New WQX 3.0 profiles are available at These profiles will contain recent USGS data added since March 11, 2024, which marks the beginning of limited accessibility for USGS data. Read more about the 3.0 profiles and associated changes here.

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WQP Home >  Providers >  STORET >  21DELAWQ_WQX

Water Quality Portal Data Sites for 21DELAWQ_WQX

This organization has 655 sites. Click on a grouped icon to zoom and expand

- Naaman Creek @ State Line near Hickman Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101021 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek S. Branch @ Darley Rd. (Rd. 207) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101031 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek @ RR Crossing in Steel Plant - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101041 (Stream)
- Naaman CreeK S. Branch @ GlenrocK Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101051 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek South Branch @ Marsh Rd. (Rt. 3) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101061 (Stream)
- South Branch at Decatur Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101071 (Stream)
- Trib. S. Br. Naaman Creek @ Foulk Rd. (Rt. 261) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101091 (Stream)
- Naaman Creek South Branch @ Rt. 495 W - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101101 (Stream)
- Naaman CreeK South Branch @ Harvey Mill Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-101102 (Stream)
- Shellpot CreeK @ Lea Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102011 (Stream)
- Shellpot Creek @ Hay Rd. (Rd. 501) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102041 (Estuary)
- Shellpot Creek @ Market St. (Rt. 13 Bus.) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102051 (Stream)
- Matson Run at Miller Road Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102061 (Stream)
- Turkey Run at Weldin Road (Rd. 215) Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102071 (Stream)
- Shellpot Creek @ Carr Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102081 (Stream)
- Foulk Road (Rt. 261) Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102091 (Stream)
- Stoney Creek @ Governor Printz Blvd. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102101 (Stream)
- Stoney Creek @ Driveway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102102 (Stream)
- Trib Stoney Creek @ Holly Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102103 (Stream)
- Matson Run @ Lea Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102104 (Stream)
- Shellpot Creek @ 150 m S of Wilson Road - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102105 (Stream)
- Trib Shellpot @ Shipley Rd. (Rd. 214) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102106 (Stream)
- Turkey Run N of Rt. 95 @ RR crossing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-102107 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ W. Newport Pike (Rt. 4) (USGS gage 01480015) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103011 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ Lancaster Pike (Rt. 48) (USGS gage 01480000) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103031 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ Barley Mill Rd. (Rd. 258A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103041 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK @ Benge Rd. (Rd. 253) Yorklyn - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103051 (Stream)
- Burroughs Run @ Creek Rd. (Rt. 82) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103061 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK @ Snuff Mill Rd. (Rd. 247) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103071 (Stream)
- Burroughs Run @ Old Kennett Rd (Rd. 243) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103081 (Stream)
- Hyde Run @ McKennans Church Rd. (Rd. 276) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103091 (Stream)
- Red Clay Creek @ S of Rt. 82, S of Ashland - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103101 (Stream)
- Hyde Run @ Brandywine Spring Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103102 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK S of Burrows Run Confl. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103103 (Stream)
- Calf Run off Weer Circle - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103104 (Stream)
- Red Clay CreeK below falls @ Hoopes Reservoir - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103105 (Stream)
- Trib Red Clay CreeK 50m N of Does Lane - 21DELAWQ_WQX-103106 (Stream)
- Brandywine Creek @ Foot Bridge in Brandywine Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104011 (Stream)
- Brandywine Creek @ New Bridge Rd. (Rd. 279) (USGS gage 01481500) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104021 (Stream)
- Brandywine Creek @ Smith Bridge Rd. (Rd. 221) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104051 (Stream)
- Husband's Run @ Rockland Rd. (Rd. 232) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104101 (Stream)
- Trib Brandywine @ Montchanin Rd. (Rt. 100) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104102 (Stream)
- Trib Wilson Run @ Montchanin Rd. (Rt. 100) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104103 (Stream)
- Wilson Run @ BCSP Driveway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104104 (Stream)
- Wilson Run @ Winterthur - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104105 (Stream)
- Wilson Run @ E. Barn Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104106 (Stream)
- Rocky Run 200m E of Rt. 202 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-104107 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ Stanton Christiana Rd. (Old Rt. 7) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105011 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ Chambers Rock Rd. (Rd. 329) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105031 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Evanson Rd. (Rd. 285) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105051 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Delaware ParK Blvd. (Race Track) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105071 (Stream)
- Pike Creek @ Upper Pike Creek Rd. (Rd. 322) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105101 (Stream)
- Middle Run @ Old Possum Park Rd. (Rd. 303) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105131 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ Delaware Park Blvd. (USGS gage 014790000) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105151 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ McKees Lane - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105171 (Stream)
- Pike CreeK @ Paper Mill Rd. (Rt. 72) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105181 (Stream)
- Hershey Run @ 500 m N of Newport Pike (Rt. 4) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105191 (Stream)
- Hershey Run @ Newport Pike (Rt. 4) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105201 (Stream)
- Middle Run @ Smith Mill Rd. (Rd. 326) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105202 (Stream)
- Mill Creek 180 m N of Park Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105203 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ 400 m SE of Old Capital Trail - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105204 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ Mill Creek Rd. (Rd. 282) near Woodbridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105205 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ Kirkwood Hwy (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105206 (Stream)
- Pike Creek @ 175 m N of Old Coach Rd. (Rd. 316) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105207 (Stream)
- Pike Creek @ North Star Rd. (Rd. 295) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105208 (Stream)
- Trib Mill Creek @ Middleton Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105209 (Stream)
- Trib Mill Creek @ Mill Creek Rd. (Rd. 282) near Stoneridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105210 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay @ 400 m NE of Rt. 273 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105211 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay @ Thompson Station Rd. (Rd. 307) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105212 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay @ Thompson Station Rd. (Rd. 53) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105213 (Stream)
- White Clay Creek @ 400 m N of Chambers Rock Rd. (Rd. 329) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105214 (Stream)
- Trib Mill CreeK @ Kirkwood Hgwy. (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105215 (Stream)
- Middle Run @ Middle Run Natural Area - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105216 (Stream)
- Pike CreeK 175m NW of Granville Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105217 (Stream)
- Trib White Clay Crk. 300m E of Marrows Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105218 (Stream)
- Pike CreeK @ W. Green Valley Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105219 (Stream)
- White Clay CreeK @ Deerfield Golf Club - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105220 (Stream)
- Trib Mill CreeK @ RR crossing, Hockesin - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105221 (Stream)
- Hershey Run 380m N of Newport Pike (Rt. 4) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105222 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Delcastle Recreation Area - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105223 (Stream)
- Middle Run 230m N of Old Possum ParK Rd. (Rd. 303) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-105224 (Stream)
- Christina River @ Rt. 13/Rt. 9 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106011 (Estuary)
- Christina River beneath Rt. 141 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106021 (Estuary)
- Smalleys Dam Spillway @ Smalleys Dam Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106031 (Stream)
- Christina River @ Sunset Lake Rd. (Rt. 72) (USGS gage 01478000) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106141 (Stream)
- Christina CreeK @ W.Chestnut Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106151 (Stream)
- West Branch @ Elkton Rd. (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106161 (Stream)
- Christina CreeK @ Elkton Rd. (Rt.2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106181 (Stream)
- Christina River @ Nottingham Rd. (Rt. 273) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106191 (Stream)
- Little Mill Creek @ DuPont Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106281 (Stream)
- Christina River near Conrail Bridge (USGS gage 01481602) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106291 (Estuary)
- Leatherinans Run at Old Baltimore Pike Road Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106321 (Stream)
- Old Walther Road (Rd 346) Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106331 (Stream)
- Belltown Run @ Sunset Lake Rd. (Rt. 72) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106341 (Stream)
- Beck's Pond outflow at Salem Church Rd. Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106351 (Stream)
- Inflow to the Sunset Pond at Corporate Blvd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106361 (Stream)
- The middle of Foot Bridge on the Sunset Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106371 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Outflow of Sunset Pond at Rt. 72 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106381 (Stream)
- Chestnut Run @ Driveway Of Corp. Center - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106391 (Stream)
- Iron Hill Run @ Smith Way (Rd. 419) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106401 (Stream)
- Little Mill Creek @ 340 meters NE of Rt. 34 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106402 (Stream)
- Little Mill Creek @ Kirkwood Hwy (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106404 (Stream)
- Trib Christina Creek @ Timberline Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106405 (Stream)
- Trib Christina Creek @ Valley Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106406 (Stream)
- West Branch @ 150 m E of Sandy Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106407 (Stream)
- Chestnut Run @ Kirkwood Hwy (Rt. 2) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106408 (Stream)
- Little Mill CreeK @ Elsmere Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106409 (Stream)
- Little Mill CreeK @ Woodland Run Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106410 (Stream)
- Leathermans Run 200m N of Old Baltimore Pike (Rd. 336) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106411 (Stream)
- Iron Hill Run 400m S of Bartley Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-106412 (Stream)
- Red Lion Creek @ Bear Corbitt Rd. (Rt. 7) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107011 (Stream)
- Red Lion Creek @ Rt. 9 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107031 (Estuary)
- De Rt 71 Between De Rt 7 And US Rt 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107041 (Stream)
- Unnamed tributary at Rd. 405 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107061 (Stream)
- Doll Run at Rd. 405 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107071 (Stream)
- Trib Red Lion Creek @ Old Porter Rd. (Rd. 383) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107081 (Stream)
- Holts Run @ 100 meters N of Samson Ct. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-107091 (Stream)
- C & D Canal @ DuPont Pkwy. (Rt. 13) N. side - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108021 (Estuary)
- C & D Canal @ Summit Bridge Rd. (Rt. 896) N. side - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108031 (Estuary)
- Lums Pond SE Trib. @ Red Lion Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108051 (Stream)
- West Trib Lums Pond @ Howell School Rd. (Rd 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108081 (Stream)
- East Trib Lums Pond @ Buck Jersey Rd. (Rd. 403) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108101 (Stream)
- Lums Pond @ Boat Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108111 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Crystal Run @ Lorewood Grove Rd. (Rd. 412) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108121 (Stream)
- Long Branch @ 300 meters W of Rd. 391 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108131 (Stream)
- Scott Run @ Jamison Corner Rd. (Rd. 413) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108141 (Stream)
- Trib Back Creek @ near Meadow Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108151 (Stream)
- BacK CreeK 1.4 km W of ChoptanK Rd. (Rd. 435) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-108161 (Stream)
- S. Br. Appoquinimink @ Summit Bridge Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109021 (Stream)
- Silver Lake @ Silver Lake Rd. (Rd.442) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109031 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Appoquinimink River @ DuPont Pkwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109041 (Estuary)
- AppoquiniminK River @ Main St. (Rt. 299) east side - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109051 (Estuary)
- Drawyer Creek off Rt. 13 @ parking area - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109071 (Estuary)
- Deep Creek @ Broad St. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109081 (Stream)
- Appoquinimink River @ Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109091 (Estuary)
- Appoquinimink River @ Silver Run Rd. (Rt. 9) NE - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109121 (Estuary)
- Noxontown Pond @ Noxontown Rd. (Rd. 38) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109131 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- AppoquiniminK River @ E. Branch Drawyer Creek - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109141 (Estuary)
- AppoquiniminK River @ W. Branch Drawyer Creek - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109151 (Estuary)
- Appoquinimink River @ MOT Gut (west bank) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109171 (Estuary)
- Shallcross Lake @ Shallcross Lake Rd. (Rd. 428) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109191 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Dove Nest Branch @ Brick Mill Rd. (Rd. 430) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109201 (Stream)
- Drawyer Creek above Shallcross Lake at Ceder Lane Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109211 (Stream)
- Spring Mill Branch @ W of Cedar Ln. (Rd. 427) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109212 (Stream)
- Downstream of Wiggins Mill Pond at Rt. 71 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109221 (Stream)
- Upstream of Wiggins Mill Pond at Grears Corner Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109231 (Stream)
- Deep Creek at DE Rt. 15 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109241 (Stream)
- Deep Creek Branch @ Summit Bridge Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-109251 (Stream)
- Blackbird Creek @ Blackbird Station Rd. (Rd. 463) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Blackbird CreeK @ DuPont Pky. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110021 (Stream)
- Blackbird Creek @ Blackbird Landing Rd. (Rd. 455) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110031 (Estuary)
- Blackbird Creek @ Taylors Bridge Rd. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110041 (Estuary)
- 2.21 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110061 (Estuary)
- Beaver Branch upstream of Rd. 456 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110091 (Estuary)
- Blackbird Creek @ Oliver Guessford Rd. (Rd. 472) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110101 (Stream)
- Barlow Branch @ Ratledge Rd. (Rd. 460) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110111 (Stream)
- Sandom Branch @ DuPont Pky. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110121 (Stream)
- Sandom Branch @ Blackbird-Greenspring Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110131 (Stream)
- Trib Blackbird Creek @ Dexter Corner Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110141 (Stream)
- Herring Run @ West of Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110161 (Stream)
- Herring Run @ East of Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110171 (Stream)
- Trib Barlow Branch @ Ratledge Rd. (Rd. 460) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-110181 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ Wrangle Hill Rd. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111011 (Estuary)
- at Road 378 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111021 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ S. DuPont Hwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111031 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ McCoy Rd. (Rd. 407) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111041 (Stream)
- Dragon Run @ Red Lion Rd. (Rt. 71) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111081 (Stream)
- Dragon Creek @ Kline Street - 21DELAWQ_WQX-111091 (Stream)
- Cypress Branch @ Clayton Delaney Rd. (Rd. 40) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112011 (Stream)
- Sewell Branch @ Sewell Branch Rd. (Rd. 95) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112021 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run @ Stilltown Blanco Rd. (Rd. 93) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112031 (Stream)
- Cypress Branch @ Morris Road (Rd. 477) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112581 (Stream)
- Sewell Branch @ Blackiston Church Road (Rd. 131) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112591 (Stream)
- Jordan Branch @ Underwoods Corner Road (Rd. 94) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112601 (Stream)
- Jordan Branch @ Chance Rd. (Rd. 140) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112602 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run @ Lion Hope Road (Rd. 143) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112611 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run @ Fords Corner Road (Rd. 98) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112621 (Stream)
- Muddy Bottom Ditch @ Downs Chapel Road (Rd. 97) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112631 (Stream)
- BlacK Stallion Ditch @ West of Rd. 481 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112651 (Stream)
- Sassafras River @ Caldwell Corner Rd. (Rd. 25) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112661 (Stream)
- Gravelly Run 950m S of Fords Corner Rd. (Rd. 98) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-112662 (Stream)
- Army Creek @ River Rd. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114011 (Estuary)
- Army CreeK @ S. DuPont Hgwy. (Rt.13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114021 (Stream)
- Trib Army Crk. @ Rt. 13 near Airport Ind. Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114041 (Stream)
- Trib Army CreeK @ Rt. 13 near Rt. 40 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-114051 (Stream)
- Mill Creek (Lake Como outfall) @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201011 (Stream)
- Mill Creek @ Carter Rd. (Rd. 137) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201021 (Stream)
- Mill CreeK @ Woodland Beach Rd. (Rt. 6) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201031 (Estuary)
- Smyrna River @ Flemings Landing (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201041 (Estuary)
- DucK Creek @ Smyrna Landing Rd. (Rd. 485) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201051 (Estuary)
- DucK CreeK @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201061 (Estuary)
- 2.07 Miles From Mouth @ Shorts Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201101 (Estuary)
- Lake Como boat ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201141 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Mill Creek @ Wheatleys Pond Rd. (Rt. 300) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201151 (Stream)
- Providence Creek @ Duck Creek Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201161 (Stream)
- Sawmill Branch at Rd. 30 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201171 (Estuary)
- Sawmill Branch @ Deer Run Rd. (Rd. 466) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201172 (Stream)
- Trib Sawmill Branch @ DuPont Hwy (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201173 (Stream)
- Downstream of Duck Creek Pond at Rd. 486 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201181 (Stream)
- Middle of Duck Creek Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201191 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Green Spring Br. @ Vandyke Greenspring Rd. (Rd. 47) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201201 (Stream)
- Paw Paw Branch @ Alley Mill Rd. (Rd. 483) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201211 (Stream)
- Paw Paw Branch @ Clayton Delaney Rd. (Rd. 40) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201212 (Stream)
- Trib Paw Paw Branch @ W of Rd. 483 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201213 (Stream)
- Providence Creek at Rd. 483 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-201221 (Stream)
- Masseys Millpond @ Brenford Rd. (Rd. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Garrisons Lake @ DuPont Hwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202021 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Leipsic River @ Denny St. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202031 (Estuary)
- Pinks Branch @ Seven Hickories Rd. (Rt. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202041 (Stream)
- Garrisons Lake,100 Yds Abv Spillway, 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202141 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Garrisons Lake, Willis Branch at Rd 92 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202151 (Stream)
- Whitehall Landing, Boat Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202161 (Estuary)
- Muddy Branch at Rd. 86 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202171 (Estuary)
- Dyke Branch at Rt. 42 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202181 (Estuary)
- Leipsic River @ Mt. Friendship Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202191 (Stream)
- Middle of Masseys Millpond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Duck Creek at Rt. 6 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202211 (Estuary)
- Alston Branch @ DuPont Hwy. (Rt. 13) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202212 (Stream)
- Trib Garrisons Lake @ Brenford Rd. (Rd. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202213 (Stream)
- Leipsic River 270m E of Brenford Rd. (Rd. 42) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-202214 (Stream)
- Pipe Elm Branch @ Postles Corner Rd. (Rd. 348) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204011 (Stream)
- Pipe Elm Branch at S. Little Creek Rd - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204021 (Stream)
- Little River @ Bayside Dr. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204031 (Estuary)
- Little River @ N. Little Creek Rd. (Rt. 8) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204041 (Stream)
- Little Creek Wildlife Area Levee - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204071 (Estuary)
- Little River @ White Oak Av. (Rd. 66) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-204091 (Stream)
- St. Jones River @ mouth, Bowers Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205011 (Estuary)
- 2.2 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205031 (Estuary)
- St. Jones River @ Barkers Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205041 (Estuary)
- 4.58 miles from mouth; at Gravel Pit - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205061 (Estuary)
- St. Jones River @ East Lebanon Rd. (Rt. 10) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205091 (Estuary)
- Route 13 Near Dover - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205131 (Estuary)
- ForK Branch @ State College Rd. (Rd. 69) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205151 (Stream)
- Fork Branch @ Denney's Rd. (Rd. 100) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205161 (Stream)
- Fork Br at Rd 156, Nr Reichhold - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205171 (Stream)
- Moores Lake @ S. State St. (Rd. 27) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205181 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Silver Lake @ Spillway (Dover City Park) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205191 (Stream)
- Silver Lake at State St., Dover - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Derby Pond @ Boat Ramp (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205211 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Moores Lk,200yd Downstrm Inflow Strm Confl.50%Rb - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205231 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Issac Branch @ Rt. 13 (above Moores Lake) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205241 (Stream)
- Red House Branch @ Bison Rd. (Rd. 234) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205251 (Stream)
- Tidbury Branch @ Dundee Rd. (Rd. 125) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205261 (Stream)
- Fork Branch @ Rose Dale Lane (Rd. 167) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205271 (Stream)
- Trib Maidstone Br. @ Pine Valley Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205302 (Stream)
- Cahoon Branch @ Sharon Hill Rd.(Rd. 162) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205312 (Stream)
- Isaac Branch @ Todd Mill Rd. (Rd. 203) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205321 (Stream)
- St. Jones River @ Division St. (Rt. 8) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205571 (Stream)
- Tidbury Creek at Rd. 105 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205581 (Stream)
- Tidbury Creek @ Star Hill Rd. (Rd. 361) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205591 (Stream)
- Wyoming Pond outfall at Rt. 15 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205601 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Trib Silver Lake, Dover @ DHS Driveway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-205602 (Stream)
- Murderkill River @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206011 (Stream)
- Killens Pond at Road 384 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206021 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Browns Branch @ Milford-Harrington Hwy. (Rt. 14) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206041 (Stream)
- Browns Branch @ Killens Pond Rd. (Rd. 384) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206051 (Stream)
- Andrews Lake @ Andrews Lake Rd. (Rd. 380) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206071 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Spring CreeK @ Frederica Rd. (Rt. 12) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206081 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ Bay Rd. (Rt. 1/113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206091 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ Bowers Beach Wharf (mouth) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206101 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ Webb Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206131 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River near levee @ MNWA (RM 3.25) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206141 (Estuary)
- 10.9 miles From Mouth at Ash Gut - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206211 (Estuary)
- Murderkill River @ confluence of Kent County WWTF discharge ditch - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206231 (Estuary)
- Fan Branch @ Mastens Corner Rd. (Rd. 284) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206291 (Stream)
- Fan Branch @ 0.1 Mile Abv Confl w/ Beaverdam Br. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206311 (Stream)
- Murderkill River @ Reeves Crossing Rd. (Rd. 286) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206332 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek above confl w/Murderkill River - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206341 (Stream)
- Trib Black Swamp Creek @ Rd. 287 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206342 (Stream)
- Trib Black Swamp Creek off Rd. 284 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206343 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Br., Rd. 284 Abv Fan Tax Ditch - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206351 (Stream)
- McColley Pond @ Canterbury Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206361 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Browns Branch @ Jackson Ditch Rd. (Rd. 429) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206401 (Stream)
- Browns Branch @ Jackson Ditch Rd. (Rd. 430) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206411 (Stream)
- Trib. Browns Branch @ Rt. 13 Southbound - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206421 (Stream)
- Trib Browns Branch @ 400 meters East of Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206422 (Stream)
- Trib Browns Branch @ Delaware Av. (Rd.35) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206423 (Stream)
- Trib. Browns Branch @ Messick Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206431 (Stream)
- Coursey Pond @ Canterbury Rd. (Rt. 15) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206451 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- McGinnis Pond @ McGinnis Pond Rd. (Rd. 378) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206461 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hudson Branch @ Barratts Chapel Rd. (Rd. 371) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206492 (Stream)
- Double Run @ Barratts Chapel Rd. (Rd. 371) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206561 (Stream)
- Spring Creek, Double Run at Irish Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206601 (Stream)
- Double Run @ Woodleytown Rd. (Rd. 106) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206602 (Stream)
- Spring Creek, Double Run at Peachtree Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206611 (Stream)
- Spring Creek, Double Run at US Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206621 (Stream)
- Hudson Branch @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206631 (Stream)
- Pratt Branch @ Canterbury Rd. (Rd. 388) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206641 (Stream)
- Trib Pratt Branch @ Chimney Hill Rd. (Rd. 385) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206642 (Stream)
- Trib of Browns Branch at US Rt. 13, east of Harrington - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206651 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek, Little Mastens Corner Rd., - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206661 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek @ Marshyhope Rd. (Rd. 282) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206671 (Stream)
- Black Swamp Creek @ Burnite Mill Rd. (Rt. 12) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206672 (Stream)
- Spring Branch above Coursey Pond, Chimney Hill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206681 (Stream)
- Spring Branch @ Scrap Tavern Rd. (Rd. 386) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206682 (Stream)
- Spring Branch behind Lake Forest ES - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206683 (Stream)
- Killen Pond at Killen Pond Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206691 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Murderkill River near power lines (RM 4.45) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206711 (Estuary)
- Ash Gut @ Carpenter Bridge Rd. (Rd.35) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206712 (Stream)
- Ward Branch @ Canterbury Rd. (Rd. 388) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206713 (Stream)
- Trib Browns Branch off 2nd Ave. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206714 (Stream)
- Hudson Branch near Hillside Acres - 21DELAWQ_WQX-206715 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh Creek @ Mahan Corner Rd. (Rd. 208) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207021 (Stream)
- Choptank River @ Sandtown Rd. (MD Rt. 287) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207031 (Stream)
- Meredith Branch @ Willow Grove Rd. (Rt. 10) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207041 (Stream)
- Meredith Branch @ 768 m S of Bayberry Ln. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207042 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Sandy Bend Rd. (Rd. 222) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207081 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Shady Bridge Rd. (Rd. 210) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207091 (Stream)
- White Marsh Br. @ Cedar Grove Church Rd. (Rd. 268) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207111 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Halltown Rd. (Rt. 8) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207121 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Tuxward Road (Rd. 220) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207131 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Lucks Drive (Rd. 223) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207141 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Fox Hole Rd. (Rd. 225) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207142 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ Mahan Corner Rd. (Rd. 208) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207143 (Stream)
- Culbreth Marsh Ditch @ OaK Point School Rd. (Rd. 215) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207151 (Stream)
- Mud Mill Pond @ Mud Mill Road (Rd. 207) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207161 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tidy Island CreeK @ River Bridge Road (MD) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207171 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh CreeK @ Hollering Hill Road (Rd. 213) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207181 (Stream)
- Iron Mine Prong @ C&R Center Rd. (Rd. 249) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207182 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh Ditch @ Willow Grove Road (Rt. 10) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207191 (Stream)
- Luther Marvel Prong @ Darling Farm Rd. (Rd. 215) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207192 (Stream)
- Garey Mill Pond Br. @ Ingram Branch Rd. (Rd.291) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207195 (Stream)
- Cow Marsh Creek @ Pony Track Rd. (Rd. 212) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207196 (Stream)
- Sangston Prong @ Plummer Rd. (Rd. 269) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207198 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ 338 m N of Halltown Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207199 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch @ Hourglass Rd. (Rd. 103) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207201 (Stream)
- Tappahanna Ditch near Mahan Corner Rd. (Rd. 208) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207202 (Stream)
- Harrington Beaverdam Ditch @ Rd. 208 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207203 (Stream)
- Price Prong 600m E of Ingram Br. Rd. (Rd. 291) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207204 (Stream)
- Meredith Branch 1.5 km N of Burnite Mill Rd. (Rt. 12) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-207205 (Stream)
- Haven Lake @ Rt. 113 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Mispillion River @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208021 (Estuary)
- Jetty at Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208051 (Estuary)
- Mispillion River @ Cedar Creek confluence - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208061 (Estuary)
- Mispillion River SE of Cains Landing (RM 4.64) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208101 (Estuary)
- Mispillion River @ Fishing Branch (RM 7.6) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208121 (Estuary)
- Abbotts Pond @ Abbotts Pond Rd. (Rd. 620) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208181 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Blairs Pond @ boat ramp off Williamsville Rd. (Rd. 443) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208191 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Silver Lake @ Maple Ave. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208211 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tub Mill Branch, Rd. 404 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208221 (Stream)
- Tub Mill Branch @ Bowman Rd. (Rd. 401) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208222 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Branch @ Deep Grass Ln. (Rd. 384) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208231 (Stream)
- Tantrough Branch, Abbots Pond Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208241 (Stream)
- Johnson Branch @ Shawnee Rd. (Rt. 36) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208261 (Stream)
- Mouth of Grecos Canal - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208271 (Estuary)
- Kings Causeway Branch at Rd. 123 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208281 (Estuary)
- Fishing Branch @ Big Stone Beach Rd. (Rd. 124) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208291 (Estuary)
- Swan Creek at downstream side of Rt. 113 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208301 (Stream)
- Middle of Tub Mill Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208311 (Estuary)
- Middle of Silver Lake - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208321 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Mullet Run at Rt. 14 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208331 (Stream)
- Middle of Haven lake - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208341 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Bowman Branch at Rd. 634 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208351 (Stream)
- Lednum Branch at Rd. 443 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208361 (Stream)
- Downstream from Griffith Lake outfall at Rd. 633 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208371 (Stream)
- Middle of Griffith Lake - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208381 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of Blairs Pond at Rd. 443 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208391 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of Abbotts Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208401 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Tantrough Branch 700m N of Abbotts Pond Rd. (Rd. 442) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-208404 (Stream)
- Puncheon Run @ S.Governors Av. (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-209031 (Stream)
- Puncheon Run @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-209061 (Stream)
- Clendaniel Pond at Rd 38 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Swiggetts Pond @ Cedar Creek Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301021 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Cedar Creek @ Coastal Hwy. (Rt. 1) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301031 (Estuary)
- Cubbage Pond Outlet at Road 214 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301041 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Cedar Creek @ N. Old State Rd. (Rd. 213) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301051 (Stream)
- Rt 113, Above Hudson Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301061 (Stream)
- Church Branch at Road 214 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301071 (Stream)
- Confluence: Milpillion And Cedar Ck - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301081 (Estuary)
- Cedar Creek @ Cedar Beach Rd. (Rt. 36) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301091 (Estuary)
- Slaughter Creek at Rd. 224 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301141 (Estuary)
- Cedar Creek Mill Pond, middle at Rd. 224 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301151 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Middle of Hudson Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-301161 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Hickman Rd. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302011 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Seashore Highway (Rt. 404) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302021 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Fishers Bridge Rd. (Rd. 308) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302031 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Hemping Road (Rd. 299) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302041 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Fox Hunters Road (Rd. 277) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302051 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Creek @ Bloomery Rd., Md. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302061 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Ditch @ Whiteleysburg Rd. (Rd. 59) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302071 (Stream)
- Short and Hall Ditch @ Adamsville Rd. (Rd. 571) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302201 (Stream)
- Saulsbury Creek @ Burrsville Rd. (Rd. 112) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302301 (Stream)
- Saulsbury Creek @ Cattail Branch Rd. (Rd. 113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302302 (Stream)
- Cattail Branch @ High Stump Rd. (Rd. 303) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302304 (Stream)
- Trib Cattail Branch @ Parker Rd. (Rd. 301) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302305 (Stream)
- Green Branch @ Vernon Rd. (Rt. 14) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302401 (Stream)
- Green Branch @ Layton Corners Rd. (Rd. 296) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302402 (Stream)
- Green Branch @ Pear Tree La. (Rd. 295) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302403 (Stream)
- Prong No. 2 near Prospect Church Rd. (Rd. 114) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302501 (Stream)
- Prong No. 2 - 525 m N of Hammondtown Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302502 (Stream)
- Marshyhope Ditch 600m N of ParK Brown Rd. (Rd. 275) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302503 (Stream)
- Marshyhope CreeK 850m S of Andrewsville Rd. (Rd 304) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302504 (Stream)
- Marshyhope CreeK 1.3km S of Hickman Rd. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302505 (Stream)
- Brights Branch @ Handy Rd. (Rd. 567A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-302601 (Stream)
- Savannah Ditch @ Savannah Drive (Rd. 246) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303011 (Stream)
- Ingram Branch @ Gravel Hill Rd. (Rd. 248) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303021 (Stream)
- Broadkill River @ Union St (Rt. 5) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303031 (Estuary)
- Broadkill River @ Rt. 1 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303041 (Estuary)
- Red Mill Pond @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303051 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Broadkill River 0.10 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303061 (Estuary)
- 2.14 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303081 (Estuary)
- 11.5 Miles From Mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303131 (Estuary)
- Beaverdam Creek @ Cave Neck Rd. (Rd. 88) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303171 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek @ Carpenter Rd. (Rd. 259) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303181 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek at Road 257 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303211 (Estuary)
- Trib. to Red mill Pond at Rd. 261 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303231 (Stream)
- Martin Branch @ Log Cabin Rd. (Rd. 247) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303232 (Stream)
- Ingram Branch at Road 319 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303241 (Stream)
- Savannah Ditch S of Rd 245 & 246 Int - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303261 (Stream)
- Savannah Ditch 0.5 N Of Townsend Ef - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303281 (Stream)
- Round Pole Branch @ Cave Neck Rd. (Rd. 88) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303311 (Stream)
- Waples Pond @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303331 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Pemberton Branch @ Gravel Hill Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303341 (Stream)
- Wagamons Pond Outlet at County Rd. 250 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303351 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Sowbridge Branch @ Cedar CreeK Rd. (Rd. 212) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303381 (Stream)
- Martin Branch, Upstream Of Road 261 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303406 (Stream)
- Ingrams Branch @ Isaacs Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303481 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek at Rd. 293 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303491 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Creek @ Lewes Georgetown Hwy (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303492 (Stream)
- Ingram Branch 1km SW of Waples Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-303495 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Sharptown - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304011 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Woodland Ferry west bank - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304021 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ S. Front Street (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304031 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Old Furnace Rd. (Rd. 46) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304041 (Stream)
- Bridgeville Branch @ US Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304051 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 45 (near state line) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304071 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 51 (mouth of Broad Creek) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304091 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 57 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304101 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 65 (mouth of Lewes Creek) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304141 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 66 (mouth of DuPont Gut) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304151 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Buoy 68 (below Seaford) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304171 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Rifle Range Rd. (Rd. 545) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304191 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Redden Road (Rd. 40) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304201 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River - S of Bridgeville Br. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304202 (Stream)
- Bridgeville Branch @ Seashore Hwy. (Rt. 404) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304271 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Fawn Rd. (Rd. 600) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304291 (Stream)
- Butler Mill Branch @ Craigs Mill Rd. (Rd. 542A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304301 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Concord Pond @ German Rd. (Rd. 524) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304311 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Williams Pond @ East Poplar St. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304321 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Clear BrooK @ Cannon Rd. (Rt. 18) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304371 (Stream)
- Bucks Branch @ Conrail Rd. (Rd. 546) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304381 (Stream)
- Hearns Pond, 100 yrd above spillway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304411 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Butler Mill Branch @ Woodpecker Rd. (Rd. 80) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304421 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Gum Branch Rd. (Rd. 487) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304441 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Gum Branch Rd. (Rd. 487) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304442 (Stream)
- Lewes Creek, Chapel Branch at Rt. 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304451 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Seaford WWTF (near boat ramp) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304461 (Estuary)
- Nanticoke River @ Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304471 (Estuary)
- Tubbs Branch @ Concord Rd. (Rt. 20) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304481 (Stream)
- Tubbs Branch @ Concord Rd. (Rd. 485) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304482 (Stream)
- Gum Branch at Rd. 485 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304531 (Stream)
- Chapel Branch @ Boyce Rd. (Rd. 547) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304541 (Stream)
- Lewes Creek, Butler Mill Branch, Horse Pen Branch at Rt. 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304561 (Stream)
- Clear Brook at US Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304571 (Stream)
- Williams Pond at Rt. 13 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304581 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Former Main Channel of Deep Creek @ Old Furnace Rd. (Rd. 46) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304591 (Stream)
- Deep Creek @ Seashore Highway (Rt. 404) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304601 (Stream)
- McColleys Branch @ Rum Bridge Rd. (Rd. 484) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304604 (Stream)
- McColleys Branch @ Raccoon Ditch Rd. (Rd. 522A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304605 (Stream)
- Bridgeville Branch at Rd. 564 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304611 (Stream)
- Herring Run at Rt. 20 Bridge before entering Williams Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304621 (Stream)
- William H. Newton Ditch at Rd. 46 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304631 (Stream)
- Baker Mill Branch at Rd. 483 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304641 (Stream)
- Tyndall Branch at Rd. 484 Bridge at spillway of Fleetwood Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304651 (Stream)
- Tyndall Branch @ County Seat Hwy (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304652 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Sunnyside Road (Rd. 565) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304661 (Stream)
- Gum Branch @ Oak Rd. (Rd. 594) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304662 (Stream)
- Raccoon Prong @ Pepperbox Rd. (Rd. 66) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304671 (Stream)
- Nantikoke River @ Beebe Rd. (Rd. 439) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304680 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River @ Beach Hwy. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304681 (Stream)
- Toms Dam Branch @ Tuckers Rd. (Rd. 597) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304682 (Stream)
- Nanticoke River 1.5km N of Beach Hgwy. (Rt. 16) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304714 (Stream)
- Baker Mill Branch 550m NW of Baker Mill Rd. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304715 (Stream)
- Clear BrooK 1.3km NW of Cannon Rd. (Rt. 18) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304717 (Stream)
- Toms Dam Branch 1.4 km N of Tuckers Rd. (Rd. 597) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304731 (Stream)
- Deep Creek @ Old Furnace Rd. (Rd. 46) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-304741 (Stream)
- Lewes & Rehoboth Canal @ Rt. 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305011 (Stream)
- Lewes And Rehoboth Canal at De Rt. 1a Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305021 (Stream)
- Lewes & Rehoboth Canal @ Rt. 9 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305041 (Stream)
- Lewes And Rehoboth Canal at Canal Mouth Nr Lewes - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305051 (Stream)
- Lewes and Rehoboth Canal at Holland Glade (Mid-Point) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305061 (Stream)
- Munchy Branch @ Munchy Branch Rd. (Rd. 270a) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305081 (Stream)
- Beaverdam Branch nr. Shady Dr. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-305091 (Stream)
- Rehoboth Bay @ Buoy 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306071 (Estuary)
- Rehoboth Bay @ Buoy 7 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306091 (Estuary)
- Massey Ditch @ Buoy 17 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306111 (Estuary)
- Indian River Bay @ Buoy 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306121 (Estuary)
- Indian River Bay @ Buoy 26 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306131 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Buoy 38 (Bullseye Point) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306161 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Buoy 49 (Swan Creek) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306181 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Buoy 55 (Old Landing) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306191 (Estuary)
- Indian River Inlet @ Coast Guard Station - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306321 (Estuary)
- Indian River @ Island Creek - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306331 (Estuary)
- Island Creek upper third - 21DELAWQ_WQX-306341 (Estuary)
- Records Pond @ Willow Street - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Broad Creek @ Bethel Rd. (Rd. 493) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307031 (Estuary)
- Broad Creek, Portsville Pond at Rd 496 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307061 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Hitch Pond Branch @ Pepper Pond Rd. (Rd. 449) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307081 (Stream)
- Broad Creek , Trussum Pond at Rd 72 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307091 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Broad Creek, Tussock Pond at Road 494 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307101 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Beaver Dam Branch at Rd. 447 Below Wileys Pd. 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307111 (Stream)
- Elliott Pond Branch @ Elliotts Dam Rd. (Rd. 467) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307121 (Stream)
- Chipman Pd 2/3 dist from splwy to inflo 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307131 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Little Creek @ Saint George Rd. (Rd. 501) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307151 (Stream)
- Little CreeK @ Sharptown Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307161 (Stream)
- Horsey Pond @ Sharptown Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307171 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Trap Pond 200 Yards Above Spillway 50% RB - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307181 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Trap Pond, Racoon Pond Spillway Rd72 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Saunders Branch @ Little Hill Rd. (Rd. 62) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307211 (Stream)
- Trap Pond at Thompson Br Above Culvert at Rd. 72 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307221 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch @ County Seat Hwy. (Rt. 9) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307251 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch W of Rd. 467 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307252 (Stream)
- Dukes Ditch @ Beaver Dam Branch Rd. (Rd. 446) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307261 (Stream)
- Pepper Branch at Route 24 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307281 (Stream)
- Tussocky Branch @ Sharptown Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307291 (Stream)
- Turkey Branch at Rt. 495 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307331 (Stream)
- Chipman Pond Branch @ Chipman Pond Rd. (Rd. 465) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307341 (Stream)
- Grays Branch @ Trap Pond Rd. (Rd. 62) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307351 (Stream)
- Pepper Branch - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307361 (Stream)
- Raccoon Prong @ Pepperbox Rd. (Rd. 66) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307371 (Stream)
- James Branch at Rd. 451 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307381 (Stream)
- James Branch @ Whitesville Rd. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307382 (Stream)
- James Branch @ Laurel Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307391 (Stream)
- Records Pond Spillway - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307401 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Wards Branch at Rd. 64 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307411 (Stream)
- Rossakatum Branch @ East 4th St. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307412 (Stream)
- Holly Branch @ Delmar Rd. (Rt. 13A) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307413 (Stream)
- Tussocky Branch 140m N of Susan Beach Rd. (Rd. 509) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307414 (Stream)
- Meadow Branch near Chris Ave. - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307415 (Stream)
- Pepper Branch 375 m S of Laurel Rd. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-307417 (Stream)
- Indian R, Shoals Branch, Ingram Pond at Road 410 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308011 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Love Creek at DE Rt. 24 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308021 (Estuary)
- Burton Pond @ John Williams Hwy. (Rt. 24 ) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308031 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Guinea Creek @ Banks Rd. (Rd. 298) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308051 (Estuary)
- Swan Creek at Delaware Route 24 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308061 (Estuary)
- Millsboro Pond @ John Williams Hwy. (Rt. 24) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308071 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Pepper Creek @ Main St. (Rt. 26) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308091 (Stream)
- Pepper Creek @ DuPont Blvd (Rt. 113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308092 (Stream)
- Vines Creek at Delaware Route 26 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308101 (Estuary)
- Stockley Branch, Cow Bridge Branch at Rd. 432 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308141 (Stream)
- Vines Creek @ Rd. 382 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308151 (Stream)
- Ingrams Pond Near Tree Stumps Abv Surface 50% Rb - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308171 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Ingrams Pond,Shoals Branch Abv Culvert at Rd 412 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308181 (Stream)
- Shoals Branch @ Cross Key Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308182 (Stream)
- Phillips Ditch @ Phillips Hill Rd. (Rd. 472) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308191 (Stream)
- Betts Pond Outflow at Rt 20 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308201 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Peterkins Branch @ Peterkins Rd. (Rd. 317) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308262 (Stream)
- Stockley Branch @ Colony Rd. (Rd. 318) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308271 (Stream)
- Cow Bridge Branch @ Zoar Rd. (Rd. 48) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308281 (Stream)
- Love CreeK @ Robinsville Rd. (Rd. 277) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308291 (Stream)
- Swan Creek @ Maryland Camp Rd. (Rd. 304) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308301 (Stream)
- Swan Creek @ Mount Joy Rd. (Rd. 297) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308341 (Stream)
- Vines Creek @ Omar Rd. (Rd. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308351 (Stream)
- Blackwater Creek @ Omar Rd. (Rd. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308361 (Stream)
- Bundicks Branch @ Beaver Dam Rd. (Rt. 23) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308371 (Stream)
- Vines Creek at Rd. 376 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308381 (Stream)
- Long Drain Ditch @ Rt. 433 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308391 (Stream)
- Middle of Betts Pond at Rt. 113 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308401 (Lake, Reservoir, Impoundment)
- Goslee Creek at Rd. 285 A Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308411 (Stream)
- Bundicks Branch @ Hopkins Rd. (Rd. 286) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308421 (Stream)
- Guinea Creek at Rt. 24 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308431 (Stream)
- Beaver Dam Ditch at Rd. 84 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308441 (Stream)
- Beaver Dam Ditch, Rt. 17 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308451 (Stream)
- Deep Hole Branch @ Pyle Center Rd. (Rt. 20) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308461 (Stream)
- Chapel Branch @ Beaver Dam Rd. (Rt. 23) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308471 (Stream)
- McGee Ditch 275m NW of Woods Br. Rd. Rd. 321) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308511 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch @ Stockley Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308512 (Stream)
- Sockorockets Ditch 2km S of Springfield Rd. (Rd. 47) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308516 (Stream)
- Long Drain Ditch 1km SE of Country Living Rd. (Rd. 433) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308519 (Stream)
- Stockely Branch 900m E of Colony Rd. (Rd. 318) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308524 (Stream)
- Shoals Branch 375m W of Cross Keys Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308526 (Stream)
- Shoals Branch 725m E of Lakeveiw Rd. (Rd. 412) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-308527 (Stream)
- Indian River, Iron Branch at Road 331 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309011 (Estuary)
- Iron Branch @ Rt. 113 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309021 (Stream)
- Iron Branch @ Handy Rd. (Rd. 337) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309031 (Stream)
- Whartons Branch @ Dagsboro Rd. (Rt. 20) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309041 (Stream)
- Iron Branch at Rd 82 Nr Millsboro - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309051 (Estuary)
- Wharton Branch @ Gum Tree Rd. (Rd. 405) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309071 (Stream)
- Wiley Branch Ditch @ Hudson Rd. (Rd. 407) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-309102 (Stream)
- Little Assawoman Bay @ Rt. 54 (The Ditch) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310011 (Estuary)
- Dirickson Creek @ Old Mill Bridge Rd. (Rd. 381) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310031 (Estuary)
- Little Assawoman Bay Mid-Bay (Ocean Park Lane) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310071 (Estuary)
- Miller CreeK @ Double Bridges Rd. (Rd. 363) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310101 (Estuary)
- Beaver Dam Ditch @ Beaver Dam Rd. (Rd. 368) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-310121 (Stream)
- Buntings Branch at Railroad Bridge Nr Selbyville - 21DELAWQ_WQX-311011 (Stream)
- Polly Branch at Road 386 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-311031 (Stream)
- Buntings Branch @ Fenwick Rd. (Rt. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-311041 (Stream)
- White Creek @ mouth of Assawoman Canal - 21DELAWQ_WQX-312011 (Estuary)
- Assawoman Canal at Road 357 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-312021 (Stream)
- Assawoman Canal @ Muddy NecK Rd. (Rd. 361) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-312041 (Stream)
- Pocomoke River @ Bethel Rd. (Rd. 419) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313011 (Stream)
- Gum Branch at Rd. 413 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313021 (Stream)
- Cyprus Branch at Rd. 60 Bridge (Rt. 54) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313031 (Stream)
- Bald Cypress Branch @ Lynch Rd. (Rd. 413) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313032 (Stream)
- Rd. 417 Bridge - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313041 (Stream)
- Pocomoke River @ Millsboro Hgwy. (Rt. 30) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313051 (Stream)
- Pcocomoke River @ Rd. 346 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313061 (Stream)
- Bald Cypress Branch 300m S of Daisey Rd. (Rd. 417) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-313081 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @ Coverdale Rd. (Rd. 525) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316011 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @Seashore Highway (Rt. 18) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316021 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @ Deer Forest Rd. (Rd. 565) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316031 (Stream)
- Maple Branch @ Mount Pleasant Rd. (Rd. 593) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316041 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch @ DuPont Boulevard (Rt. 113) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316061 (Stream)
- Gravelly Branch 670m below Collins Pond - 21DELAWQ_WQX-316091 (Stream)
- Sheepen Ditch @ Bark Pond Rd. (Rd. 328) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319011 (Stream)
- Sheepen Ditch @ Stockley Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319061 (Stream)
- Millsboro Pond, Mirey Branch at Rd 318 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319101 (Stream)
- Mirey Branch 145m E of Bethesda Rd. ( Rd. 326) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319141 (Stream)
- Sheep Pen Ditch 950m W of Stockely Rd. (Rd. 432) - 21DELAWQ_WQX-319151 (Stream)
- DE Bay @ Roosevelt Inlet, mouth - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401011 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off PrimehooK Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401021 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off Fowlers Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401031 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ C Buoy off Big Stone Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401061 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off Murderkill Jetty - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401081 (Estuary)
- DE Bay @ 1 mile off Little River - 21DELAWQ_WQX-401101 (Estuary)
- Atlantic Ocean @ Rehoboth Beach off Rehoboth Avenue - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402011 (Ocean)
- Indian River Inlet - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402021 (Ocean)
- Atlantic Ocean @ Bethany Beach off Blue Surf Motel - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402031 (Ocean)
- Atlantic Ocean 1.5 mi. offshore and 1.0 mi north of IR Inlet - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402041 (Ocean)
- Atlantic Ocean 1.5 mi. offshore and 1.0 mi. south of IR Inlet - 21DELAWQ_WQX-402051 (Ocean)
- Silver Lake (Dover) Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE047813 (Ocean)
- Lums Pond Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE121844 (Ocean)
- Lake Como Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE266628 (Ocean)
- Tower Road, Bayside - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE367093 (Ocean)
- Holts Landing Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE467890 (Ocean)
- Bowers Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE781536 (Ocean)
- Slaughter Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE785659 (Ocean)
- Broadkill Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DE955133 (Ocean)
- Breakwater 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_BreakWater1 (Ocean)
- Breakwater 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_BreakWater2 (Ocean)
- Breakwater 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_BreakWater3 (Ocean)
- Woodland Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_DelawareBay1 (Ocean)
- St. Augustine Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_DelawareBay2 (Ocean)
- Indian River 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver1 (Ocean)
- Indian River 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver2 (Ocean)
- Indian River 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver3 (Ocean)
- Holt's Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_IndianRiver4 (Ocean)
- Little Assawoman 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_LittleAssa1 (Ocean)
- Little Assawoman 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_LittleAssa2 (Ocean)
- Little Assawoman 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_LittleAssa3 (Ocean)
- Masseys Landing - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_MasseysRamp (Ocean)
- North Indian River Inlet Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_NIRIRamp (Ocean)
- Quillen's Point Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_QuillensRamp (Ocean)
- Rehoboth Bay 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay1 (Ocean)
- Rehoboth Bay 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay2 (Ocean)
- Rehoboth Bay 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay3 (Ocean)
- Tower Road, Bayside - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RehobothBay4 (Ocean)
- Rosedale Beach - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_Rosedale (Ocean)
- Rusty Rudder Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_RustyRudder (Ocean)
- Savage Ditch Ramp - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_SavageDitch (Ocean)
- Ship John 1 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_ShipJohn1 (Ocean)
- Ship John 2 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_ShipJohn2 (Ocean)
- Ship John 3 - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_ShipJohn3 (Ocean)
- Summertime Park - 21DELAWQ_WQX-DEBCH_Summertime (Ocean)
- Red Clay near Snuff Mill - 21DELAWQ_WQX-SnuffMill (Stream)