Wetland)
- Pine Forest Pond 1 Effluent - SAN-PINP1EFF (Wetland)
- Pine Forest Pond 2 Effluent - SAN-PINP2EFF (Wetland)
- Pine Forest Pond 3 Effluent - SAN-PINP3EFF (Wetland)
- Pine Forest Pond 4 Effluent - SAN-PINP4EFF (Wetland)
- Pine Knot Discharge - SAN-PKNTDIS (Aggregate groundwater use )
- Reevesdale South Dip Tunnel - SAN-REEV2IN (Aggregate groundwater use )
- Reevesdale #2 South Dip Wetland #2 Effluent - SAN-REEV2OUT (Wetland)
- Scioto Creek above - SAN-SCCR01 (Stream)
- Scioto Creek below - SAN-SCCR02 (Stream)
- Charles Seidel Above - SAN-SEID01 (Stream)
- Charles Seidel below - SAN-SEID02 (Stream)
- Spring-Ford Influent - SAN-SPFD01 (Land)