Water Quality Portal Data Sites for 21DELAWQ_WQX
This organization has 655 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand
- Naaman Creek @ State Line near Hickman Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101021 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek S. Branch @ Darley Rd. (Rd. 207) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101031 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek @ RR Crossing in Steel Plant - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101041 (Stream)
- Naaman CreeK S. Branch @ GlenrocK Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101051 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek South Branch @ Marsh Rd. (Rt. 3) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101061 (Stream)
- South Branch at Decatur Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101071 (Stream)
- Trib. S. Br. Naaman Creek @ Foulk Rd. (Rt. 261) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101091 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek South Branch @ Rt. 495 W - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101101 (Stream)
- Naaman CreeK South Branch @ Harvey Mill Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101102 (Stream)
- Shellpot CreeK @ Lea Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102011 (Stream)
- Shellpot Creek @ Hay Rd. (Rd. 501) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102041 (Estuary)
- Shellpot Creek @ Market St. (Rt. 13 Bus.) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102051 (Stream)
- Matson Run at Miller Road Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102061 (Stream)
- Turkey Run at Weldin Road (Rd. 215) Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102071 (Stream)
- Shellpot Creek @ Carr Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102081 (Stream)
- Foulk Road (Rt. 261) Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102091 (Stream)
- Stoney Creek @ Governor Printz Blvd. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102101 (Stream)
- Stoney Creek @ Driveway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102102 (Stream)
- Trib Stoney Creek @ Holly Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102103 (Stream)
- Matson Run @ Lea Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102104 (Stream)
- Shellpot Creek @ 150 m S of Wilson Road - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102105 (Stream)
- Trib Shellpot @ Shipley Rd. (Rd. 214) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102106 (Stream)
- Turkey Run N of Rt. 95 @ RR crossing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102107 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ W. Newport Pike (Rt. 4) (USGS gage 01480015) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103011 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ Lancaster Pike (Rt. 48) (USGS gage 01480000) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103031 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ Barley Mill Rd. (Rd. 258A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103041 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK @ Benge Rd. (Rd. 253) Yorklyn - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103051 (Stream)
- Burroughs Run @ Creek Rd. (Rt. 82) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103061 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK @ Snuff Mill Rd. (Rd. 247) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103071 (Stream)
- Burroughs Run @ Old Kennett Rd (Rd. 243) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103081 (Stream)
- Hyde Run @ McKennans Church Rd. (Rd. 276) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103091 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ S of Rt. 82, S of Ashland - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103101 (Stream)
- Hyde Run @ Brandywine Spring Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103102 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK S of Burrows Run Confl. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103103 (Stream)
- Calf Run off Weer Circle - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103104 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK below falls @ Hoopes Reservoir - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103105 (Stream)
- Trib Red Clay CreeK 50m N of Does Lane - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103106 (Stream)
- Brandywine Creek @ Foot Bridge in Brandywine Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104011 (Stream)
- Brandywine Creek @ New Bridge Rd. (Rd. 279) (USGS gage 01481500) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104021 (Stream)
- Brandywine Creek @ Smith Bridge Rd. (Rd. 221) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104051 (Stream)
- Husband's Run @ Rockland Rd. (Rd. 232) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104101 (Stream)
- Trib Brandywine @ Montchanin Rd. (Rt. 100) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104102 (Stream)
- Trib Wilson Run @ Montchanin Rd. (Rt. 100) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104103 (Stream)
- Wilson Run @ BCSP Driveway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104104 (Stream)
- Wilson Run @ Winterthur - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104105 (Stream)
- Wilson Run @ E. Barn Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104106 (Stream)
- Rocky Run 200m E of Rt. 202 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104107 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ Stanton Christiana Rd. (Old Rt. 7) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105011 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ Chambers Rock Rd. (Rd. 329) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105031 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Evanson Rd. (Rd. 285) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105051 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Delaware ParK Blvd. (Race Track) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105071 (Stream)
- Pike Creek @ Upper Pike Creek Rd. (Rd. 322) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105101 (Stream)
- Middle Run @ Old Possum Park Rd. (Rd. 303) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105131 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ Delaware Park Blvd. (USGS gage 014790000) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105151 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ McKees Lane - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105171 (Stream)
- Pike CreeK @ Paper Mill Rd. (Rt. 72) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105181 (Stream)
- Hershey Run @ 500 m N of Newport Pike (Rt. 4) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105191 (Stream)
- Hershey Run @ Newport Pike (Rt. 4) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105201 (Stream)
- Middle Run @ Smith Mill Rd. (Rd. 326) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105202 (Stream)
- Mill Creek 180 m N of Park Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105203 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ 400 m SE of Old Capital Trail - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105204 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ Mill Creek Rd. (Rd. 282) near Woodbridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105205 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ Kirkwood Hwy (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105206 (Stream)
- Pike Creek @ 175 m N of Old Coach Rd. (Rd. 316) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105207 (Stream)
- Pike Creek @ North Star Rd. (Rd. 295) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105208 (Stream)
- Trib Mill Creek @ Middleton Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105209 (Stream)
- Trib Mill Creek @ Mill Creek Rd. (Rd. 282) near Stoneridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105210 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay @ 400 m NE of Rt. 273 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105211 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay @ Thompson Station Rd. (Rd. 307) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105212 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay @ Thompson Station Rd. (Rd. 53) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105213 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ 400 m N of Chambers Rock Rd. (Rd. 329) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105214 (Stream)
- Trib Mill CreeK @ Kirkwood Hgwy. (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105215 (Stream)
- Middle Run @ Middle Run Natural Area - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105216 (Stream)
- Pike CreeK 175m NW of Granville Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105217 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay Crk. 300m E of Marrows Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105218 (Stream)
- Pike CreeK @ W. Green Valley Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105219 (Stream)
- White Clay CreeK @ Deerfield Golf Club - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105220 (Stream)
- Trib Mill CreeK @ RR crossing, Hockesin - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105221 (Stream)
- Hershey Run 380m N of Newport Pike (Rt. 4) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105222 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Delcastle Recreation Area - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105223 (Stream)
- Middle Run 230m N of Old Possum ParK Rd. (Rd. 303) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105224 (Stream)
- Christina River @ Rt. 13/Rt. 9 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106011 (Estuary)
- Christina River beneath Rt. 141 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106021 (Estuary)
- Smalleys Dam Spillway @ Smalleys Dam Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106031 (Stream)
- Christina River @ Sunset Lake Rd. (Rt. 72) (USGS gage 01478000) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106141 (Stream)
- Christina CreeK @ W.Chestnut Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106151 (Stream)
- West Branch @ Elkton Rd. (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106161 (Stream)
- Christina CreeK @ Elkton Rd. (Rt.2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106181 (Stream)
- Christina River @ Nottingham Rd. (Rt. 273) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106191 (Stream)
- Little Mill Creek @ DuPont Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106281 (Stream)
- Christina River near Conrail Bridge (USGS gage 01481602) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106291 (Estuary)
- Leatherinans Run at Old Baltimore Pike Road Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106321 (Stream)
- Old Walther Road (Rd 346) Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106331 (Stream)
- Belltown Run @ Sunset Lake Rd. (Rt. 72) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106341 (Stream)
- Beck's Pond outflow at Salem Church Rd. Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106351 (Stream)
- Inflow to the Sunset Pond at Corporate Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106361 (Stream)
- The middle of Foot Bridge on the Sunset Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106371 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Outflow of Sunset Pond at Rt. 72 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106381 (Stream)
- Chestnut Run @ Driveway Of Corp. Center - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106391 (Stream)
- Iron Hill Run @ Smith Way (Rd. 419) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106401 (Stream)
- Little Mill Creek @ 340 meters NE of Rt. 34 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106402 (Stream)
- Little Mill Creek @ Kirkwood Hwy (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106404 (Stream)
- Trib Christina Creek @ Timberline Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106405 (Stream)
- Trib Christina Creek @ Valley Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106406 (Stream)
- West Branch @ 150 m E of Sandy Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106407 (Stream)
- Chestnut Run @ Kirkwood Hwy (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106408 (Stream)
- Little Mill CreeK @ Elsmere Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106409 (Stream)
- Little Mill CreeK @ Woodland Run Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106410 (Stream)
- Leathermans Run 200m N of Old Baltimore Pike (Rd. 336) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106411 (Stream)
- Iron Hill Run 400m S of Bartley Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106412 (Stream)
- Red Lion Creek @ Bear Corbitt Rd. (Rt. 7) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107011 (Stream)
- Red Lion Creek @ Rt. 9 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107031 (Estuary)
- De Rt 71 Between De Rt 7 And US Rt 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107041 (Stream)
- Unnamed tributary at Rd. 405 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107061 (Stream)
- Doll Run at Rd. 405 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107071 (Stream)
- Trib Red Lion Creek @ Old Porter Rd. (Rd. 383) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107081 (Stream)
- Holts Run @ 100 meters N of Samson Ct. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107091 (Stream)
- C & D Canal @ DuPont Pkwy. (Rt. 13) N. side - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108021 (Estuary)
- C & D Canal @ Summit Bridge Rd. (Rt. 896) N. side - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108031 (Estuary)
- Lums Pond SE Trib. @ Red Lion Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108051 (Stream)
- West Trib Lums Pond @ Howell School Rd. (Rd 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108081 (Stream)
- East Trib Lums Pond @ Buck Jersey Rd. (Rd. 403) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108101 (Stream)
- Lums Pond @ Boat Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108111 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Crystal Run @ Lorewood Grove Rd. (Rd. 412) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108121 (Stream)
- Long Branch @ 300 meters W of Rd. 391 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108131 (Stream)
- Scott Run @ Jamison Corner Rd. (Rd. 413) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108141 (Stream)
- Trib Back Creek @ near Meadow Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108151 (Stream)
- BacK CreeK 1.4 km W of ChoptanK Rd. (Rd. 435) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108161 (Stream)
- S. Br. Appoquinimink @ Summit Bridge Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109021 (Stream)
- Silver Lake @ Silver Lake Rd. (Rd.442) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109031 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Appoquinimink River @ DuPont Pkwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109041 (Estuary)
- AppoquiniminK River @ Main St. (Rt. 299) east side - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109051 (Estuary)
- Drawyer Creek off Rt. 13 @ parking area - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109071 (Estuary)
- Deep Creek @ Broad St. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109081 (Stream)
- Appoquinimink River @ Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109091 (Estuary)
- Appoquinimink River @ Silver Run Rd. (Rt. 9) NE - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109121 (Estuary)
- Noxontown Pond @ Noxontown Rd. (Rd. 38) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109131 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- AppoquiniminK River @ E. Branch Drawyer Creek - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109141 (Estuary)
- AppoquiniminK River @ W. Branch Drawyer Creek - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109151 (Estuary)
- Appoquinimink River @ MOT Gut (west bank) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109171 (Estuary)
- Shallcross Lake @ Shallcross Lake Rd. (Rd. 428) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109191 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Dove Nest Branch @ Brick Mill Rd. (Rd. 430) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109201 (Stream)
- Drawyer Creek above Shallcross Lake at Ceder Lane Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109211 (Stream)
- Spring Mill Branch @ W of Cedar Ln. (Rd. 427) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109212 (Stream)
- Downstream of Wiggins Mill Pond at Rt. 71 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109221 (Stream)
- Upstream of Wiggins Mill Pond at Grears Corner Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109231 (Stream)
- Deep Creek at DE Rt. 15 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109241 (Stream)
- Deep Creek Branch @ Summit Bridge Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109251 (Stream)
- Blackbird Creek @ Blackbird Station Rd. (Rd. 463) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Blackbird CreeK @ DuPont Pky. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110021 (Stream)
- Blackbird Creek @ Blackbird Landing Rd. (Rd. 455) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110031 (Estuary)
- Blackbird Creek @ Taylors Bridge Rd. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110041 (Estuary)
- 2.21 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110061 (Estuary)
- Beaver Branch upstream of Rd. 456 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110091 (Estuary)
- Blackbird Creek @ Oliver Guessford Rd. (Rd. 472) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110101 (Stream)
- Barlow Branch @ Ratledge Rd. (Rd. 460) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110111 (Stream)
- Sandom Branch @ DuPont Pky. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110121 (Stream)
- Sandom Branch @ Blackbird-Greenspring Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110131 (Stream)
- Trib Blackbird Creek @ Dexter Corner Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110141 (Stream)
- Herring Run @ West of Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110161 (Stream)
- Herring Run @ East of Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110171 (Stream)
- Trib Barlow Branch @ Ratledge Rd. (Rd. 460) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110181 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ Wrangle Hill Rd. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111011 (Estuary)
- at Road 378 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111021 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ S. DuPont Hwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111031 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ McCoy Rd. (Rd. 407) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111041 (Stream)
- Dragon Run @ Red Lion Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111081 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ Kline Street - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111091 (Stream)
- Cypress Branch @ Clayton Delaney Rd. (Rd. 40) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112011 (Stream)
- Sewell Branch @ Sewell Branch Rd. (Rd. 95) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112021 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run @ Stilltown Blanco Rd. (Rd. 93) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112031 (Stream)
- Cypress Branch @ Morris Road (Rd. 477) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112581 (Stream)
- Sewell Branch @ Blackiston Church Road (Rd. 131) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112591 (Stream)
- Jordan Branch @ Underwoods Corner Road (Rd. 94) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112601 (Stream)
- Jordan Branch @ Chance Rd. (Rd. 140) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112602 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run @ Lion Hope Road (Rd. 143) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112611 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run @ Fords Corner Road (Rd. 98) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112621 (Stream)
- Muddy Bottom Ditch @ Downs Chapel Road (Rd. 97) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112631 (Stream)
- BlacK Stallion Ditch @ West of Rd. 481 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112651 (Stream)
- Sassafras River @ Caldwell Corner Rd. (Rd. 25) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112661 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run 950m S of Fords Corner Rd. (Rd. 98) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112662 (Stream)
- Army Creek @ River Rd. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114011 (Estuary)
- Army CreeK @ S. DuPont Hgwy. (Rt.13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114021 (Stream)
- Trib Army Crk. @ Rt. 13 near Airport Ind. Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114041 (Stream)
- Trib Army CreeK @ Rt. 13 near Rt. 40 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114051 (Stream)
- Mill Creek (Lake Como outfall) @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201011 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ Carter Rd. (Rd. 137) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201021 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Woodland Beach Rd. (Rt. 6) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201031 (Estuary)
- Smyrna River @ Flemings Landing (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201041 (Estuary)
- DucK Creek @ Smyrna Landing Rd. (Rd. 485) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201051 (Estuary)
- DucK CreeK @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201061 (Estuary)
- 2.07 Miles From Mouth @ Shorts Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201101 (Estuary)
- Lake Como boat ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201141 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Mill Creek @ Wheatleys Pond Rd. (Rt. 300) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201151 (Stream)
- Providence Creek @ Duck Creek Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201161 (Stream)
- Sawmill Branch at Rd. 30 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201171 (Estuary)
- Sawmill Branch @ Deer Run Rd. (Rd. 466) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201172 (Stream)
- Trib Sawmill Branch @ DuPont Hwy (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201173 (Stream)
- Downstream of Duck Creek Pond at Rd. 486 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201181 (Stream)
- Middle of Duck Creek Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201191 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Green Spring Br. @ Vandyke Greenspring Rd. (Rd. 47) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201201 (Stream)
- Paw Paw Branch @ Alley Mill Rd. (Rd. 483) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201211 (Stream)
- Paw Paw Branch @ Clayton Delaney Rd. (Rd. 40) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201212 (Stream)
- Trib Paw Paw Branch @ W of Rd. 483 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201213 (Stream)
- Providence Creek at Rd. 483 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201221 (Stream)
- Masseys Millpond @ Brenford Rd. (Rd. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Garrisons Lake @ DuPont Hwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202021 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Leipsic River @ Denny St. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202031 (Estuary)
- Pinks Branch @ Seven Hickories Rd. (Rt. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202041 (Stream)
- Garrisons Lake,100 Yds Abv Spillway, 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202141 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Garrisons Lake, Willis Branch at Rd 92 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202151 (Stream)
- Whitehall Landing, Boat Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202161 (Estuary)
- Muddy Branch at Rd. 86 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202171 (Estuary)
- Dyke Branch at Rt. 42 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202181 (Estuary)
- Leipsic River @ Mt. Friendship Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202191 (Stream)
- Middle of Masseys Millpond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Duck Creek at Rt. 6 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202211 (Estuary)
- Alston Branch @ DuPont Hwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202212 (Stream)
- Trib Garrisons Lake @ Brenford Rd. (Rd. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202213 (Stream)
- Leipsic River 270m E of Brenford Rd. (Rd. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202214 (Stream)
- Pipe Elm Branch @ Postles Corner Rd. (Rd. 348) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204011 (Stream)
- Pipe Elm Branch at S. Little Creek Rd - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204021 (Stream)
- Little River @ Bayside Dr. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204031 (Estuary)
- Little River @ N. Little Creek Rd. (Rt. 8) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204041 (Stream)
- Little Creek Wildlife Area Levee - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204071 (Estuary)
- Little River @ White Oak Av. (Rd. 66) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204091 (Stream)
- St. Jones River @ mouth, Bowers Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205011 (Estuary)
- 2.2 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205031 (Estuary)
- St. Jones River @ Barkers Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205041 (Estuary)
- 4.58 miles from mouth; at Gravel Pit - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205061 (Estuary)
- St. Jones River @ East Lebanon Rd. (Rt. 10) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205091 (Estuary)
- Route 13 Near Dover - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205131 (Estuary)
- ForK Branch @ State College Rd. (Rd. 69) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205151 (Stream)
- Fork Branch @ Denney's Rd. (Rd. 100) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205161 (Stream)
- Fork Br at Rd 156, Nr Reichhold - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205171 (Stream)
- Moores Lake @ S. State St. (Rd. 27) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205181 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Silver Lake @ Spillway (Dover City Park) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205191 (Stream)
- Silver Lake at State St., Dover - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Derby Pond @ Boat Ramp (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205211 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Moores Lk,200yd Downstrm Inflow Strm Confl.50%Rb - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205231 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Issac Branch @ Rt. 13 (above Moores Lake) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205241 (Stream)
- Red House Branch @ Bison Rd. (Rd. 234) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205251 (Stream)
- Tidbury Branch @ Dundee Rd. (Rd. 125) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205261 (Stream)
- Fork Branch @ Rose Dale Lane (Rd. 167) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205271 (Stream)
- Trib Maidstone Br. @ Pine Valley Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205302 (Stream)
- Cahoon Branch @ Sharon Hill Rd.(Rd. 162) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205312 (Stream)
- Isaac Branch @ Todd Mill Rd. (Rd. 203) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205321 (Stream)
- St. Jones River @ Division St. (Rt. 8) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205571 (Stream)
- Tidbury Creek at Rd. 105 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205581 (Stream)
- Tidbury Creek @ Star Hill Rd. (Rd. 361) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205591 (Stream)
- Wyoming Pond outfall at Rt. 15 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205601 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Trib Silver Lake, Dover @ DHS Driveway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205602 (Stream)
- Murderkill River @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206011 (Stream)
- Killens Pond at Road 384 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206021 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Browns Branch @ Milford-Harrington Hwy. (Rt. 14) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206041 (Stream)
- Browns Branch @ Killens Pond Rd. (Rd. 384) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206051 (Stream)
- Andrews Lake @ Andrews Lake Rd. (Rd. 380) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206071 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Spring CreeK @ Frederica Rd. (Rt. 12) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206081 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ Bay Rd. (Rt. 1/113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206091 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ Bowers Beach Wharf (mouth) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206101 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ Webb Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206131 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River near levee @ MNWA (RM 3.25) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206141 (Estuary)
- 10.9 miles From Mouth at Ash Gut - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206211 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ confluence of Kent County WWTF discharge ditch - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206231 (Estuary)
- Fan Branch @ Mastens Corner Rd. (Rd. 284) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206291 (Stream)
- Fan Branch @ 0.1 Mile Abv Confl w/ Beaverdam Br. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206311 (Stream)
- Murderkill River @ Reeves Crossing Rd. (Rd. 286) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206332 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek above confl w/Murderkill River - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206341 (Stream)
- Trib Black Swamp Creek @ Rd. 287 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206342 (Stream)
- Trib Black Swamp Creek off Rd. 284 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206343 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Br., Rd. 284 Abv Fan Tax Ditch - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206351 (Stream)
- McColley Pond @ Canterbury Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206361 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Browns Branch @ Jackson Ditch Rd. (Rd. 429) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206401 (Stream)
- Browns Branch @ Jackson Ditch Rd. (Rd. 430) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206411 (Stream)
- Trib. Browns Branch @ Rt. 13 Southbound - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206421 (Stream)
- Trib Browns Branch @ 400 meters East of Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206422 (Stream)
- Trib Browns Branch @ Delaware Av. (Rd.35) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206423 (Stream)
- Trib. Browns Branch @ Messick Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206431 (Stream)
- Coursey Pond @ Canterbury Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206451 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- McGinnis Pond @ McGinnis Pond Rd. (Rd. 378) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206461 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hudson Branch @ Barratts Chapel Rd. (Rd. 371) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206492 (Stream)
- Double Run @ Barratts Chapel Rd. (Rd. 371) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206561 (Stream)
- Spring Creek, Double Run at Irish Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206601 (Stream)
- Double Run @ Woodleytown Rd. (Rd. 106) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206602 (Stream)
- Spring Creek, Double Run at Peachtree Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206611 (Stream)
- Spring Creek, Double Run at US Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206621 (Stream)
- Hudson Branch @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206631 (Stream)
- Pratt Branch @ Canterbury Rd. (Rd. 388) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206641 (Stream)
- Trib Pratt Branch @ Chimney Hill Rd. (Rd. 385) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206642 (Stream)
- Trib of Browns Branch at US Rt. 13, east of Harrington - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206651 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek, Little Mastens Corner Rd., - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206661 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek @ Marshyhope Rd. (Rd. 282) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206671 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek @ Burnite Mill Rd. (Rt. 12) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206672 (Stream)
- Spring Branch above Coursey Pond, Chimney Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206681 (Stream)
- Spring Branch @ Scrap Tavern Rd. (Rd. 386) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206682 (Stream)
- Spring Branch behind Lake Forest ES - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206683 (Stream)
- Killen Pond at Killen Pond Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206691 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Murderkill River near power lines (RM 4.45) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206711 (Estuary)
- Ash Gut @ Carpenter Bridge Rd. (Rd.35) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206712 (Stream)
- Ward Branch @ Canterbury Rd. (Rd. 388) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206713 (Stream)
- Trib Browns Branch off 2nd Ave. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206714 (Stream)
- Hudson Branch near Hillside Acres - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206715 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh Creek @ Mahan Corner Rd. (Rd. 208) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207021 (Stream)
- Choptank River @ Sandtown Rd. (MD Rt. 287) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207031 (Stream)
- Meredith Branch @ Willow Grove Rd. (Rt. 10) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207041 (Stream)
- Meredith Branch @ 768 m S of Bayberry Ln. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207042 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Sandy Bend Rd. (Rd. 222) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207081 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Shady Bridge Rd. (Rd. 210) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207091 (Stream)
- White Marsh Br. @ Cedar Grove Church Rd. (Rd. 268) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207111 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Halltown Rd. (Rt. 8) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207121 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Tuxward Road (Rd. 220) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207131 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Lucks Drive (Rd. 223) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207141 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Fox Hole Rd. (Rd. 225) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207142 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Mahan Corner Rd. (Rd. 208) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207143 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ OaK Point School Rd. (Rd. 215) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207151 (Stream)
- Mud Mill Pond @ Mud Mill Road (Rd. 207) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207161 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tidy Island CreeK @ River Bridge Road (MD) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207171 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh CreeK @ Hollering Hill Road (Rd. 213) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207181 (Stream)
- Iron Mine Prong @ C&R Center Rd. (Rd. 249) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207182 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh Ditch @ Willow Grove Road (Rt. 10) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207191 (Stream)
- Luther Marvel Prong @ Darling Farm Rd. (Rd. 215) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207192 (Stream)
- Garey Mill Pond Br. @ Ingram Branch Rd. (Rd.291) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207195 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh Creek @ Pony Track Rd. (Rd. 212) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207196 (Stream)
- Sangston Prong @ Plummer Rd. (Rd. 269) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207198 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ 338 m N of Halltown Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207199 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Hourglass Rd. (Rd. 103) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207201 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch near Mahan Corner Rd. (Rd. 208) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207202 (Stream)
- Harrington Beaverdam Ditch @ Rd. 208 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207203 (Stream)
- Price Prong 600m E of Ingram Br. Rd. (Rd. 291) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207204 (Stream)
- Meredith Branch 1.5 km N of Burnite Mill Rd. (Rt. 12) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207205 (Stream)
- Haven Lake @ Rt. 113 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Mispillion River @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208021 (Estuary)
- Jetty at Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208051 (Estuary)
- Mispillion River @ Cedar Creek confluence - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208061 (Estuary)
- Mispillion River SE of Cains Landing (RM 4.64) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208101 (Estuary)
- Mispillion River @ Fishing Branch (RM 7.6) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208121 (Estuary)
- Abbotts Pond @ Abbotts Pond Rd. (Rd. 620) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208181 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Blairs Pond @ boat ramp off Williamsville Rd. (Rd. 443) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208191 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Silver Lake @ Maple Ave. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208211 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tub Mill Branch, Rd. 404 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208221 (Stream)
- Tub Mill Branch @ Bowman Rd. (Rd. 401) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208222 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Branch @ Deep Grass Ln. (Rd. 384) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208231 (Stream)
- Tantrough Branch, Abbots Pond Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208241 (Stream)
- Johnson Branch @ Shawnee Rd. (Rt. 36) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208261 (Stream)
- Mouth of Grecos Canal - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208271 (Estuary)
- Kings Causeway Branch at Rd. 123 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208281 (Estuary)
- Fishing Branch @ Big Stone Beach Rd. (Rd. 124) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208291 (Estuary)
- Swan Creek at downstream side of Rt. 113 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208301 (Stream)
- Middle of Tub Mill Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208311 (Estuary)
- Middle of Silver Lake - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208321 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Mullet Run at Rt. 14 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208331 (Stream)
- Middle of Haven lake - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208341 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Bowman Branch at Rd. 634 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208351 (Stream)
- Lednum Branch at Rd. 443 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208361 (Stream)
- Downstream from Griffith Lake outfall at Rd. 633 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208371 (Stream)
- Middle of Griffith Lake - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208381 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of Blairs Pond at Rd. 443 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208391 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of Abbotts Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208401 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tantrough Branch 700m N of Abbotts Pond Rd. (Rd. 442) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208404 (Stream)
- Puncheon Run @ S.Governors Av. (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-209031 (Stream)
- Puncheon Run @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-209061 (Stream)
- Clendaniel Pond at Rd 38 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Swiggetts Pond @ Cedar Creek Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301021 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Cedar Creek @ Coastal Hwy. (Rt. 1) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301031 (Estuary)
- Cubbage Pond Outlet at Road 214 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301041 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Cedar Creek @ N. Old State Rd. (Rd. 213) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301051 (Stream)
- Rt 113, Above Hudson Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301061 (Stream)
- Church Branch at Road 214 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301071 (Stream)
- Confluence: Milpillion And Cedar Ck - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301081 (Estuary)
- Cedar Creek @ Cedar Beach Rd. (Rt. 36) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301091 (Estuary)
- Slaughter Creek at Rd. 224 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301141 (Estuary)
- Cedar Creek Mill Pond, middle at Rd. 224 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301151 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of Hudson Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301161 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Hickman Rd. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302011 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Seashore Highway (Rt. 404) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302021 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Fishers Bridge Rd. (Rd. 308) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302031 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Hemping Road (Rd. 299) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302041 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Fox Hunters Road (Rd. 277) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302051 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Bloomery Rd., Md. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302061 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Ditch @ Whiteleysburg Rd. (Rd. 59) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302071 (Stream)
- Short and Hall Ditch @ Adamsville Rd. (Rd. 571) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302201 (Stream)
- Saulsbury Creek @ Burrsville Rd. (Rd. 112) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302301 (Stream)
- Saulsbury Creek @ Cattail Branch Rd. (Rd. 113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302302 (Stream)
- Cattail Branch @ High Stump Rd. (Rd. 303) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302304 (Stream)
- Trib Cattail Branch @ Parker Rd. (Rd. 301) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302305 (Stream)
- Green Branch @ Vernon Rd. (Rt. 14) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302401 (Stream)
- Green Branch @ Layton Corners Rd. (Rd. 296) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302402 (Stream)
- Green Branch @ Pear Tree La. (Rd. 295) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302403 (Stream)
- Prong No. 2 near Prospect Church Rd. (Rd. 114) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302501 (Stream)
- Prong No. 2 - 525 m N of Hammondtown Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302502 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Ditch 600m N of ParK Brown Rd. (Rd. 275) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302503 (Stream)
- Marshyhope CreeK 850m S of Andrewsville Rd. (Rd 304) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302504 (Stream)
- Marshyhope CreeK 1.3km S of Hickman Rd. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302505 (Stream)
- Brights Branch @ Handy Rd. (Rd. 567A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302601 (Stream)
- Savannah Ditch @ Savannah Drive (Rd. 246) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303011 (Stream)
- Ingram Branch @ Gravel Hill Rd. (Rd. 248) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303021 (Stream)
- Broadkill River @ Union St (Rt. 5) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303031 (Estuary)
- Broadkill River @ Rt. 1 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303041 (Estuary)
- Red Mill Pond @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303051 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Broadkill River 0.10 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303061 (Estuary)
- 2.14 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303081 (Estuary)
- 11.5 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303131 (Estuary)
- Beaverdam Creek @ Cave Neck Rd. (Rd. 88) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303171 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek @ Carpenter Rd. (Rd. 259) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303181 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek at Road 257 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303211 (Estuary)
- Trib. to Red mill Pond at Rd. 261 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303231 (Stream)
- Martin Branch @ Log Cabin Rd. (Rd. 247) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303232 (Stream)
- Ingram Branch at Road 319 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303241 (Stream)
- Savannah Ditch S of Rd 245 & 246 Int - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303261 (Stream)
- Savannah Ditch 0.5 N Of Townsend Ef - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303281 (Stream)
- Round Pole Branch @ Cave Neck Rd. (Rd. 88) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303311 (Stream)
- Waples Pond @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303331 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Pemberton Branch @ Gravel Hill Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303341 (Stream)
- Wagamons Pond Outlet at County Rd. 250 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303351 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Sowbridge Branch @ Cedar CreeK Rd. (Rd. 212) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303381 (Stream)
- Martin Branch, Upstream Of Road 261 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303406 (Stream)
- Ingrams Branch @ Isaacs Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303481 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek at Rd. 293 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303491 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek @ Lewes Georgetown Hwy (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303492 (Stream)
- Ingram Branch 1km SW of Waples Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303495 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Sharptown - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304011 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Woodland Ferry west bank - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304021 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ S. Front Street (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304031 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Old Furnace Rd. (Rd. 46) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304041 (Stream)
- Bridgeville Branch @ US Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304051 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 45 (near state line) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304071 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 51 (mouth of Broad Creek) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304091 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 57 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304101 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 65 (mouth of Lewes Creek) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304141 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 66 (mouth of DuPont Gut) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304151 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 68 (below Seaford) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304171 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Rifle Range Rd. (Rd. 545) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304191 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Redden Road (Rd. 40) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304201 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River - S of Bridgeville Br. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304202 (Stream)
- Bridgeville Branch @ Seashore Hwy. (Rt. 404) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304271 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Fawn Rd. (Rd. 600) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304291 (Stream)
- Butler Mill Branch @ Craigs Mill Rd. (Rd. 542A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304301 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Concord Pond @ German Rd. (Rd. 524) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304311 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Williams Pond @ East Poplar St. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304321 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Clear BrooK @ Cannon Rd. (Rt. 18) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304371 (Stream)
- Bucks Branch @ Conrail Rd. (Rd. 546) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304381 (Stream)
- Hearns Pond, 100 yrd above spillway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304411 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Butler Mill Branch @ Woodpecker Rd. (Rd. 80) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304421 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Gum Branch Rd. (Rd. 487) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304441 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Gum Branch Rd. (Rd. 487) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304442 (Stream)
- Lewes Creek, Chapel Branch at Rt. 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304451 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Seaford WWTF (near boat ramp) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304461 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304471 (Estuary)
- Tubbs Branch @ Concord Rd. (Rt. 20) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304481 (Stream)
- Tubbs Branch @ Concord Rd. (Rd. 485) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304482 (Stream)
- Gum Branch at Rd. 485 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304531 (Stream)
- Chapel Branch @ Boyce Rd. (Rd. 547) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304541 (Stream)
- Lewes Creek, Butler Mill Branch, Horse Pen Branch at Rt. 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304561 (Stream)
- Clear Brook at US Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304571 (Stream)
- Williams Pond at Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304581 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Former Main Channel of Deep Creek @ Old Furnace Rd. (Rd. 46) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304591 (Stream)
- Deep Creek @ Seashore Highway (Rt. 404) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304601 (Stream)
- McColleys Branch @ Rum Bridge Rd. (Rd. 484) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304604 (Stream)
- McColleys Branch @ Raccoon Ditch Rd. (Rd. 522A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304605 (Stream)
- Bridgeville Branch at Rd. 564 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304611 (Stream)
- Herring Run at Rt. 20 Bridge before entering Williams Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304621 (Stream)
- William H. Newton Ditch at Rd. 46 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304631 (Stream)
- Baker Mill Branch at Rd. 483 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304641 (Stream)
- Tyndall Branch at Rd. 484 Bridge at spillway of Fleetwood Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304651 (Stream)
- Tyndall Branch @ County Seat Hwy (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304652 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Sunnyside Road (Rd. 565) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304661 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Oak Rd. (Rd. 594) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304662 (Stream)
- Raccoon Prong @ Pepperbox Rd. (Rd. 66) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304671 (Stream)
- Nantikoke River @ Beebe Rd. (Rd. 439) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304680 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Beach Hwy. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304681 (Stream)
- Toms Dam Branch @ Tuckers Rd. (Rd. 597) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304682 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River 1.5km N of Beach Hgwy. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304714 (Stream)
- Baker Mill Branch 550m NW of Baker Mill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304715 (Stream)
- Clear BrooK 1.3km NW of Cannon Rd. (Rt. 18) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304717 (Stream)
- Toms Dam Branch 1.4 km N of Tuckers Rd. (Rd. 597) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304731 (Stream)
- Deep Creek @ Old Furnace Rd. (Rd. 46) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304741 (Stream)
- Lewes & Rehoboth Canal @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305011 (Stream)
- Lewes And Rehoboth Canal at De Rt. 1a Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305021 (Stream)
- Lewes & Rehoboth Canal @ Rt. 9 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305041 (Stream)
- Lewes And Rehoboth Canal at Canal Mouth Nr Lewes - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305051 (Stream)
- Lewes and Rehoboth Canal at Holland Glade (Mid-Point) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305061 (Stream)
- Munchy Branch @ Munchy Branch Rd. (Rd. 270a) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305081 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Branch nr. Shady Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305091 (Stream)
- Rehoboth Bay @ Buoy 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306071 (Estuary)
- Rehoboth Bay @ Buoy 7 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306091 (Estuary)
- Massey Ditch @ Buoy 17 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306111 (Estuary)
- Indian River Bay @ Buoy 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306121 (Estuary)
- Indian River Bay @ Buoy 26 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306131 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Buoy 38 (Bullseye Point) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306161 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Buoy 49 (Swan Creek) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306181 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Buoy 55 (Old Landing) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306191 (Estuary)
- Indian River Inlet @ Coast Guard Station - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306321 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Island Creek - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306331 (Estuary)
- Island Creek upper third - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306341 (Estuary)
- Records Pond @ Willow Street - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Broad Creek @ Bethel Rd. (Rd. 493) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307031 (Estuary)
- Broad Creek, Portsville Pond at Rd 496 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307061 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hitch Pond Branch @ Pepper Pond Rd. (Rd. 449) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307081 (Stream)
- Broad Creek , Trussum Pond at Rd 72 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307091 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Broad Creek, Tussock Pond at Road 494 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307101 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Beaver Dam Branch at Rd. 447 Below Wileys Pd. 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307111 (Stream)
- Elliott Pond Branch @ Elliotts Dam Rd. (Rd. 467) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307121 (Stream)
- Chipman Pd 2/3 dist from splwy to inflo 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307131 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Little Creek @ Saint George Rd. (Rd. 501) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307151 (Stream)
- Little CreeK @ Sharptown Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307161 (Stream)
- Horsey Pond @ Sharptown Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307171 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Trap Pond 200 Yards Above Spillway 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307181 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Trap Pond, Racoon Pond Spillway Rd72 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Saunders Branch @ Little Hill Rd. (Rd. 62) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307211 (Stream)
- Trap Pond at Thompson Br Above Culvert at Rd. 72 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307221 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch @ County Seat Hwy. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307251 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch W of Rd. 467 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307252 (Stream)
- Dukes Ditch @ Beaver Dam Branch Rd. (Rd. 446) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307261 (Stream)
- Pepper Branch at Route 24 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307281 (Stream)
- Tussocky Branch @ Sharptown Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307291 (Stream)
- Turkey Branch at Rt. 495 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307331 (Stream)
- Chipman Pond Branch @ Chipman Pond Rd. (Rd. 465) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307341 (Stream)
- Grays Branch @ Trap Pond Rd. (Rd. 62) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307351 (Stream)
- Pepper Branch - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307361 (Stream)
- Raccoon Prong @ Pepperbox Rd. (Rd. 66) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307371 (Stream)
- James Branch at Rd. 451 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307381 (Stream)
- James Branch @ Whitesville Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307382 (Stream)
- James Branch @ Laurel Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307391 (Stream)
- Records Pond Spillway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307401 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Wards Branch at Rd. 64 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307411 (Stream)
- Rossakatum Branch @ East 4th St. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307412 (Stream)
- Holly Branch @ Delmar Rd. (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307413 (Stream)
- Tussocky Branch 140m N of Susan Beach Rd. (Rd. 509) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307414 (Stream)
- Meadow Branch near Chris Ave. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307415 (Stream)
- Pepper Branch 375 m S of Laurel Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307417 (Stream)
- Indian R, Shoals Branch, Ingram Pond at Road 410 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Love Creek at DE Rt. 24 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308021 (Estuary)
- Burton Pond @ John Williams Hwy. (Rt. 24 ) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308031 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Guinea Creek @ Banks Rd. (Rd. 298) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308051 (Estuary)
- Swan Creek at Delaware Route 24 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308061 (Estuary)
- Millsboro Pond @ John Williams Hwy. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308071 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Pepper Creek @ Main St. (Rt. 26) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308091 (Stream)
- Pepper Creek @ DuPont Blvd (Rt. 113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308092 (Stream)
- Vines Creek at Delaware Route 26 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308101 (Estuary)
- Stockley Branch, Cow Bridge Branch at Rd. 432 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308141 (Stream)
- Vines Creek @ Rd. 382 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308151 (Stream)
- Ingrams Pond Near Tree Stumps Abv Surface 50% Rb - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308171 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Ingrams Pond,Shoals Branch Abv Culvert at Rd 412 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308181 (Stream)
- Shoals Branch @ Cross Key Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308182 (Stream)
- Phillips Ditch @ Phillips Hill Rd. (Rd. 472) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308191 (Stream)
- Betts Pond Outflow at Rt 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Peterkins Branch @ Peterkins Rd. (Rd. 317) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308262 (Stream)
- Stockley Branch @ Colony Rd. (Rd. 318) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308271 (Stream)
- Cow Bridge Branch @ Zoar Rd. (Rd. 48) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308281 (Stream)
- Love CreeK @ Robinsville Rd. (Rd. 277) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308291 (Stream)
- Swan Creek @ Maryland Camp Rd. (Rd. 304) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308301 (Stream)
- Swan Creek @ Mount Joy Rd. (Rd. 297) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308341 (Stream)
- Vines Creek @ Omar Rd. (Rd. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308351 (Stream)
- Blackwater Creek @ Omar Rd. (Rd. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308361 (Stream)
- Bundicks Branch @ Beaver Dam Rd. (Rt. 23) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308371 (Stream)
- Vines Creek at Rd. 376 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308381 (Stream)
- Long Drain Ditch @ Rt. 433 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308391 (Stream)
- Middle of Betts Pond at Rt. 113 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308401 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Goslee Creek at Rd. 285 A Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308411 (Stream)
- Bundicks Branch @ Hopkins Rd. (Rd. 286) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308421 (Stream)
- Guinea Creek at Rt. 24 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308431 (Stream)
- Beaver Dam Ditch at Rd. 84 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308441 (Stream)
- Beaver Dam Ditch, Rt. 17 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308451 (Stream)
- Deep Hole Branch @ Pyle Center Rd. (Rt. 20) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308461 (Stream)
- Chapel Branch @ Beaver Dam Rd. (Rt. 23) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308471 (Stream)
- McGee Ditch 275m NW of Woods Br. Rd. Rd. 321) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308511 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch @ Stockley Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308512 (Stream)
- Sockorockets Ditch 2km S of Springfield Rd. (Rd. 47) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308516 (Stream)
- Long Drain Ditch 1km SE of Country Living Rd. (Rd. 433) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308519 (Stream)
- Stockely Branch 900m E of Colony Rd. (Rd. 318) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308524 (Stream)
- Shoals Branch 375m W of Cross Keys Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308526 (Stream)
- Shoals Branch 725m E of Lakeveiw Rd. (Rd. 412) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308527 (Stream)
- Indian River, Iron Branch at Road 331 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309011 (Estuary)
- Iron Branch @ Rt. 113 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309021 (Stream)
- Iron Branch @ Handy Rd. (Rd. 337) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309031 (Stream)
- Whartons Branch @ Dagsboro Rd. (Rt. 20) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309041 (Stream)
- Iron Branch at Rd 82 Nr Millsboro - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309051 (Estuary)
- Wharton Branch @ Gum Tree Rd. (Rd. 405) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309071 (Stream)
- Wiley Branch Ditch @ Hudson Rd. (Rd. 407) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309102 (Stream)
- Little Assawoman Bay @ Rt. 54 (The Ditch) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310011 (Estuary)
- Dirickson Creek @ Old Mill Bridge Rd. (Rd. 381) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310031 (Estuary)
- Little Assawoman Bay Mid-Bay (Ocean Park Lane) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310071 (Estuary)
- Miller CreeK @ Double Bridges Rd. (Rd. 363) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310101 (Estuary)
- Beaver Dam Ditch @ Beaver Dam Rd. (Rd. 368) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310121 (Stream)
- Buntings Branch at Railroad Bridge Nr Selbyville - 21DELAWQ_WQX-311011 (Stream)
- Polly Branch at Road 386 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-311031 (Stream)
- Buntings Branch @ Fenwick Rd. (Rt. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-311041 (Stream)
- White Creek @ mouth of Assawoman Canal - 21DELAWQ_WQX-312011 (Estuary)
- Assawoman Canal at Road 357 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-312021 (Stream)
- Assawoman Canal @ Muddy NecK Rd. (Rd. 361) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-312041 (Stream)
- Pocomoke River @ Bethel Rd. (Rd. 419) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313011 (Stream)
- Gum Branch at Rd. 413 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313021 (Stream)
- Cyprus Branch at Rd. 60 Bridge (Rt. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313031 (Stream)
- Bald Cypress Branch @ Lynch Rd. (Rd. 413) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313032 (Stream)
- Rd. 417 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313041 (Stream)
- Pocomoke River @ Millsboro Hgwy. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313051 (Stream)
- Pcocomoke River @ Rd. 346 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313061 (Stream)
- Bald Cypress Branch 300m S of Daisey Rd. (Rd. 417) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313081 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @ Coverdale Rd. (Rd. 525) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316011 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @Seashore Highway (Rt. 18) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316021 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @ Deer Forest Rd. (Rd. 565) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316031 (Stream)
- Maple Branch @ Mount Pleasant Rd. (Rd. 593) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316041 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @ DuPont Boulevard (Rt. 113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316061 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch 670m below Collins Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316091 (Stream)
- Sheepen Ditch @ Bark Pond Rd. (Rd. 328) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319011 (Stream)
- Sheepen Ditch @ Stockley Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319061 (Stream)
- Millsboro Pond, Mirey Branch at Rd 318 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319101 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch 145m E of Bethesda Rd. ( Rd. 326) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319141 (Stream)
- Sheep Pen Ditch 950m W of Stockely Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319151 (Stream)
- DE Bay @ Roosevelt Inlet, mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401011 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off PrimehooK Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401021 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off Fowlers Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401031 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ C Buoy off Big Stone Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401061 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off Murderkill Jetty - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401081 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off Little River - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401101 (Estuary)
- Atlantic Ocean @ Rehoboth Beach off Rehoboth Avenue - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402011 (Ocean)
- Indian River Inlet - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402021 (Ocean)
- Atlantic Ocean @ Bethany Beach off Blue Surf Motel - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402031 (Ocean)
- Atlantic Ocean 1.5 mi. offshore and 1.0 mi north of IR Inlet - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402041 (Ocean)
- Atlantic Ocean 1.5 mi. offshore and 1.0 mi. south of IR Inlet - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402051 (Ocean)
- Silver Lake (Dover) Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE047813 (Ocean)
- Lums Pond Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE121844 (Ocean)
- Lake Como Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE266628 (Ocean)
- Tower Road, Bayside - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE367093 (Ocean)
- Holts Landing Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE467890 (Ocean)
- Bowers Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE781536 (Ocean)
- Slaughter Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE785659 (Ocean)
- Broadkill Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE955133 (Ocean)
- Breakwater 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_BreakWater1 (Ocean)
- Breakwater 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_BreakWater2 (Ocean)
- Breakwater 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_BreakWater3 (Ocean)
- Woodland Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_DelawareBay1 (Ocean)
- St. Augustine Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_DelawareBay2 (Ocean)
- Indian River 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver1 (Ocean)
- Indian River 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver2 (Ocean)
- Indian River 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver3 (Ocean)
- Holt's Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver4 (Ocean)
- Little Assawoman 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_LittleAssa1 (Ocean)
- Little Assawoman 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_LittleAssa2 (Ocean)
- Little Assawoman 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_LittleAssa3 (Ocean)
- Masseys Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_MasseysRamp (Ocean)
- North Indian River Inlet Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_NIRIRamp (Ocean)
- Quillen's Point Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_QuillensRamp (Ocean)
- Rehoboth Bay 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay1 (Ocean)
- Rehoboth Bay 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay2 (Ocean)
- Rehoboth Bay 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay3 (Ocean)
- Tower Road, Bayside - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay4 (Ocean)
- Rosedale Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_Rosedale (Ocean)
- Rusty Rudder Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RustyRudder (Ocean)
- Savage Ditch Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_SavageDitch (Ocean)
- Ship John 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_ShipJohn1 (Ocean)
- Ship John 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_ShipJohn2 (Ocean)
- Ship John 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_ShipJohn3 (Ocean)
- Summertime Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_Summertime (Ocean)
- Red Clay near Snuff Mill - 21DELAWQ_WQX-SnuffMill (Stream)