New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  KERBERCREEK

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for KERBERCREEK

This organization has 28 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Upstream of Copper Gulch inflow - KERBERCREEK-8690 (Stream)
- Downstream of Elkhorn Gulch - KERBERCREEK-KC-10 (Stream)
- Upstream of Elkhorn Gulch. CDPHE site 8688 - KERBERCREEK-KC-11 (Stream)
- Downstream of Copper Gulch inflow - KERBERCREEK-KC-14 (Stream)
- Downstream of Rawley Gulch inflow - KERBERCREEK-KC-17.5 (Stream)
- Downstream of Squirrel Creek inflow and upstream of Rawley Gulch. CDPHE site 8691 - KERBERCREEK-KC-18 (Stream)
- Downstream of Cocomongo Mill site. CDPHE site K5 - KERBERCREEK-KC-20 (Stream)
- Upstream of Cocomongo Mill site. CDPHE site 8699 - KERBERCREEK-KC-21 (Stream)
- Downstream of ASARCO repository - KERBERCREEK-KC-3 (Stream)
- Upstream of ASAARCO Repository - KERBERCREEK-KC-5 (Stream)
- Villa Grove - Kerber Ck at Hwy 285 - KERBERCREEK-KC-VG (Stream)
- Minnie Lynch Mine drainage as it exists settling/oxidation pond below adit - KERBERCREEK-ML-1 (Stream)
- Minnie Lynch Mine drainage approximately 400' upstream of ML-2 Site is located in opening along downed (skeleton) timbers near forest edge - KERBERCREEK-ML-1.5 (Stream)
- Minne Lynch Mine drainage upstream of ML-3 and adjacent to SEEP ML-2 and a small mine waste pile - KERBERCREEK-ML-2 (Stream)
- Minne Lynch Mine drainage near confluence with Rawley Gulch - KERBERCREEK-ML-3 (Stream)
- Minnie Lynch Mine Adit drainage as it emerges from ground - KERBERCREEK-ML-A (Stream)
- Rawley Gulch at mouth. CDPHE Site 8692 - KERBERCREEK-RG-1 (Stream)
- Downstream of Minnie Lynch Mine/confluence - KERBERCREEK-RG-2 (Stream)
- Downstream of Rawley Mines and Seeps and upstream of RG-2. CDPHE site 8693 - KERBERCREEK-RG-3 (Stream)
- Downstream of RG-UPW approximately 5 meters - KERBERCREEK-RG-5.5 (Stream)
- Upstream of Rawley Mines, Whale Mine, and seeps downstream of Rawley-400 level adit - KERBERCREEK-RG-6 (Stream)
- Upstream of Rawley 4, Michigan, and Rainbow Mine Influence. Station represents baseline conditions - KERBERCREEK-RG-7 (Stream)
- Rawley Gulch at upwelling near Rawley Mines complex - KERBERCREEK-RG-UPW (Stream)
- Located downstream of SEEP-4 on southeast facing slope above Rawley Gulch - KERBERCREEK-SEEP-A (Spring)
- Seep along Minnie Lynch mine drainage adjacent to ML-2 - KERBERCREEK-SEEPML-2 (Spring)
- Kerber Creek at Hutchinson - KERBERCREEK-SITE 1 (Stream)
- Kerber Creek at Soda Spring Trail head - KERBERCREEK-SITE 2 (Stream)
- Kerber at Ashley, downstream from repository - KERBERCREEK-SITE 3 (Stream)