New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  MIT_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for MIT_WQX

This organization has 63 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- 408 Site 0048 - MIT_WQX-408-0048 (Stream)
- Foster Links Golf Course (below Black Creek) - MIT_WQX-G10-GolfCourse (Stream)
- 42nd Avenue South Bridge at the Tukwila Community Center - MIT_WQX-G11-42nd (Stream)
- South Park Marina (Saltwater Site) - MIT_WQX-G12-Marina (Stream)
- Below Tacoma Water Headworks Dam - MIT_WQX-G1-Headworks (Stream)
- At 212th Way SE (Whitney Bridge) - MIT_WQX-G2-Whitney (Stream)
- Below Soos Creek at East Green River Park - MIT_WQX-G3-BelowSoos (Stream)
- Highway 167 Bridge - MIT_WQX-G4-HWY167 (Stream)
- At Meeker Street near the "Old Fishin' Hole" - MIT_WQX-G5-Meeker (Stream)
- At South 212th St - MIT_WQX-G6-212th (Stream)
- At SE 180th St - MIT_WQX-G7-180th (Stream)
- At SE 180th St Duplicate - MIT_WQX-G7D-180th (Stream)
- Interurban Avenue Bridge near Fort Dent - MIT_WQX-G8-Interurban (Stream)
- Starfire Sports Complex - MIT_WQX-G9-Starfire (Stream)
- Mainstem Site 1 - MIT_WQX-Main-1 (Stream)
- Mainstem Site 2 - MIT_WQX-Main-2 (Stream)
- Mainstem Site 3 - MIT_WQX-Main-3 (Stream)
- Mainstem Site 3a - MIT_WQX-Main-3a (Stream)
- Mainstem Site 3b - MIT_WQX-Main-3b (Stream)
- Mouth Site 0048 - MIT_WQX-Mouth-0048 (Stream)
- Big Soos Creek at Hatchery - MIT_WQX-Site1 (Stream)
- 180th Avenue SE Outfall Downstream - MIT_WQX-Site10 (Stream)
- 156th Avenue SE Outfall - MIT_WQX-Site11 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- SE 268th St. - MIT_WQX-Site12 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- 188th Avenue SE - MIT_WQX-Site13 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Timberlane Way SE - MIT_WQX-Site14 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- SE 263rd St. (GW) - MIT_WQX-Site15 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- 159th Avenue SE - MIT_WQX-Site16 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Big Soos Creek at Kent-Black Diamond Rd. - MIT_WQX-Site17 (Stream)
- Big Soos Creek below Meridian - MIT_WQX-Site18 (Stream)
- Big Soos Creek @SE 272nd St. - MIT_WQX-Site2 (Stream)
- Little Soos Creek - MIT_WQX-Site3 (Stream)
- Jenkins Creek at Kent-Black Diamond Rd. - MIT_WQX-Site4 (Stream)
- Soosette Creek - MIT_WQX-Site5 (Stream)
- Covington Creek - MIT_WQX-Site6 (Stream)
- Timberlane Drive SE Outfall - MIT_WQX-Site7 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Timberlane Drive SE Outfall Downstream - MIT_WQX-Site8 (Stream)
- 180th Avenue SE Outfall - MIT_WQX-Site9 (Aggregate surface-water-use)
- Covington Creek - MIT_WQX-SiteA (Stream)
- Outfall Above Hatchery - MIT_WQX-SiteB (Stream)
- Upstream of Outfall Above Hatchery - MIT_WQX-SiteC (Stream)
- Downstream of Outfall Above Hatchery - MIT_WQX-SiteD (Stream)
- 156th Ave Outfall - MIT_WQX-SiteE (Stream)
- 156th Ave Outfall Downstream - MIT_WQX-SiteF (Stream)
- 170th Outfall - MIT_WQX-SiteG (Stream)
- 170th Outfall Upstream - MIT_WQX-SiteH (Stream)
- Timberlane Dr Outfall YR1 - MIT_WQX-SiteJ (Stream)
- Timberlane Outfall Downstream YR 1 - MIT_WQX-SiteK (Stream)
- Jenkins Creek - MIT_WQX-SiteL (Stream)
- Little Soos Creek - MIT_WQX-SiteM (Stream)
- Soos Creek Kent Black Diamond Rd - MIT_WQX-SiteN (Stream)
- Soos Creek Hatchery - MIT_WQX-SiteO (Stream)
- Soosette Creek - MIT_WQX-SiteP (Stream)
- White River- Above Dam - MIT_WQX-SitePinks1 (Stream)
- White River- Below Dam - MIT_WQX-SitePinks2 (Stream)
- White River- Below Dam Mixing Area - MIT_WQX-SitePinks3 (Stream)
- White River- Boise Creek Confluence - MIT_WQX-SitePinks4 (Stream)
- Green River- Tacoma Headworks Dam - MIT_WQX-SitePinks5 (Stream)
- Green River- Flaming Geyser State Park - MIT_WQX-SitePinks6 (Stream)
- Green River- KOA Campground - MIT_WQX-SitePinks7 (Stream)
- 170th Outfall Downstream - MIT_WQX-SiteQ (Stream)
- Upper Site 0048 - MIT_WQX-Upper-0048 (Stream)
- Upper Site 0050 - MIT_WQX-Upper-0050 (Stream)