New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  NCWCD

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for NCWCD

This organization has 31 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Boulder Feeder Canal below cement plant @ Hygiene Rd - NCWCD-BFC (Stream)
- Boulder Feeder Canal to Boulder Reservoir - NCWCD-BFC-BR (Stream)
- Boulder Feeder Canal @ Left Hand Creek - NCWCD-BFC-LH (Stream)
- Left Hand Creek downgradient of BFC at golf cart bridge cros - NCWCD-BFC-LHD (Stream)
- Left Hand Creek diversion into Boulder Feeder Canal - NCWCD-BFC-LHU (Stream)
- Boulder Supply Canal feed to Boulder Creek @ Jay Rd - NCWCD-BSC-BC (Stream)
- Boulder Creek downgradient of Boulder Supply Canal - NCWCD-BSC-BCD (Stream)
- Boulder Creek above BC Canal - NCWCD-BSC-BCU (Stream)
- Boulder reservoir @ outlet to Boulder Supply Canal - NCWCD-BSC-BR (Stream)
- Colorado River Downstream of Shadow Mountain Reservoir - NCWCD-CR-SMD (Stream)
- Colorado River US of confluence w/Fraser, North side of Hwy - NCWCD-CR-WGU (Stream)
- Fraser River upstream of Colo Riv by NCWCD station - NCWCD-FR-WGU (Stream)
- Hansen Feeder Canal at Trifurcation - NCWCD-HFC-BT (Stream)
- Big Thompson River downgradient of Hansen Feeder Canal & Tri - NCWCD-HFC-BTD (Stream)
- Big Thompson @ canyon Mouth @ USGS station - NCWCD-HFC-BTU (Stream)
- Hansen Feeder Canal downgradient of Flatiron Reservoir - NCWCD-HFC-FRD (Stream)
- Hansen Feeder Canal @ Inlet to Horsetooth - NCWCD-HFC-HT (Stream)
- Hansen Supply Canal Release to the Poudre - NCWCD-HSC-PR (Stream)
- Poudre River below Hansen Feeder Canal - NCWCD-HSC-PRD (Stream)
- Poudre River above Hansen Feeder Canal - NCWCD-HSC-PRU (Stream)
- Mary''s Lake Outlet - NCWCD-MLD (Stream)
- Carter Lake ouflow St Vrain Supply Canal - NCWCD-SVSC-CL (Stream)
- St Vrain Supply Canal feed to Little Thompson River - NCWCD-SVSC-LT (Stream)
- Little Thompson River downgradient of St Vrain Supply Canal - NCWCD-SVSC-LTD (Stream)
- Little Thompson River upgradient of St Vrain Supply Canal - NCWCD-SVSC-LTU (Stream)
- Saint Vrain Supply Canal @ St Vr River cross - NCWCD-SVSC-SV (Stream)
- Saint Vrain River downgradient of SVSC - NCWCD-SVSC-SVD (Stream)
- Saint Vrain River upgradient of SVSC - NCWCD-SVSC-SVU (Stream)
- Willow Creek discharge chute to Lake Granby - NCWCD-WC-PUMP (Stream)
- Willow Creek discharge from Willow Creek Dam - NCWCD-WC-WCRD (Stream)
- Windy Gap discharge chute to Lake Granby - NCWCD-WG-PUMP (Stream)