Water Quality Portal Data Sites for OCC
This organization has 123 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand
- Otter Creek Alluvium: Stevens crossing near SW-2 - OCC-A1 (Well)
- Alluvium: 50' NW of stock well at homestead - OCC-A2 (Well)
- Alluvium: Next to fence-Denson Otter Creek crossing - OCC-A3 (Well)
- Ten Mile Creek Alluvium: Denson meadow - OCC-A4 (Well)
- Tarter meadow on Three Mile Creek - OCC-A5 (Well)
- Alluvium: Near Otter Creek Crossing - OCC-A6 (Well)
- Alluvium: Just West of Otter Creek - OCC-A7 (Well)
- A8 Groundwater - OCC-A8 (Well)
- 1/4 mile east of Otter Creek bridge on south side Hwy 212 - OCC-A9 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium: AVF1 on Trusler meadow south of house - OCC-AVF1-2 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium: AVF2 south fence line of Trusler meadow south of cemetary - OCC-AVF2-2 (Well)
- Alluvium: 55 yards East of Otter Creek; 10' East of well AVF3-1 - OCC-AVF3-2 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium: AVF3 Battery near Badgett place - OCC-AVF3-4 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF3 wells - OCC-AVF3-P1 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF3 wells - OCC-AVF3-P2 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF3 wells - OCC-AVF3-P3 (Well)
- Alluvium: Immediately West of Otter Creek - OCC-AVF4-1 (Well)
- Alluvium: East end of AVF4 near mouth of Fortune Creek - OCC-AVF4-2 (Well)
- Alluvium: Just north of hay yard - OCC-AVF4-3 (Well)
- Alluvium: 20 feet south of AVF4-1 - OCC-AVF4-4 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF4 wells, near AVF4-3 - OCC-AVF4-P1 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, paired with AVF4 wells, near AVF4-1 - OCC-AVF4-P2 (Well)
- Alluvium Piezometer well, east end of AVF4 near mouth of Fortune Creek - OCC-AVF4-P3 (Well)
- Home Creek Alluvium: Home Creek on Trusler property - OCC-AVF5-1 (Well)
- Three Mile Creek Alluvium: AVF6 on Grawohl property on Three Mile Creek - OCC-AVF6-3 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P1 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P2 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P3 (Well)
- Otter Creek Alluvium Piezometer well, above Three-Mile Creek - OCC-AVF7-P4 (Well)
- Otter Creek Allumium Piezometer well, east of Newell Creek - OCC-AVF8-P3 (Well)
- Otter Creek Allumium Piezometer well, east of Newell Creek - OCC-AVF8-P4 (Well)
- Otter Creek Allumium Piezometer well, east of Newell Creek - OCC-AVF8-P5 (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: B10 battery, Lower Knobloch well - OCC-B10-KL (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: - OCC-B10-KU (Well)
- Overburden above Knobloch coal: B10 battery overburden in Denson meadow - OCC-B10-O (Well)
- Underburden: B10 battery in Denson meadow - OCC-B10-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B11 battery East Center Proposed Mine Area - OCC-B11-K (Well)
- Overburden: B11 Battery - OCC-B11-O (Well)
- Knobloch Underburden: B11 Battery - OCC-B11-U (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-CO (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-LK (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-U (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-UK1 (Well)
- USFS, Battery near Coal Creek - OCC-B12-UK2 (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: 15' North of B1-U, just west of Stevens corrals - OCC-B1-C (Well)
- Underburden: West of Stevens' corrals - OCC-B1-U (Well)
- Knobloch: B2 Battery - OCC-B2-K (Well)
- Underburden: near existing PVC well in Section 36 - OCC-B2-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B3 Battery on Ark Land property - OCC-B3-K (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B3 Battery on Ark Land property - OCC-B3-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: 15' East of B4-U - OCC-B4-K (Well)
- Overburden Above Knobloch: 15' East of B4-K - OCC-B4-O (Well)
- Underburden: at fence near border with Section 35 - OCC-B4-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B5 battery near weather station - OCC-B5-K (Well)
- Overburden: B5 battery near weather station - OCC-B5-O (Well)
- Knobloch Underburden: B5 battery near weather station - OCC-B5-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: B6 battery on Tarter property, Shorty Creek Drainage - OCC-B6-K (Well)
- Overburden: B6 battery on Tarter property, Shorty Creek Drainage - OCC-B6-O (Well)
- Knobloch Coal Underburden: B6 battery on Tarter property, Shorty Creek Drainage - OCC-B6-U (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: B7 battery on State land - OCC-B7-KL (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: B7 battery on State land - OCC-B7-KU (Well)
- Overburden: B7 battery on State land - OCC-B7-O (Well)
- Underburden: B7 batter on State land - OCC-B7-U (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: B8 battery - OCC-B8-KL (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: B8 Battery - OCC-B8-KU (Well)
- Overburden: B8 battery - OCC-B8-O (Well)
- Knobloch Underburden: B8 battery - OCC-B8-U (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: north edge State Section 16 - OCC-B9-K (Well)
- Underburden for coal: north edge State Section 16 - OCC-B9-U (Well)
- Clinker: Near Stevens/Trusler property boundary and Sections 33/34 border - OCC-C-1 (Well)
- Base of Clinker: Clinker knob near Highway 484 - OCC-C-2 (Well)
- Clinker: Clinker well west of weather station - OCC-C-3 (Well)
- Knobloch Clinker: west of K-5 near edge of floodplain - OCC-C-4 (Well)
- Upgradient Spring issues from overburden - OCC-COAL CREEK (Spring)
- Downgradient Spring near Otter Creek - OCC-FORTUNE SPRING (Spring)
- Knobloch Coal: East of Otter Creek 1/2 mile - OCC-K-1 (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: East of Otter Creek paired with K-6 - OCC-K-2 (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: paired with K-4 - OCC-K-3 (Well)
- Lower Knobloch: paired with K-3 - OCC-K-4 (Well)
- Knobloch Coal: 115 yards East of well C-4 on hill - OCC-K-5 (Well)
- Upper Knobloch: 12' South of K-2, paired with K-2 - OCC-K-6 (Well)
- Mine area pond water quality - OCC-P1 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Mine area pond water quality - OCC-P2 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Downgradient pond water quality - OCC-P3 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Pond water quality, stage - OCC-P4 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Upgradient pond quality, Shorty Creek - OCC-P5 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Pond water quality, stage - OCC-P6 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Downgradient Spring near Otter Creek in Section 33, T3S, R45E - OCC-SECTION 33 SPRING (Spring)
- Home Creek - OCC-SW-1 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary to Three Mile Creek, north slope - OCC-SW-10 (Stream)
- Upgradient tributary to Three Mile Creek - OCC-SW-11 (Stream)
- Upgradient tributary to Three Mile Creek - OCC-SW-12 (Stream)
- Downstream of Pond P1, mine area, west facing drainage - OCC-SW-13 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-14 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary to Otter Creek downstream of proposed mine area - OCC-SW-15 (Stream)
- Otter Creek between Threemile Creek and Tenmile Creek - OCC-SW-16 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-17 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-18 (Stream)
- Downstream of proposed mine area, SW13 similar characteristics - OCC-SW-19 (Stream)
- Home Creek - OCC-SW-1A (Stream)
- Otter Creek upstream Threemile Creek - OCC-SW-2 (Stream)
- Upgradient in undisturbed drainage - OCC-SW-20 (Stream)
- Similar characteristics and area to SW19, south facing drainage - OCC-SW-21 (Stream)
- Otter Creek upstream Tenmile Creek - OCC-SW-22 (Stream)
- Tenmile Creek at 10 Mile Road crossing - OCC-SW-23 (Stream)
- Home Creek Overflow - OCC-SW-24 (Stream)
- Otter Creek downstream Threemile Creek - OCC-SW-25 (Stream)
- Otter Creek, upstream near A7 - OCC-SW-26 (Stream)
- Threemile Creek about 0.5 mile upstream mouth - OCC-SW-3 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile Creek - OCC-SW-4 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary to Threemile Creek - OCC-SW-5 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile, flow regime considered similar to SW5 - OCC-SW-6 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile, flow regime considered similar to SW5 - OCC-SW-7 (Stream)
- Downstream of pond P4 - OCC-SW-8 (Stream)
- Trib. To Three Mile, north slope - OCC-SW-9 (Stream)
- Private well - OCC-TARTER DOMESTIC WELL (Well)
- Private well - OCC-TARTER STOCK WELL (Well)
- Private well - OCC-TARTER YARD WELL (Well)
- Otter Creek downstream East Fork Otter Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC10 (Stream)
- Otter Creek downstream Indian Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC12 (Stream)
- Otter Creek downstream Bear Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC13 (Stream)
- Otter Creek near headwaters, upstream Long Creek - OCC-Y16OTTRC14 (Stream)
- Taylor Creek downstream North and South Forks - OCC-Y16TYLRC01 (Stream)