New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  EBCI

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for EBCI

This organization has 156 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Conley Creek - EBCI-3200-1 (Stream)
- Shepherd Creek - EBCI-3200-3 (Stream)
- Bunches Creek 1 - EBCI-BC1 (Stream)
- Big Cove 1 - EBCI-BC 1 (Stream)
- Big Cove 11 - EBCI-BC 11 (Stream)
- Big Cove 11 - EBCI-BC_11 (Stream)
- Big Cove 12 - EBCI-BC 12 (Stream)
- Big Cove 13 - EBCI-BC 13 (Stream)
- Bunches Creek2 - EBCI-BC2 (Stream)
- Big Cove 2 - EBCI-BC 2 (Stream)
- Bunches Creek 3 - EBCI-BC3 (Stream)
- Big Cove 3 - EBCI-BC 3 (Stream)
- Big Cove 5 - EBCI-BC 5 (Stream)
- Big Cove 5 - EBCI-BC_5 (Stream)
- Big Cove 7 - EBCI-BC 7 (Stream)
- Beaver Ck - EBCI-Beaver Creek (Stream)
- BC1 - EBCI-Big Cove 1 (Stream)
- BC11 - EBCI-Big Cove 11 (Stream)
- BC12 - EBCI-Big Cove 12 (Stream)
- BC13 - EBCI-Big Cove 13 (Stream)
- BC2 - EBCI-Big Cove 2 (Stream)
- BC3 - EBCI-Big Cove 3 (Stream)
- BC5 - EBCI-Big Cove 5 (Stream)
- BC7 - EBCI-Big Cove 7 (Stream)
- Big Snowbird - EBCI-Big Snowbird Creek (Stream)
- Big Snowbird - EBCI-BSB (Stream)
- Birdtown/Oconaluftee River - EBCI-BT1 (Stream)
- Birdtown/Oconaluftee River - EBCI-BT2 (Stream)
- Birdtown/Oconaluftee River - EBCI-BT 2 (Stream)
- Beaver Creek - EBCI-CC1 (Stream)
- Beaver Creek - EBCI-CC_1 (Stream)
- Cherokee County/Upper Hanging Dog - EBCI-CC10 (Stream)
- U. Hanging Dog - EBCI-CC_10 (Stream)
- Webb Creek - EBCI-CC2 (Stream)
- Webb Creek - EBCI-CC_2 (Stream)
- Hyatt Creek - EBCI-CC3 (Stream)
- Hyatt Creek - EBCI-CC_3 (Stream)
- Rogers Creek - EBCI-CC4 (Stream)
- Rogers Creek - EBCI-CC_4 (Stream)
- Vengeance Creek - EBCI-CC5 (Stream)
- Vengeance Creek - EBCI-CC_5 (Stream)
- Cherokee County/Wilscott Creek - EBCI-CC6 (Stream)
- Wilscott Rd - EBCI-CC_6 (Stream)
- Cherokee County/Bates Creek - EBCI-CC7 (Stream)
- Bates Creek - EBCI-CC_7 (Stream)
- Cherokee County/Lower Hanging Dog - EBCI-CC8 (Stream)
- L. Hanging Dog - EBCI-CC_8 (Stream)
- Cherokee County/Grape Creek - EBCI-CC9 (Stream)
- Grape Creek - EBCI-CC_9 (Stream)
- CC - EBCI-Conley Creek (Stream)
- Conleys - EBCI-Conleys Creek (Stream)
- EBCI Hatchery - EBCI-EBCIH (Stream)
- FF - EBCI-Ferguson Field (Stream)
- Ferguson Field - EBCI-FF1 (Stream)
- Grape Creek - EBCI-GC (Stream)
- Graham County/Mountain Creek - EBCI-GC1 (Stream)
- Mountain Creek - EBCI-GC 1 (Stream)
- Mountain Creek - EBCI-GC_1 (Stream)
- Graham County/Little Snowbird Creek - EBCI-GC2 (Stream)
- Little Snowbird - EBCI-GC 2 (Stream)
- Little Snowbird - EBCI-GC_2 (Stream)
- Graham County/Big Snowbird Creek - EBCI-GC3 (Stream)
- Big Snowbird - EBCI-GC 3 (Stream)
- Big Snowbird - EBCI-GC_3 (Stream)
- Grape Creek Kephart - EBCI-GCK (Stream)
- Mountain Creek - EBCI-Graham County (Stream)
- Little Snowbird - EBCI-Graham County2 (Stream)
- Big Snowbird - EBCI-Graham County3 (Stream)
- Hunting Boy - EBCI-HB (Stream)
- Hanging Dog - EBCI-HD (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hanging Dog - EBCI-HD0 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hanging Dog - EBCI-HD_0 (Stream)
- Hanging Dog arm of Hiawassee Lake - EBCI-HD1 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hanging Dog 1 - EBCI-HD_1 (Stream)
- Hanging Dog arm of Hiawassee Lake - EBCI-HD2 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hanging Dog 2 - EBCI-HD_2 (Stream)
- Hanging Dog arm of Hiawassee Lake - EBCI-HD3 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hanging Dog 3 - EBCI-HD_3 (Stream)
- Water Intake - EBCI-HOBO Site 3 (Stream)
- Old Number 4 Bridge - EBCI-HOBO Site 5 (Stream)
- CWWTP - EBCI-HOBO Site 6 (Stream)
- Hyatt Ck - EBCI-Hyatt Creek (Stream)
- Ike Jackson - EBCI-IJ (Stream)
- IP - EBCI-Islands Park (Stream)
- Jenkins - EBCI-Jenkins Bridge (Stream)
- JC - EBCI-Jenkins Creek (Stream)
- Lower Hanging Dog - EBCI-LHD (Stream)
- Little Snowbird - EBCI-Little Snowbird Creek (Stream)
- Luftee Lake - EBCI-LL (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Luftee Lake - EBCI-LL0 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Luftee Lake 1 - EBCI-LL1 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Luftee Lake - EBCI-LL_1 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Luftee Lake 2 - EBCI-LL2 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Luftee Lake 3 - EBCI-LL3 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Little Snowbird - EBCI-LSB (Stream)
- MCoys Trout - EBCI-MC (Stream)
- Middle Hanging Dog - EBCI-MHD (Stream)
- Morgan Mill - EBCI-MM (Stream)
- Mountain Creek - EBCI-Mountain Creek Snowbird (Stream)
- Mountain Creek - EBCI-Mtn Ck (Stream)
- River Road - EBCI-Old River Road (Stream)
- RR - EBCI-River Road (Stream)
- Rogers Ck - EBCI-Rogers Creek (Stream)
- Soco 3 - EBCI-S3 (Stream)
- Soco 3 - EBCI-S_3 (Stream)
- Soco 3.5 - EBCI-S3.5 (Stream)
- Soco 5 - EBCI-S5 (Stream)
- Soco 7 - EBCI-S7 (Stream)
- SB - EBCI-Saunook Bridge (Stream)
- Saunooke - EBCI-Saunooke Bridge (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Big Cove Pentacostal Church-above - EBCI-SC-10a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Big Cove Pentacostal Church-below - EBCI-SC-10b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Galamore-above - EBCI-SC-11a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Galamore-below - EBCI-SC-11b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Bunches Creek-below - EBCI-SC-12b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Adams Creek-above - EBCI-SC-1a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing Adams Creek - EBCI-SC1b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Adams Creek-below - EBCI-SC-1b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Saunooke Village-above - EBCI-SC-2a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Saunooke Village-below - EBCI-SC-2b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Cherokee Central School-above - EBCI-SC-3a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Cherokee Central School-below - EBCI-SC-3b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/River Valley Campground-above - EBCI-SC-4a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/River Valley Campground-below - EBCI-SC-4b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Goose Creek-above - EBCI-SC-5a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Goose Creek-below - EBCI-SC-5b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Sherrill Cove-above - EBCI-SC-6a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Sherrill Cove-below - EBCI-SC-6b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/KOA Campground-above - EBCI-SC-7a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/KOA Campground-below - EBCI-SC-7b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Mingo Falls Bridge-above - EBCI-SC-8a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Mingo Falls Bridge-below - EBCI-SC-8b (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Yogi Campground-above - EBCI-SC-9a (Stream)
- Sewer Crossing/Yogi Campground-below - EBCI-SC-9b (Stream)
- SC - EBCI-Shepherd's Creek (Stream)
- Soco 3 - EBCI-Soco Creek (Stream)
- Soco 3.5 - EBCI-Soco Creek 3.5 (Stream)
- Soco 4 - EBCI-Soco Creek 4 (Stream)
- Soco 5 - EBCI-Soco Creek 5 (Stream)
- Soco 7 - EBCI-Soco Creek 7 (Stream)
- Soco 8 - EBCI-Soco Creek 8 (Stream)
- Sweetwater - EBCI-SWTWR (Stream)
- Trout Farm/Cherokee Trout - Morgan Mill - EBCI-TF-CT (Stream)
- Trout Farm/EBCI Trout - EBCI-TF-EB (Stream)
- Trout Farm/Smoky Mountain - McCoys - EBCI-TF-SM (Stream)
- Upper Hanging Dog - EBCI-UHD (Stream)
- Vengeance Ck - EBCI-Vengeance Creek (Stream)
- Beaver Creek - EBCI-VR1 (Stream)
- Webb Creek - EBCI-VR2 (Stream)
- Hyatt Creek - EBCI-VR3 (Stream)
- Vengeance Creek - EBCI-VR4 (Stream)
- Rogers Creek - EBCI-VR5 (Stream)
- Wright's Creek - EBCI-WC (Stream)
- Webb Ck - EBCI-Webb Creek (Stream)
- Wilscott Creek - EBCI-WIL (Stream)
- Wright's Ck - EBCI-Wright's Creek (Stream)