New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

This legacy user interface will continue to function for several weeks. However, this user interface only serves WQX2.2 profiles, which do NOT contain USGS data added after March 11, 2024.

WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  21ILBCH_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for 21ILBCH_WQX

This organization has 56 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- 12th Street - 21ILBCH_WQX-CH12 (Ocean)
- Margaret T Burroughs (31st St. Beach) - 21ILBCH_WQX-CH31 (Ocean)
- 57th Street Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CH57 (Ocean)
- Hartigan Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHALBION (Ocean)
- Calumet South Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHCALUMET (Ocean)
- Foster Avenue Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHFOSTER (Ocean)
- Howard Street Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHHOWARD (Ocean)
- 63rd Street Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHJACKSON (Ocean)
- Marion Mahoney Griffin Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHJARVIS (Ocean)
- Juneway Terrace Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHJUNEWAY (Ocean)
- Leone Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHLOYOLA (Ocean)
- Montrose Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHMONTROSE (Ocean)
- North Avenue Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHNORTH (Ocean)
- North Shore Avenue Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHNORTHSH (Ocean)
- Oak Street Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHOAK (Ocean)
- Ohio Street Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHOHIO (Ocean)
- Kathy Osterman Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHOSTERMAN (Ocean)
- Pratt Blvd And Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHPRATT (Ocean)
- Rainbow Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHRAINBOW (Ocean)
- Rogers Avenue Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHROGERS (Ocean)
- South Shore Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHSOUTHSHORE (Ocean)
- Thorndale - 21ILBCH_WQX-CHTHORNDALE (Ocean)
- LAKE BLUFF DOG BEACH - 21ILBCH_WQX-DOG (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Evanston Church Dog Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVCHURCH (Ocean)
- Evanston Clark Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVCLARK (Ocean)
- Evanston Greenwood Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVGREENWOOD (Ocean)
- Evanston Lee Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVLEE (Ocean)
- Evanston Lighthouse Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVLIGHT (Ocean)
- Northwestern University Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVNW (Ocean)
- Evanston South Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-EVSOUTH (Ocean)
- Glencoe Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-GLBEACH (Ocean)
- Great Lakes Navel Nunn Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-GLNUNN (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Illinois Beach State Park North Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-ILBEACHN (Ocean)
- Illinois Beach State Park Resort Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-ILBEACHRB (Ocean)
- Illinois Beach State Park South Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-ILBEACHS (Ocean)
- Kenilworth Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-KENILWORTH (Ocean)
- Kenilworth Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-KNBEACH (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lake Bluff Dog Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-LBDOG (Ocean)
- Lake Forest Forest Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-LFFOREST (Ocean)
- Highland Park Moraine Park Dog Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-MORAINE (Ocean)
- Great Lakes Navel Nunn Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-NAVEBEACH (Ocean)
- North Point Marina Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-NORTHPT (Ocean)
- Oakwood Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-Oakwood (Ocean)
- Highland Park Avenue Boating Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-PARKAVE (Ocean)
- Highland Park Rosewood Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-ROSEWOOD (Ocean)
- Lake Bluff Sunrise Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-SUNRISE (Ocean)
- Waukegan North Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WAUKN (Ocean)
- Waukegan South Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WAUKS (Ocean)
- Wilmette Gillson Park Dog Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WMDOG (Ocean)
- Wilmette Gillson Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WMGILLSON (Ocean)
- Wilmette Langdon Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WMLANGDON (Ocean)
- Winnetka Centennial Dog Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WNCENT (Ocean)
- Winnetka Elder Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WNELDER (Ocean)
- Winnetka Lloyd Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WNLLOYD (Ocean)
- Winnetka Maple Park Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WNMAPLE (Ocean)
- Winnetka Tower Beach - 21ILBCH_WQX-WNTOWER (Ocean)