WQP Home > Providers > NWIS > USGS-MN > USGS-440230094101001
107N28W27DADA 01 Birr Spring, Grdn City (USGS-440230094101001) site data in the Water Quality Portal
Data Provider: NWIS (Learn more about Water Quality Portal Data Providers)
This spring site, maintained by the USGS Minnesota Water Science Center (identifier USGS-MN), has the name "107N28W27DADA 01 Birr Spring, Grdn City" and has the identifier USGS-440230094101001. This site is in the watershed defined by the 8 digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)07020010. See more details of this site the the USGS NWIS Web page for this site.
This site is located in Blue Earth County County, Minnesota at 44.04163010000000 degrees latitude and -94.1696804000000 degrees longitude using the datum NAD83. The horizontal location collection method was "Interpolated from MAP." and the accuracy is 1 seconds. The source map scale is 1:24000. This site is at an elevation of 959.51 feet and the accuracy of the elevation measurement, collected using the method "Interpolated from Digital Elevation Model" is 1.2 feet. The vertical coordinate reference system is NAVD88.
To download the metadata about this site along with water quality data, go to the Portal Page and enter "USGS-440230094101001" into the "Site ID" box under Site Parameters
What other monitoring locations are upstream or downstream from this one?
This map shows all Water Quality Portal stations that are 10 miles upstream (dashed dark blue) and 10 miles downstream (solid light blue) of this monitoring location (indicated by the large blue circle). The upstream and downstream functionality is provided by the Network Linked Data Index.
Characteristic Group | Date Range* |
Inorganics, Major, Non-metals | 1989 - 1990 |
Nutrient | 1989 - 1990 |
Organics, Other | 1989 - 1990 |
Physical | 1989 - 1990 |
What other information is available for this location?
For the definitions of the metadata elements, please go to the Water Quality Portal user guide
Location Metadata | Value |
OrganizationIdentifier | USGS-MN |
OrganizationFormalName | USGS Minnesota Water Science Center |
MonitoringLocationIdentifier | USGS-440230094101001 |
MonitoringLocationName | 107N28W27DADA 01 Birr Spring, Grdn City |
MonitoringLocationTypeName | Spring |
HUCEightDigitCode | 07020010 |
LatitudeMeasure | 44.04163010000000 |
LongitudeMeasure | -94.1696804000000 |
SourceMapScaleNumeric | 24000 |
HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue | 1 |
HorizontalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode | seconds |
HorizontalCollectionMethodName | Interpolated from MAP. |
HorizontalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName | NAD83 |
VerticalMeasure/MeasureValue | 959.51 |
VerticalMeasure/MeasureUnitCode | feet |
VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureValue | 1.2 |
VerticalAccuracyMeasure/MeasureUnitCode | feet |
VerticalCollectionMethodName | Interpolated from Digital Elevation Model |
VerticalCoordinateReferenceSystemDatumName | NAVD88 |
CountryCode | US |
StateCode | 27 |
CountyCode | 013 |
ProviderName | NWIS |