New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  KBICNRD_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for KBICNRD_WQX

This organization has 58 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Boyers Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-BC1MS (Stream)
- Bishop Lake 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-BL1MS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Bella Lake 2 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-BL2MS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Black Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-BLC1MS (Stream)
- Burns Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-BR1MS (Stream)
- Carp Creek 1 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-CC1HD (Stream)
- Carp Creek 2 Non-point - KBICNRD_WQX-CC2NP (Stream)
- Carp Creek 3 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-CC3MO (Stream)
- Daults Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-DAC1MS (Stream)
- Daults Creek 2 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-DAC2MS (Stream)
- Dekota Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-DC1MS (Stream)
- Denomie Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-DEC1MS (Stream)
- Denomie Creek 3 Monitoring site - KBICNRD_WQX-DEC3MS (Stream)
- Denomie Creek 4 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-DEC4HD (Stream)
- east sleeping river 1 monitoring station - KBICNRD_WQX-ESR1MS (Stream)
- Falls River 1 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-FR1HD (Stream)
- Falls River 2 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-FR2MO (Stream)
- Gomanche Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-GC1MS (Stream)
- Hazel Creek - KBICNRD_WQX-HC1MS (Stream)
- Kalio Creek 1 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-KC1HD (Stream)
- Kelsey Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-KC1MS (Stream)
- Linden Creek Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-LC1HD (Stream)
- Linden Creek 2 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-LC2MO (Stream)
- Linden Creek Tributary Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-LCT1HD (Stream)
- Lake Drainage 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-LD1MS (Stream)
- Lake Drainage 2 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-LD2MS (Stream)
- Laughs Lake 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-LL1MS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lake Superior 1 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-LS1HD (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lake Superior 2 Non-Point - KBICNRD_WQX-LS2NP (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lake Superior 3 Point Source - KBICNRD_WQX-LS3PS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Little silver Creek 1 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-LSC1HD (Stream)
- Little Silver Creek 2 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-LSC2MO (Stream)
- Little Silver Creek Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-LSC3MS (Stream)
- Menge Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-MC1MS (Stream)
- Menge Creek 2 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-MC2MS (Stream)
- Mud Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-MDC1MS (Stream)
- Mud Lakes - KBICNRD_WQX-ML1WS (Wetland)
- Meadow Creek Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-MWC1HD (Stream)
- Ogemaw Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-OC1MS (Stream)
- Paiges Creek 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-PC1MS (Stream)
- Pekala Creek - KBICNRD_WQX-PEK1MS (Stream)
- Pinery Lakes - KBICNRD_WQX-PL1WS (Wetland)
- Pinery Lake 2 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-PL2WS (Wetland)
- Roubillard Creek 1 Monitoring Staion - KBICNRD_WQX-RC1MS (Stream)
- Roubillard Impoundment 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-RI1WS (Wetland)
- Sand Point 1 Wetland Site - KBICNRD_WQX-SAP1WS (Wetland)
- Secret Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-SC1MS (Stream)
- Silver River East Branch 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-SEB1MS (Stream)
- Silver River 1 Headwaters - KBICNRD_WQX-SR1HD (Stream)
- Silver River 2 Non-Point - KBICNRD_WQX-SR2NP (Stream)
- Silver River 3 Non-Point( arvon road ) - KBICNRD_WQX-SR3NP (Stream)
- Silver River 4 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-SR4MO (Stream)
- Silver River 5 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-SR5MO (Stream)
- Taylor Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-TA1MS (Stream)
- Tangen Creek 1 Monitoring Site - KBICNRD_WQX-TC1MS (Stream)
- Third Lake 1 Monitoring Station - KBICNRD_WQX-TL1MS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- west sleeping river 1 monitoring station - KBICNRD_WQX-WSR1MS (Stream)
- west sleeping river 2 Mouth - KBICNRD_WQX-WSR2MO (Stream)