New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  DRMS

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for DRMS

This organization has 80 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Seep Below Champion Mill Tailings - DRMS-CMS-19 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Sts. John Creek above the mill site - DRMS-EPA-SJ-2 (Stream)
- Adit discharge sampled at the mine portal - DRMS-EPA-SJA (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Unnamed tributary to Saints John Creek; sampled above the road - DRMS-EPA-SJA-2 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek Above Gate & Tributary, below Champion Mill - DRMS-HMC-01 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek at Gate Below Champion Mill & Unnamed Tributary - DRMS-HMC-02 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek above Confluence with North Halk Moon Creek - DRMS-HMC-03 (Stream)
- North Halfmoon Creek above Confluence with Half Moon Creek - DRMS-HMC-04 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek below Confluence with North Half Moon Creek - DRMS-HMC-05 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek above Confluence with South Halfmoon Creek - DRMS-HMC-06 (Stream)
- South Halfmoon Creek above Confluence with Halfmoon Creek - DRMS-HMC-07 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek below confluence with South Halfmoon Creek - DRMS-HMC-08 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek below Elbert - DRMS-HMC-11 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek at USGS Gage (#07083200 ) - DRMS-HMC-12 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek above confluence with Lake Fork - DRMS-HMC-13 (Stream)
- Unamed Tributary Below Prospect Adit; 200' above Conflunce with Halfmoon Creek - DRMS-HMC-14 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek below Fluvial Tailings from Champion Mill - DRMS-HMC-16 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek above Fluvial Tailings from Champion Mill - DRMS-HMC-17 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek above Champion Mill - DRMS-HMC-18 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek above Confluence with Unnamed Tributary - DRMS-HMC-20 (Stream)
- Unnamed Tributary above Confluence with Halfmoon Creek - DRMS-HMC-21 (Stream)
- Halfmoon Creek below Confluence with Unnamed Tributary - DRMS-HMC-22 (Stream)
- Illinois Gulch at Ice Arena. (TMDL) - DRMS-IG-01 (Stream)
- Illinois Gulch below Iron Springs Gulch Confluence. (TMDL) - DRMS-IG-02 (Stream)
- Illinois Gulch above Iron Springs Gulch Confluence. (TMDL) - DRMS-IG-03 (Stream)
- Iron Springs Gulch below Little Mountain Confluence. - DRMS-IG-04 (Stream)
- Iron Springs Gulch above Little Mountain Confluence. - DRMS-IG-05 (Stream)
- Little Mountain above Iron Springs Gulch Confluence. - DRMS-IG-06 (Stream)
- Little Mountain Spring 2 u Spring above mine influence. - DRMS-IG-07 (Stream)
- Little Mountain Spring 1 - Seep discharge. - DRMS-IG-08 (Stream)
- Iron Springs Gulch below Bright Hope Road. - DRMS-IG-09 (Stream)
- Iron Springs Gulch below Willard Adit Discharge and Mine Dump Seepage Confluence. - DRMS-IG-10 (Stream)
- Iron Springs Mine Dump Seepage above Confluence with Willard Adit Discharge. - DRMS-IG-11 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Iron Springs Mine Dump Seep [a]. - DRMS-IG-12 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Iron Springs Willard Adit Discharge: p-adt-1 - DRMS-IG-13 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Illinois Gulch at Illinois Gulch Road. (TMDL) - DRMS-IG-14 (Stream)
- Illinois Gulch Head Waters. - DRMS-IG-15 (Stream)
- Puzzle Mine draining adit located 100 yards to the north of p-adt-1 - DRMS-IG-16 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Illinois Gulch above Iron Springs Gulch Confluence; alternate location. - DRMS-IG-3-1 (Stream)
- Unnamed tributary, adjacent to tailings pond, above confluence with South Mosquito Creek - DRMS-L-3 (Stream)
- South Mosquito Creek midway through London Mine property - DRMS-L-5 (Stream)
- South Mosquito Creek below the Londom Mine property - DRMS-L-6 (Stream)
- South Mosquito Creek near seep (L-S1) - DRMS-L-7 (Stream)
- Landslide area near South Mosquito Creek - DRMS-L-7B (Stream)
- Seep upgradient of South Mosquito Creek - DRMS-L-S1 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Mill Tailings Pond: South Discharge Pipe - DRMS-L-S4A (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Mill Tailings Pond: North Discharge Pipe - DRMS-L-S4B (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Leavenworth Creek Downstream of the Sydney Mine - DRMS-LV-05 (Stream)
- Leavenworth Creek below the Waldorf Mine - DRMS-LV-20 (Stream)
- Leavenworth Creek Tributary 2, near Road Crossing - DRMS-LVT-02 (Stream)
- Oh-Be-Joyful Creek above Redwell Creek - DRMS-OBJ-1 (Stream)
- Oh-Be-Joyful Creek below Redwell Creek - DRMS-OBJ-2 (Stream)
- Artesian Drill Hole - DRMS-RW-1 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Redwell Creek above Daisy Mine - DRMS-RW-10 (Stream)
- Redwell Creek below Daisy Mine - DRMS-RW-11 (Stream)
- Redwell Creek below Additional Mining Impacts, at Outlet of Upper Basin - DRMS-RW-12 (Stream)
- Redwell Creek above Oh-Be-Joyful Creek - DRMS-RW-13 (Stream)
- Toe of Slope Below the Artesian Drill Hole, Apparent Spring - DRMS-RW-1a (Spring)
- Downstream of "Aluminum Pond" - DRMS-RW-2 (Stream)
- Upstream of "Aluminum Pond" - DRMS-RW-3 (Stream)
- Flow from Open Stope - DRMS-RW-4 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- The Red Well - DRMS-RW-5 (Stream)
- Redwell Creek above the Red Well - DRMS-RW-6 (Stream)
- Redwell Creek below the Red Well - DRMS-RW-7 (Stream)
- Daisy Mine Drainage - DRMS-RW-8 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Spring below Daisy Mine - DRMS-RW-9 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Springs above Elephant Trap - DRMS-S-11 (Stream)
- Drainage Below Reclaimed Tailings Area - DRMS-S-12 (Stream)
- Seep from Tailings Pile, West of Road - DRMS-S-5 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Seep from Tailing Pile, Down-gradient of Tailings Pond, West of Road - DRMS-S-6 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Seep above mill site - DRMS-SJ-5 (Stream)
- East tributary to Saints John Creek - DRMS-SJ-6 (Stream)
- Saints John Creek - DRMS-SJ-7 (Stream)
- Seep below tailings - DRMS-SJ-8 (Stream)
- In-stream below adit discharge - DRMS-SJA-3 (Stream)
- Waldorf Adit Discharge - DRMS-WMA-01 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Waldorf Adit Discharge exiting Dump on North Side - DRMS-WMA-2 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Waldorf Adit Discharge exiting Dump on South Side - DRMS-WMA-3 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Waldorf Mine Seep from Waldorf Waste Pile - DRMS-WMS-1 (Aggregate groundwater use)
- Waldorf Mine Seep from Waldorf Waste Pile - DRMS-WMS-2 (Aggregate groundwater use)