
Thank you for trying the new WQX3.0 profiles. This website is a beta version of our future user interface. Additional profiles and site functionality are coming, so please visit this page often to see new and improved data offerings. Please be aware that this beta product may experience performance issues.
We appreciate your feedback and suggestions as you try these new services. Please contact us at to provide your input.

WQP Release Notes: Coming Soon

2024-04-15 to 2024-08-27

  • WQX 3 services updates

    • Fixed USGS mappings of WQX fields DataQuality_ResultComment
    • Added USGSAgencyCode
  • WQX 3 field name updates

    • Revised the tabular-outputted field names Location_HorzAccuracyMeasure, ActivityMediaSubdivision, ActivityLocation_Description, Activity_BottomDepthMeasure, Activity_HydrologicCondition, Activity_HydrologicEvent, GroupSummaryWeight_Measure, GroupSummaryWeight_MeasureUnit, ResultDepthHeight_Measure, Result_Measure, Result_MeasureType, DataQuality_ResultComment, DetectionLimit_Measure, DetectionLimit_CommentA, DetectionLimit_MeasureB, DetectionLimit_CommentB, LabInfo_LabSampleSplitRatio, LabInfo_LabAccreditationIndicator, LabInfo_LabAccreditationAuthority, LabInfo_TaxonAccreditationIndicator, LabInfo_TaxonAccrediationAuthority, BiologicalHabitat_CollectionDurationMeasure, BiologicalHabitat_CollectionDurationMeasureUnit, BiologicalHabitat_CollectionAreaMeasure, BiologicalHabitat_CollectionAreaMeasureUnit, BiologicalHabitat_CollectionEffortMeasure, BiologicalHabitat_CollectionEffortMeasureUnit, ResultBiological_GroupSummaryWeightMeasure, ResultBiological_GroupSummaryWeightMeasureUnit

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