Water Quality Portal Data Sites for 21FLACEP_WQX
This organization has 187 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand
- Alachua Channel - On Payne's Prairie - 21FLACEP_WQX-ALACHCHAN (Stream)
- Alachua Lake - On Payne's Prairie - 21FLACEP_WQX-ALACHLAKE (Wetland)
- Primary Sink Feature - On Payne's Prairie - 21FLACEP_WQX-ALACHPSF (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Alachua Sink - On Payne's Prairie - 21FLACEP_WQX-ALACHSINK (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Ashley Creek - Tributary to Hogtown Creek (south of GHS). - 21FLACEP_WQX-ASHLEY (Stream)
- Bad Dog Creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-BD241 (Stream)
- Bee Tree Creek - Upstream of confluence with Hatchet Creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-BEEUSHAT (Stream)
- Beville Creek - North side of NW 8th Ave at about the 4800 b - 21FLACEP_WQX-BEVNW8 (Stream)
- Bivens Arm Lake - Outfall of marsh, north of SR 331 - 21FLACEP_WQX-BIV331 (Wetland)
- Bivens Arm Lake - west of US 441, and south of SW 16th Stree - 21FLACEP_WQX-BIV441 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Bivens Arm Lake - Center of Lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-BIVARM (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- BLACKPOT - 21FLACEP_WQX-BLACKPOT (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Blues Creek - in County Park off NW 43rd St - 21FLACEP_WQX-BLUCOPK (Stream)
- Blues Creek - Millhopper Rd and NW 71st St - 21FLACEP_WQX-BLUNW71 (Stream)
- Blues Creek - San Felasco State Preserve at Big Otter Ravine - 21FLACEP_WQX-BLUOTTER (Stream)
- Blues Creek - Located in the Blues Creek Subdivision, end of - 21FLACEP_WQX-BLUWEIR (Stream)
- Boulware Springs - Outlet to Boulware Springs Run - 21FLACEP_WQX-BOULOUT (Spring)
- Boulware Springs Run - 3931 SE 13th Terrace (Fletcher reside - 21FLACEP_WQX-BOULSE13 (Spring)
- Boulware Springs - Main spring pool at boil. - 21FLACEP_WQX-BOULSP (Spring)
- Calf Pond Creek - at South of intersection of SE 27 Street a - 21FLACEP_WQX-CALFPC27 (Stream)
- Calf Pond - Center of Pond - 21FLACEP_WQX-CALFPOND (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Cross Creek at CR 325 - 21FLACEP_WQX-CC325 (Stream)
- Cellon Creek - Downstream of US 441 - 21FLACEP_WQX-CEL441 (Stream)
- Lochloosa trib - 21FLACEP_WQX-CELC (Stream)
- Deer Run - At Devil's Millhopper - 21FLACEP_WQX-DEERDMH (Stream)
- Devil's Millhopper - Bottom of stairs at sinkhole. - 21FLACEP_WQX-DMHSINK (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek - behind 309 NW 23rd Drive - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZ309NW23 (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek - at Arboretum - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZARBOR (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek - upstream of NW 23rd Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZNW23 (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek - Upstream NW 7th Rd. Site is located at: - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZNW7 (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek - downstream of NW 7th Road - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZNW7DS (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek - Upstream of University Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZUNIV (Stream)
- Elizabeth Creek- East of ELIZUNIV - 21FLACEP_WQX-ELIZUNIVUS (Stream)
- Glen Springs - Upstream of confluence with Hogtown Creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-GLENSP (Spring)
- Glen Springs Run ouside of fence after pools - 21FLACEP_WQX-GLENSPR (Stream)
- Haile Sink - Terminus of Hogtown Creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-HAILESINK (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hatchet Creek - W of CR 225 (Fairbanks Area). - 21FLACEP_WQX-HAT225 (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - W of CR 225 (Fairbanks Area). - 21FLACEP_WQX-HAT225US (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - Upstream of SR 26 - 21FLACEP_WQX-HAT26 (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - Downstream of SR 26 - 21FLACEP_WQX-HAT26DOWN (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek Tributary - NE of SR26 - 21FLACEP_WQX-HAT26TRIB (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - SJRWMD Newnan's Lake Conservation Area Hatch - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATCONA (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - SJRWMD Newnan's Lk.Cons.Area Hatchet Crk Tra - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATCONB (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - SJRWMD Newnan's Lake Conservation Area Hatch - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATCONC (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek Tributary - Austin Carey Memorial Forest - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATTRIBAC (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek Tributary - E of Waldo Road - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATTRIBWALDO (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek Tributary - W of Waldo Road - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATTRIBWALDON (Stream)
- Hatchet Creek - E of Waldo Rd - 21FLACEP_WQX-HATWALDO (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - S of CR 30 - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOG30 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - North of CR 30 - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOG30US (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek Tributary - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGCETRIB (Stream)
- Tributary of Hogtown Creek that discharges from a culvert behind the Gainesville Mall - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGEAST (Stream)
- Tributary of Hogtown Creek in the Hobbits Glenn subdivision near the GRU lift station - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGGHSN (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek Tributary - in Ashley Creek Condo complex - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGGHSNASH (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - Ring Park, N of NW 16th Ave (between NW 18th - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW16 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - S of NW 16th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW16S (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - Wooden bridge on NW 19th St. - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW19 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek downstream of NW 22nd Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW22 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek upstream of bridge at the Creeks Edge Condos on NW 23rd Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW23 (Stream)
- upstream of NW 29th Road - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW29 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek downstream of NW 45th Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW45 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - downstream of NW 53rd Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW53 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek upstream of NW 8th Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGNW8 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - Upstream of Haile Sink. - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGSINK (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - S of SW 2nd Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGSW2 (Stream)
- Hogtown Creek - upstream of confl. with Rattlesnake Br. - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGUSRAT (Stream)
- Spillway northeast of the intersection of University Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-HOGWEIR (Stream)
- Hornsby Spring - 21FLACEP_WQX-HORNSBY (Spring)
- LC1LB - 21FLACEP_WQX-LC1LB (Stream)
- Lochloosa Creek South - 21FLACEP_WQX-LCS (Stream)
- Lochloosa Creek CR2082 East branch - 21FLACEP_WQX-LCS2082E (Stream)
- Lochloosa Creek on CR2082 West branch - 21FLACEP_WQX-LCS2082W (Stream)
- Lake Forest Creek downstream of SR 26 - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFC26 (Stream)
- LFC329B - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFC329B (Stream)
- Lake Forest Creek downstream of NE 25th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFCNE25 (Stream)
- Lake Forest Creek downstream of NE 23rd Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFCNE3AVE (Stream)
- Lake Forest Creek downstream of NE 19th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFCNE5AVE (Stream)
- Lake Forest Creek downstream of SE 24th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFCSE24 (Stream)
- Lake Forest Creek - W of SE 43rd St - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFCSE43 (Stream)
- upstream of SE 43rd Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-LFCSE43US (Stream)
- Little Hatchet Creek - N of SR 26 - 21FLACEP_WQX-LHAT26 (Stream)
- Little Hatchet Creek East Branch - 21FLACEP_WQX-LHAT26E (Stream)
- Little Hatchet Creek at North Branch Trib?? - 21FLACEP_WQX-LHATNBWMD (Stream)
- Little Hatchet Creek - N of NE 39th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-LHATNE39 (Stream)
- Lochloosa tributary - 21FLACEP_WQX-LJEF (Stream)
- Lake Kanapaha Sink - S end of Lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-LKANSINK (Wetland)
- Lochloosa tributary - 21FLACEP_WQX-LLTS (Stream)
- Little Orange Creek at CR 219A - 21FLACEP_WQX-LORC219 (Stream)
- Little Orange Creek upstream of SE 41st Lane - 21FLACEP_WQX-LORC41 (Stream)
- LORC65 - 21FLACEP_WQX-LORC65 (Stream)
- Lochloosa Slough - 21FLACEP_WQX-LS225 (Stream)
- Center of Lake Santa Fe - 21FLACEP_WQX-LSF010C1 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Painter Canal #5 - Lake Santa Fe. At the County boat ramp. - 21FLACEP_WQX-LSFBR (Stream)
- Painter Canal #2 - Lake Santa Fe. County boat ramp canal, No - 21FLACEP_WQX-LSFBRNPC (Stream)
- Lake Santa Fe - South end of lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-LSFS (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Limestone Pit - Saarinen Property - 21FLACEP_WQX-LSPITSAR (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Limestone Pit - The Quarries SW 24th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-LSPITSW24 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lake Wauberg - 21FLACEP_WQX-LWAUBERG (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- from the end of the dock located at UF's Lake Wauberg North - 21FLACEP_WQX-LWAUBERGN (Stream)
- Stormwater manhole on SW 2nd Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-MHSW2NDAVE (Facility)
- Mill Creek - E of Old Belamy Rd - 21FLACEP_WQX-MILLBEL (Stream)
- Mill Creek - Upstream of Sink - 21FLACEP_WQX-MILLSINK (Stream)
- Monteocha Creek - W of CR 225 - 21FLACEP_WQX-MONT225 (Stream)
- East shore north - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE1 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- NEWLAKE10 - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE10 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- West-Southwest side - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE2 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- West side of lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE3 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- West Shore mid-lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE4 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- NEWLAKE5 - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE5 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- NEWLAKE6 - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE6 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- West shore - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE7 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE8 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- East shore mid-lake - 21FLACEP_WQX-NEWLAKE9 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Painter Canal #3 - Santa Fe Lake - Upstream of former turbid - 21FLACEP_WQX-PAINTCN (Stream)
- Painter Canal #4 - Santa Fe Lake - South end of canal - 21FLACEP_WQX-PAINTS (Stream)
- Paraners Branch - E of CR 1491, S of NW 276th Ln - 21FLACEP_WQX-PAR1491 (Stream)
- Paraners Branch - 21FLACEP_WQX-PAR262 (Stream)
- Prairie Creek - S of SR 20 - 21FLACEP_WQX-PC20 (Stream)
- Pierson Sink - On Kanapaha Prairie - 21FLACEP_WQX-PIERSINK (Wetland)
- Poe Springs - 21FLACEP_WQX-POESP (Spring)
- Spring in Woods - 21FLACEP_WQX-POEWOODSSP (Spring)
- Possum Creek - S of NW 16th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW16 (Stream)
- Possum Creek upstream of NW 34th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW34 (Stream)
- Possum Creek upstream of NW 36th Drive - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW36DR (Stream)
- Possum Creek upstream of NW 39th Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW39 (Stream)
- Possum Creek - S of NW 53rd Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW53 (Stream)
- Possum Creek - E of POSNW53, W of 34th St - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW53E (Stream)
- Possum Creek - N of NW 8th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSNW8 (Stream)
- Possum Creek - YMCA, SE of retention pond - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSPARK (Stream)
- Possum Creek behind 1401 NW 28th Street in Ridgewood subdivision - 21FLACEP_WQX-POSRIDGE (Stream)
- Paynes Prairie - US 441 observation deck - 21FLACEP_WQX-PP441 (Wetland)
- Paynes Prairie - control structure for camps canal - 21FLACEP_WQX-PPCAMP (Wetland)
- Quarries - 21FLACEP_WQX-QUARRIES (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Rattlesnake Branch downstream of NW 8th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-RATGSHUT (Stream)
- Rattlesnake Branch upstream of NW 8th Avenue and NW 12th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-RATNW12 (Stream)
- Rattlesnake Branch - downstream of NW 8th Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-RATNW8 (Stream)
- Rattlesnake Branch - Upstream of confluence with Hogtown - 21FLACEP_WQX-RATUSHOG (Stream)
- River Styx - 21FLACEP_WQX-RIVERSTYX (Stream)
- Rocky Creek - Upstream of SR 235 - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROCK235 (Stream)
- Rosewood Branch upstream of SR 331 - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROSE331 (Stream)
- Rosewood Branch downstream of SE 2nd Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROSESE2 (Stream)
- Rosewood - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROSESE2US (Stream)
- Rosewood Branch upstream of SE 7th Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROSESE7 (Stream)
- Rosewood Branch - Upstream of SE 9th St - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROSESE9 (Stream)
- Rosewood Branch upstream of University Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-ROSEUNIV (Stream)
- River Styx - 21FLACEP_WQX-RS346 (Stream)
- Sante Fe River - 21FLACEP_WQX-SFRPOEUS (Stream)
- Springstead Creek - Downstream of NW 13th St - 21FLACEP_WQX-SPSTNW13 (Stream)
- Springstead Creek - Upstream of confluence with Hogtown - 21FLACEP_WQX-SPSTUSHTC (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - Upstream of SR 331 - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWB331 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - On Payne's Prairie - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBALACH (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch downstream of duckpond. Sample location is after the weir just downstream of NE 5th Ave. - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBDPOUT (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - Downstream of Duck Pond at weir - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBDPWEIR (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - City of Gainesville old landfill - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBLF (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - E of Main St on NE 10th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBNE10 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - Downstream of NE 2nd Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBNE2 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - Upstream of NE 6th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBNE6 (Stream)
- Collect near where SWB daylights at NE 16th Ave on DS side. Park in wingstop sample location is near the rail to trail. - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBNW16 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - Behind Post Office at SE 1st Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBSE1 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - Behind Post Office at SE 2nd Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBSE2 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - N of SE 4th St - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBSE4 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch-upstream of SE 4th Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBSE4AVE (Stream)
- upstream of SE 8th Street on Sweetwater Branch - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBSE8 (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch - upstream of SE 8th Street - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBSE8ST (Stream)
- Sweetwater Branch @ Thelma Boltin Senior Activity Center - 21FLACEP_WQX-SWBTB (Stream)
- Tumblin Creek - W of US 441 - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUM441 (Stream)
- Tumblin Creek outfall - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUM72DS (Stream)
- Tumblin Creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUMPORTERS (Stream)
- Tumblin Creek - stormwater pond, south of SW 1st Avenue - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUMSW1 (Facility)
- Tumblin Creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUMSW11 (Stream)
- Tumblin Creek - S of SW 5th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUMSW5 (Stream)
- Tumblin Creek - Upstream of SW 9th Ave - 21FLACEP_WQX-TUMSW9 (Stream)
- upstream of the bridge on NW 74th Ter in the Turkey Creek su - 21FLACEP_WQX-TURKNW74 (Stream)
- Turkey Creek - San Felasco State Preserve at bridge - 21FLACEP_WQX-TURKSFBRIDGE (Stream)
- Turkey Creek - San Felasco State Preserve - 21FLACEP_WQX-TURKSFSP (Stream)
- Lochloosa creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-USS20 (Stream)
- Watermelon Spring - 21FLACEP_WQX-WATERMELON (Spring)
- WATPOND - 21FLACEP_WQX-WATPOND (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Lochloosa creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-WHB2082 (Stream)
- Lochloosa tributary off of 301 - 21FLACEP_WQX-WHB301 (Stream)
- West Hawthorne Branch - 21FLACEP_WQX-WHBC (Stream)
- Lochloosa creek - 21FLACEP_WQX-WHBCE (Stream)