New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  OCC

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for OCC

This organization has 123 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Otter Creek Alluvium: Stevens crossing near SW-2 - OCC-A1 (Well)
- Alluvium: 50' NW of stock well at homestead - OCC-A2 (Well)
- Alluvium: Next to fence-Denson Otter Creek crossing - OCC-A3 (Well)
- Ten Mile Creek Alluvium: Denson meadow - OCC-A4 (Well)
- Tarter meadow on Three Mile Creek - OCC-A5 (Well)
- Alluvium: Near Otter Creek Crossing - OCC-A6 (Well)
- Alluvium: Just West of Otter Creek - OCC-A7 (Well)
- A8 Groundwater - OCC-A8 (Well)
- 1/4 mile east of Otter Creek bridge on south side Hwy 212 - OCC-A9 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium: AVF1 on Trusler meadow south of house - OCC-AVF1-2 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium: AVF2 south fence line of Trusler meadow south of cemetary - OCC-AVF2-2 (Well)
- Alluvium: 55 yards East of Otter Creek; 10' East of well AVF3-1 - OCC-AVF3-2 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium: AVF3 Battery near Badgett place - OCC-AVF3-4 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF3 wells - OCC-AVF3-P1 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF3 wells - OCC-AVF3-P2 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF3 wells - OCC-AVF3-P3 (Well)
- Alluvium: Immediately West of Otter Creek - OCC-AVF4-1 (Well)
- Alluvium: East end of AVF4 near mouth of Fortune Creek - OCC-AVF4-2 (Well)
- Alluvium: Just north of hay yard - OCC-AVF4-3 (Well)
- Alluvium: 20 feet south of AVF4-1 - OCC-AVF4-4 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF4 wells, near AVF4-3 - OCC-AVF4-P1 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF4 wells, near AVF4-1 - OCC-AVF4-P2 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, east end of AVF4 near mouth of Fortune Creek - OCC-AVF4-P3 (Well)
- Home Creek Alluvium: Home Creek on Trusler property - OCC-AVF5-1 (Well)
- Three Mile Creek Alluvium: AVF6 on Grawohl property on Three Mile Creek - OCC-AVF6-3 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P1 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P2 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P3 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P4 (Well)
- Otter Creek Allumium Piezometer well, east of Newell Creek - OCC-AVF8-P3 (Well)
- Otter Creek Allumium Piezometer well, east of Newell Creek - OCC-AVF8-P4 (Well)
- Otter Creek Allumium Piezometer well, east of Newell Creek - OCC-AVF8-P5 (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: B10 battery, Lower Knobloch well - OCC-B10-KL (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: - OCC-B10-KU (Well)
- Overburden above Knobloch coal: B10 battery overburden in Denson meadow - OCC-B10-O (Well)
- Underburden: B10 battery in Denson meadow - OCC-B10-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B11 battery East Center Proposed Mine Area - OCC-B11-K (Well)
- Overburden: B11 Battery - OCC-B11-O (Well)
- Knobloch Underburden: B11 Battery - OCC-B11-U (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-CO (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-LK (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-U (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-UK1 (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-UK2 (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: 15' North of B1-U, just west of Stevens corrals - OCC-B1-C (Well)
- Underburden: West of Stevens' corrals - OCC-B1-U (Well)
- Knobloch: B2 Battery - OCC-B2-K (Well)
- Underburden: near existing PVC well in Section 36 - OCC-B2-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B3 Battery on Ark Land property - OCC-B3-K (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B3 Battery on Ark Land property - OCC-B3-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: 15' East of B4-U - OCC-B4-K (Well)
- Overburden Above Knobloch: 15' East of B4-K - OCC-B4-O (Well)
- Underburden: at fence near border with Section 35 - OCC-B4-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B5 battery near weather station - OCC-B5-K (Well)
- Overburden: B5 battery near weather station - OCC-B5-O (Well)
- Knobloch Underburden: B5 battery near weather station - OCC-B5-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B6 battery on Tarter property, Shorty Creek Drainage - OCC-B6-K (Well)
- Overburden: B6 battery on Tarter property, Shorty Creek Drainage - OCC-B6-O (Well)
- Knobloch Coal Underburden: B6 battery on Tarter property, Shorty Creek Drainage - OCC-B6-U (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: B7 battery on State land - OCC-B7-KL (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: B7 battery on State land - OCC-B7-KU (Well)
- Overburden: B7 battery on State land - OCC-B7-O (Well)
- Underburden: B7 batter on State land - OCC-B7-U (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: B8 battery - OCC-B8-KL (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: B8 Battery - OCC-B8-KU (Well)
- Overburden: B8 battery - OCC-B8-O (Well)
- Knobloch Underburden: B8 battery - OCC-B8-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: north edge State Section 16 - OCC-B9-K (Well)
- Underburden for coal: north edge State Section 16 - OCC-B9-U (Well)
- Clinker: Near Stevens/Trusler property boundary and Sections 33/34 border - OCC-C-1 (Well)
- Base of Clinker: Clinker knob near Highway 484 - OCC-C-2 (Well)
- Clinker: Clinker well west of weather station - OCC-C-3 (Well)
- Knobloch Clinker: west of K-5 near edge of floodplain - OCC-C-4 (Well)
- Upgradient Spring issues from overburden - OCC-COAL CREEK (Spring)
- Downgradient Spring near Otter Creek - OCC-FORTUNE SPRING (Spring)
- Knobloch Coal: East of Otter Creek 1/2 mile - OCC-K-1 (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: East of Otter Creek paired with K-6 - OCC-K-2 (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: paired with K-4 - OCC-K-3 (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: paired with K-3 - OCC-K-4 (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: 115 yards East of well C-4 on hill - OCC-K-5 (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: 12' South of K-2, paired with K-2 - OCC-K-6 (Well)
- Mine area pond water quality - OCC-P1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mine area pond water quality - OCC-P2 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Downgradient pond water quality - OCC-P3 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Pond water quality, stage - OCC-P4 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Upgradient pond quality, Shorty Creek - OCC-P5 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Pond water quality, stage - OCC-P6 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Downgradient Spring near Otter Creek in Section 33, T3S, R45E - OCC-SECTION 33 SPRING (Spring)
- Home Creek - OCC-SW-1 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary to Three Mile Creek, north slope - OCC-SW-10 (Stream)
- Upgradient tributary to Three Mile Creek - OCC-SW-11 (Stream)
- Upgradient tributary to Three Mile Creek - OCC-SW-12 (Stream)
- Downstream of Pond P1, mine area, west facing drainage - OCC-SW-13 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-14 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary to Otter Creek downstream of proposed mine area - OCC-SW-15 (Stream)
- Otter Creek between Threemile Creek and Tenmile Creek - OCC-SW-16 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-17 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-18 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-19 (Stream)
- Home Creek - OCC-SW-1A (Stream)
- Otter Creek upstream Threemile Creek - OCC-SW-2 (Stream)
- Upgradient in undisturbed drainage - OCC-SW-20 (Stream)
- Similar characteristics and area to SW19, south facing drainage - OCC-SW-21 (Stream)
- Otter Creek upstream Tenmile Creek - OCC-SW-22 (Stream)
- Tenmile Creek at 10 Mile Road crossing - OCC-SW-23 (Stream)
- Home Creek Overflow - OCC-SW-24 (Stream)
- Otter Creek downstream Threemile Creek - OCC-SW-25 (Stream)
- Otter Creek, upstream near A7 - OCC-SW-26 (Stream)
- Threemile Creek about 0.5 mile upstream mouth - OCC-SW-3 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile Creek - OCC-SW-4 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary to Threemile Creek - OCC-SW-5 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile, flow regime considered similar to SW5 - OCC-SW-6 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile, flow regime considered similar to SW5 - OCC-SW-7 (Stream)
- Downstream of pond P4 - OCC-SW-8 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile, north slope - OCC-SW-9 (Stream)
- Private well - OCC-TARTER DOMESTIC WELL (Well)
- Private well - OCC-TARTER STOCK WELL (Well)
- Private well - OCC-TARTER YARD WELL (Well)
- Otter Creek downstream East Fork Otter Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC10 (Stream)
- Otter Creek downstream Indian Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC12 (Stream)
- Otter Creek downstream Bear Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC13 (Stream)
- Otter Creek near headwaters, upstream Long Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC14 (Stream)
- Taylor Creek downstream North and South Forks - OCC-Y16TYLRC01 (Stream)