Water Quality Portal Data Sites for LRBOI_WQX
This organization has 26 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand
- Below Bear Creek - LRBOI_WQX-BBear (Stream)
- Lower Bear Creek - LRBOI_WQX-Bear (Stream)
- Below Pine Creek - LRBOI_WQX-BPine (Stream)
- Highbridge - LRBOI_WQX-High (Stream)
- Pine Cr at Huff Rd - LRBOI_WQX-HUFF (Stream)
- Bear Cr at Johnson Rd - LRBOI_WQX-JSON (Stream)
- Bear Cr at Leffew Rd - LRBOI_WQX-LEFW (Stream)
- Lake Michigan - LRBOI_WQX-LMich (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- M55 Bridge - LRBOI_WQX-M55 (Stream)
- Manistee North - LRBOI_WQX-ManN (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Manistee Outlet - LRBOI_WQX-ManO (Stream)
- Manistee Lake South - LRBOI_WQX-ManS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Manistee Marsh - LRBOI_WQX-Marsh (Wetland)
- Bear Cr at Milks Rd - LRBOI_WQX-MILKS (Stream)
- Old House Creek - LRBOI_WQX-OldH (Stream)
- Pine Creek - LRBOI_WQX-Pine (Stream)
- Pine Cr at Pine Lk Rd - LRBOI_WQX-PLKRD (Stream)
- Rainbow - LRBOI_WQX-Rain (Stream)
- Sickle Creek - LRBOI_WQX-Sick (Stream)
- Bear Cr at Spirit of Wood - LRBOI_WQX-SPOFW (Stream)
- Pine Cr at Steinburg Rd - LRBOI_WQX-STEIN (Stream)
- Suicide Bend - LRBOI_WQX-Suic (Stream)
- Bear Cr at Swain property - LRBOI_WQX-SWAIN (Stream)
- Tippy Pond by Dam - LRBOI_WQX-TDam (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tippy Pond Manistee Arm - LRBOI_WQX-TMan (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tippy Pond Pine Arm - LRBOI_WQX-TPine (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)